so I have a few variants of the same sig, but I am at a loss to whcih one is better, and which ones (if not all of them) need work. thoughts?
Now the first one is the best imo because the darkness brings more focus to the character, ie it brings out the shadow in the bionicle. The second one is okay, I like the yellowy colour over the black, but I just think that there is too much of it, so I'd say remove a quarter or half of that from the edges and maybe have some of the black shinning through in little spots randomly as well. Pretty much the same as with the second, but I don't like the orange as much in there. Overall I'd say that they are pretty cool, but the light colouring distracts from the figure so I'd say remove some of that.
I agree with panda, the first one is the best imo since it includes a dark area in the sig. the effects visible in the dark area also aid the flow as i said in the chat box, its an interesting sig, due to the quality of the stock being iffy, but the iffy quality helping the look and feel of it, nice work however, and this is just a little bit that annoyed me, at the top and bottum of the figure, there are harsh yellow lines that are distracting, if theres no way to remove them, then its not ruining the sig, just that it would look smoother without them
agreed with DC about the LQ and grainy stock image. I also like the first one the best, there doesn't look to be any lighting and the depth is nonexistent though. Lighting originating from his eye outward would be pretty cool looking.
Wooooww! A Piraka!:0 you just got my loyalty, sir. That is the best sig I've ever seeing on this forum, since it have one of the best characters from a MOC bionicle set out there. 1th one is better. +100 respect points for you bro. ;D
How do I add depth? :S wouldn't lighting effects around the eye make it seem even more 2d? there really needs to be a sig tutorial, I taught myself, and obviously, I'm missing a lot of things.
your using gimp right? youtube it and google it, theres plenty of tuts that you can grab little bits of info from each one and apply it to whenever your doing graphics, thats how i learned photoshop And as for depth via lighting, it will cause the eye to look like its in a closer plane that the rest depending on how you do it
Looks better but the solid red circle is weird, you should try a large soft brush to do lighting, atleast thats what i usually use
It looks to me like you could starken the contrast in the bionacle, that could help add depth.. Right now it kinda looks like you took a photo of the comic and placed it here. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but it looks very flat.. and overall, kind of blurry
I honestly don't know what the focal is, I just know it's that thing in the middle. The background is grainy and the color scheme is off. Flow is good though. FHS (floating head syndrome is a problem here as all you see is the head (I think) and that is a big huge no no. Lighting is off because you can see hints of it at the top, but you have the source on the right of the signature.
I agree with erico. I think the recent version is the best so far, but parts of the background are too distracting IMO. Also, old Bionicle comics are pretty much the best thing ever. I have the entire original set (up to Gen 3 or 4 I think? The ones that came with LEGO magazine) upstairs in my attic. Kopaka is and always will be my favorite, but this is still awesome and a great blast from the past.
Yeah, the first one is the best. I also agree with the idea of contrasting colors a bit more and blurring it a bit. The solid red circle is kinda odd too.