Ive always been a fan of obstacle course maps on Halo (such as Dark Cloud and Miles) and fascinated by speed-running videos for various games. Why not combine the two? Would someone be willing to help me make a platforming / obstacle course map? (Im new at forging and would like it to be done properly.) Once it was done, I was thinking we could keep track of best times for people to try beating. Maybe two separate lists such as fastest to complete it using checkpoints and another list for those who dont? If anyone is interested in helping or just wants someone to help test a map their working on please message my GT. 'Default' If people think this is a dumb idea, you can tell me. I dont mind haha. Ive been a competitive Halo player for years now so I dont mind testing competitive maps. I also enjoy a good mini-game.
Halo 3 - Jump Map - Dark Cloud Complete - YouTube Dark Cloud did quite well on Halo 3. I know a lot of people still do these type of maps on Halo 4.
I beg to differ. Halo's Edge, which was inspired by Mirror's Edge worked very well back in the good 'ol days of Halo 3. I personally would love to see that return.
You should check out DarkestWarrior's fileshare. He was the original creator of Dark Cloud and has a couple out for H4 already. Ish and Drifto.