Name: Turbine Creator: KAZEROID Players: 4-8 players Description: Very small, symmetrical, MLG Style, Playes best with 5 Flag CTF. Youtube Forge Video + Flythrough: Halo 4: Forge Map | Turbine | KAZEROID - YouTube Youtube Gameplay Video (my POV) Halo 4: Forge Map "Turbine" | Gameplay | Kazeroid - YouTube Pictures:
I see what you are doing in your showcase videos, and I just wanna say you're crazy! I hope you saved an extra copy of your map before you do that LOL. It's a cool effect though, like you built the whole map in one shot.
why is it called turbine? that looks good and a bit small. that could probably be scaled up (although, I understand it is tedious to do)
i personaly like small maps, i love always being in combat, deaths are nothing, i dont mind them as long as i stay positive, and for the name, its just a name, like guardian, the map done look like no guardian, more like floating tree map. This map is focused on your team work and your loadout weapons. thats why there are no ordnance drops or weapons on map.
Awesome idea. This game sorely needs maps like this. I'll have to download and run some customs but just judging from the videos I wonder if replacing the middle diagonal 2x4s (on either side of the 5x1s connecting to the middle) with 1x4s or struts and flipping the ramps to get rid of the railings would open it up a little. Can't wait to play it, great job!
Finaly someone who agrees with me, on how Halo needs more small maps, i have Sent you a FR on XBL, we can talk about the changes you think are fit for the map.