The Pit (very clean)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Xsjados, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    The Pit

    This a remake of The Pit from Halo 3. I used multiple methods to measure the original and brought it in as accurately as is possible with the forge palette. you'll be happy to see how accurate the scaling is and see all lines of site are the same.

    Also be sure to check out other awesome remakes on our classic group forum on waypoint

    Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (Xsjados) > The Pit

    Initial Weapon Drops
    Sniper Rifle (2)
    Rocket Launcher
    Shotgun (2)
    Needler (2)
    Concussion Rifle (2)

    Weapons placed on map
    Battle Rifle (4)
    Assault Rifle (4)
    Storm Rifle (2)
    Pulse Rifle (2)
    Magnum (2)
    Plasma Pistol (2)
    Boltshot (4)





    Gametypes Supported:

    Thanks to some of my many testers:
    everyone from the classic community on waypoint forums and many more

    Video coming soon
  2. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Whoa! Nice remake!

    This looks to be one of the best so far. I'm curious...with the window coliseum pieces, no one seems to make the "fence" with vehicles behind it... it's not needed but I thought it was cool to see the hangar bay. Regardless, you added the top area above the bases too which is neat. Might be a cool addition to gameplay with easier access via jetpacks.
  3. III Specia1 K III

    III Specia1 K III Promethean

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    This looks really good! Looking forward to downloading it and giving it a test run with some friends.
  4. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man im really happy you like it and yea I was originally planing on adding the vehicles early in the build cause i thought i had enough budget but towards the end i needed it to add more important details. I wanted to keep it as accurate as possible with gameplay and with the look of the map and noticed a lot of people dont add the upper base. it also is a lot of fun to now that we have jet packs to go up there.

    my next project now is beaver creek from halo 2 looking forward to starting that and also im surprised that so far there is really no remakes of it yet
  5. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Clean ? Doesn't look clean at all .......

    You should take out all those dominion barricade , They just dont match with the rest of the map , change it for something else.

    For the rest you seem to keep the same layout and the same scale .... good job !
  6. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    Did u even download it and boot it up in game cause everyone whos played it says its very clean and accurate. I wouldn't judge the map based of the photos. I took them off my Iphone so they don't really show how pretty it is due to the bad quality, there more for showing how accurate it is for scale until i make a video.

    as for the Domimion barricade I like how they look it gives it a more human training ground look plus is perfect for shape and scale and everyone use the same pieces for there maps and im trying to make mine as unique as possible.
  7. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Like i said its a very accurate version but i think you used to different pieces throught de map. Oh and i played a game on it and the gameplay is very fast ! When i say very fast , well ... it's very fast , i mean you rebuild it with the Halo 3 scale but Halo 3 dont have sprint and a that so fast gameplay as Halo 4 . You should have made it a bit bigger so it can play jsut like Halo 3. And i saw some spawn kill problem for the Sniper tower spawn , We've got spawn killed so many times last night .
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    On the contrary, the Dominion barricades are much more to scale as any other piece would be. Regardless of textures, which are all horrible really in these Forge maps, I think it looks to be quite a solid remake.
  9. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not much you can do, bud.

    It doesn't look that bad, at least from the screenshots.
  10. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    yea if we could customize textures it would be a totally different game (forging that is)...

    one of the most frustrating things in forge is wanting a certain shape, but not the texture... but you all knew that ;)

    also, looks like this is a clean and accurate remake.

    scale is not an issue because maps can force player speeds and ability usage. if he really wants to mirror exact speeds he could play w/ using a trait zone to force a slower speed. combined with sprint it might equal itself out to what you remember from H3. But then again, remakes don't need to replicate the exact gameplay, just the map itself. It is a different game, remember? As such, it will always feel a little different from H3.
  11. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    slower speed? that would be torture
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    90% is tolerable on small maps. Hardly even notice the difference, and it can cure gameplay issues with small maps. 75% is pretty torturous though... ;)
  13. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    thank you im glad you enjoy the map and have an understanding on how remakes are suppose to be done.

    As for gameplay when it comes to movement what i like to do is play classic settings i made on this map with a 4 shot br and its modded so sprint is turned off. It plays amazing when u play games like that, really feels like how it used to.

    As for others who dont have a modded gametype with sprint u can always play honnor rules like the good old halo 2 days or just look up the gametypes there all around and easy to find.
  14. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    by "modded" do you mean modded on a pc or just a customized gametype where you can disable sprint? is that even an option in the game?

  15. Xsjados

    Xsjados Talented
    Senior Member

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    Customized gametype i have it for all gametypes in Halo 4. Send me a message on xbox live and next time im on ill invite u to my game and u can download them

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