Halo 4 Weapons = What older weapons?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BoBwUzHeRe1138, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    So I was wondering what most of you use for weapons that don't return in Halo 4 (for remakes and stuff) using the new set of weapons.

    So for instance..

    Assault Rifle is the Assault Rifle
    BS is the BR
    DMR is the DMR
    Sniper Rifle is the Sniper Rifle
    Rocket Launcher is the Rocket Launcher
    Magnum is the Magnum
    Shotgun is the Shotgun
    Splaser is the Splaser
    Sticky Detonator is the Grenade Launcher
    Frags are Frags

    Covenant Carbine is the Cov. Carbine/Needle Rifle
    Plas. Pistol is the Plas. Pistol
    Needler is the Needler
    Energy Sword is the Energy Sword
    Grav. Hammer is the Grav. Hammer
    Storm Rifle is the Plas. Rifle/Plasma Repeater
    Beam Rifle is the Beam Rifle
    Concussion Rifle is the Brute Shot
    Fuel Rod Cannon is the Fuel Rod Cannon/Fuel Rod Gun
    Plas. Grenades are Plas. Grenades

    Lightrifle is....?
    Boltshot is....?
    Suppressor is....?
    Incineration Cannon is....?
    Binary Rifle is....?
    Scattershot is....?
    The SAW is....?
    The Railgun is....?
    Pulse Grenades are....?

    I would say the Boltshot is the closest to the Mauler from Halo 3 (small shotgun-like weapon and it even has an orangey glow...

    Pulse Grenades are either the replacement for the Spike Grenades or Flame Grenades or Power Drain or....

    Incineration Cannon is SORTA like the Plasma Launcher from Reach but ehhh.

    I understand that most of these wouldn't necessarily replace older weapons EXACTLY but things like the SMG -- what would you say is closest to the SMG? The Spiker? Etc.
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Lightrifle is.... Needle Rifle or whenever you'd like to place it
    Boltshot is.... Mauler
    Suppressor is.... SMG/spikers
    Incineration Cannon is.... It's own thing.
    Binary Rifle is.... It's own thing.
    Scattershot is.... When you want a shotgun, and you don't want it to be that powerful.
    The SAW is.... a nuisance.
    The Railgun is....I usually use this in place of the plasma launcher. Or whenever I want.
    Pulse Grenades are.... 2x grenades in place of power drain for me.
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Incineration Cannon's closest relative would be H2's Rocket Launcher.

    Pulse grenades are semi like molotovs. In that they do damage on initial impact and continue to burn(but then its final burst kinda negates that theory).
  4. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    I tested this. Suppressor is actually stronger than the Assault Rifle if you land every shot. I would say the Assault Rifle is also a good replacement as the SMG.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    There is no incorrect. This is an open discussion about what everyone uses in place of these items. I personally use the suppressor. You don't.
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Your right about that the SMG is a sub for the assault rifle in halo 2, its close range damages is i think about .5%+ of that from an AR but its distance range is the vice verse from the AR.

    I think Spiker is a closer sub for the Suppressor spikers damage was stronger than an SMG i think.

    Incendiary cannon is like the sticky gun from reach with the potency of h2's rocket launcher.

    Pulse Nades would be like Incendiary nades if they beefed em up a tad (i loved those nades in halo 3)

    Binary Rifle (uber sniper) thats all it can be.
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    That parallel is really stretching it. There are a couple huuuge differences between the sticky detonator and the grenade launcher that make them play very differently.

    1. You can't detonate the SD until it actually hits something, unlike the grenade launcher, which you could release at any time.

    2. Sticky Detonator gets you a mini-radar of the area and allows you to switch and use your other weapon while keeping the sticky on-map.

    3. No EMP.

    4. No bounce shots.
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Massive agreement with above... Sticky Det =/= GL.

    although to be fair, the GL sort of did #2 on your list.

    #1, 3, & 4 make a huge difference though. Damn I miss that gun.
    #8 Indie Anthias, Jan 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
  9. Mr MF Makara

    Mr MF Makara Promethean

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    This is incorrect, you can detonate in mid air, there's just a delay from when you fire and when you can detonate that, more often than not, means the grenade has already landed.

    Also the suprssor is a more powerful AR with less range, I agree with silence it's similar to doubling SMG's.

    Think of pretty much any forerunner weapon as a more powerful but less accurate version of its human equivalent with the exception of the Scattershot, which I personally think is underpowered compared to the Boltshot.
    #9 Mr MF Makara, Jan 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
  10. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    How is stretching it? If you remade Powerhouse from Reach or whatever map that had the Launcher in Reach...what weapon would you choose to replace it? I personally would choose the Sticky Detonator...I didn't say it plays exactly the same (ARs don't work the same as SMGs but the AR in place of an SMG or two for a Halo 2 remake or even a Halo 3 remake seems like a worthy replacement to me...)

    So wait guys...you think the Suppressor is closer to the SMG than the Spiker? If I had to choose I'd place an AR in place of SMGs (if it's a Halo 3 map being remade that already has ARs on it as well as SMGs, I'd still do this and there'd be a slight bit more ARs than before if you get what I mean) and place Suppressors in place of Spikers. Perhaps I'm being blinded by the idea that since it' neither standard Covie nor Human it falls into a similar category as Brute Weaponry lol

    But yeah haha

    Oh...back to the SD vs GL...

    I consider it the replacement, albeit different...

    It's switched the EMP effect out for being able to stick vehicles (fun stuff sticking your vehicle then driving it waiting for someone to jack it and then detonating it immediately after)

    They switched the bounce shots for being able to also stick people...

    Saving a detonation for later though is the constant and the reason why I'd use it in place of the GL.

    Also, I thought the Scattershot was more powerful than the human shotgun? (x Idk haha
  11. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    #11 Tycho, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  12. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I would actually consider a Railgun. Although it doesn't replicate a Grenade Launcher, neither does Sticky Det.

    This just got me curious about whether camo crouch glitch works with sticky det.
  13. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    The Railgun? Really? Huh... I see that as less like the Launcher but that's just me..
  14. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    It lacks the grenade-throwing aspect but would help to prevent the camping in the bathroom that would occur if the SD, with skillgap-less radar, was down there.

    Gameplay wise, railgun. If you're nostalgic and just HAVE to have a grenade of some sort, sticky det. Nades themselves are not powerful enough.

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