Xbox World features extensive (but rumoured) rundown of new Xbox in penultimate issue

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pegasi, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Should be, blu-ray can support DVD and that's all xbox games are.

    I thought it was funny the magazine cover says Xbox 720 (the fake name game journalists keep using) when the article says it will most likely just be called "The Xbox".

    As far as the "augmented reality" stuff, there was a powerpoint presentation and a patent application which had some details about that a few months back.
    #21 PacMonster1, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Just grabbing attention I guess, though I agree it seems a little silly once you actually read the article.

    Yup. I've updated the OP text to quote the original CVG article that Techspot were reporting on, which includes a link to the June leak.
  3. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Don't worry, that will go horribly outdated in 2-3 years of the new Xbox release.
    Either way, I hope this means MMOs will be coming to Consoles soon. I'd love to play WarZ or Planetside 2 on the new Xbox. Hopefully they can add some PC-Xbox integration so I can download FOM and **** onto Xbox.
  4. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    lol, processing power isn't what was stopping MMO's from being on consoles. Control schemes and target audience is what stops them.

    Also, technically the revealed specs are "outdated" even now if you want to compare best specs that exist. That isn't really the point though. The level of graphics that current consoles can support is amazing, having like 500% more ram and processing power won't change the graphical fidelity that significantly (it will but not by a huge, "like flipping a switch" kind of way) but it will mean significantly more things can be handled on screen at one time. That is something that won't seem outdated for quite awhile.
  5. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    xbox 720 with SSD?

    consider it a rich mans toy
  6. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    "The Xbox"

    and wha? I highly doubt they will charge any more money for the next generation of consoles as they did with the previous generation. Consoles really do have a price ceiling (as Sony found out with RIIIIIIIDDDDGEEE RAAAAACER...I mean playstation 3)
  7. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    Xbox 720 Discussion

    There have been a ton of rumors floating around about the Xbox 720 and I was wondering what you guys think about them.


    -8 GB of RAM

    -Intel CPU

    -Nvida Graphics Card

    -64-bit Operating System

    -Oban Processor

    -[Xbox 720 is] slated to be the most powerful out of all the next-gen consoles. [It will be] about 4 to 6 times more powerful than Wii U and 2 to 3 times more powerful than Playstation Omni. The project has gone through many name iterations and will not be decided on until shortly before it’s E3 unveiling.

    -a new feature surfaced discussing how Microsoft will try and implement some form of what the Wii U has with its GamePad.

    "One very interesting detail revealed in the CVG report is that the new Xbox will feature an 'innovative' controller. While this could simply refer to new motion controls being included in with the classic Xbox controller design, it’s safe to say that gamers could be worried that Microsoft will try to re-invent the current, perfectly good, controller design.

    "The Wii U GamePad may be an innovative controller, but it’s unlikely that Xbox gamers will want to use something that heavy for the type of multiplayer gaming the Xbox is famous for," the report stated.

    -"LiveWall" to be released in 2014 that will projects game environments 360 degrees around the player. Using Kinect 2, they have two demos of one that is a battlefield RTS and one that is a kung-fu game with guys attacking all around. The LiveWall can also project different images on the wall, so people can play different games on different walls.

    -The final goal with the tech is to shrink the system on a chip down enough so it can be put into tablets, PCs and Smart TVs so that all devices are Xbox ready

    Not confirmed, but possible:

    -Microsoft released research on a wearable wrist controller that could be used for tablets and PCs. Possibly an alternative controlling method?

    Digits Hand Tracker: Freehand 3D Computer Interaction Without Gloves - YouTube

    -A report stated "the price [that has been] mentioned [is] around 400 to 500 Euros or your region’s equivalent."

    In case you were wondering what the dollar conversion above would be, In Entertainment is suggesting the Xbox 720 would cost somewhere in the $510 and $638 range, a big expense for gamers.

    So, What do you think so far? The thing I'm most excited about is the venture to make all devices Xbox Compatible. I've always wished for a Xbox Handheld device, and I think we may see one in the distant future.
  8. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Xbox handheld device = windows phone?
  9. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Aslong as the new kinect and controllers are optional for specific games like kinect was before then I'm happy. I don't wanna pay tonnes for a spare controller for a few splitscreen games.

    And the price isn't too bad. There are more expensive phones on the market and I paid more or less the same for my PS3 on release day. Atleast I have time to save up.
  10. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    That's a nice amount of sources you have there...

    Yeah, set a tablet up on the way and use it from a distance. Sounds legit.

    Most rooms have things like... Windows. Something Microsoft is pretty familiar with. They wouldn't make that mistake.

    Bahahahahahahaha! Are you serious? Why would Microsoft use any more than 4GB of RAM? There's hardly any point in 8GB for a gaming console. In addition, I thought Microsoft purchased a bunch of AMD gfx cards but I have no source so I can't say for sure. Maybe I'm missing something here but why would they have an Intel CPU if they have an Oban CPU? I can't speak on the next Xbox being 64-bit but it wouldn't be necessary if they use 4GB of RAM.

    If the price was so low for a bundle of an Intel CPU, nVidia video card and 8GB of RAM, it forces me to think that they are seriously outdated models. It seems like it would cost $500 for those three parts alone and Microsoft is all about making a profit in such an endeavor.
  11. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I can't help but wonder if this was written by a Microsoft affiliate. Seems unlikely that Sony would make something with 1/3 the power of its rival. Nevertheless i will still go with xbox>playstation due to personal biases lol.
  12. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    I thought the same thing. If its true it will certainly be nice for MS to have the more powerful console for a change. But power doesn't bother me much. I'm confident that I'll enjoy it due to my preference of xbox exclusive games over PS3's.

    And as for this projection thing, Why don't MS release white collapse cylinder tents. Small enough to fit in a room but large enough to fit a person and a mounted projector. Just have the images projected from above along the inside of the cylinder so that you're surrounded by gameplay. Anyone like the idea? I'm surprised nobody has tried this...
  13. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    The pricing (if it's true) would be an issue for me... $510-640 is a big expense for a gaming system imo. That's about twice the amount I paid for my 360. Guess I'd have to wait until pricing goes down 1-200 bucks
  14. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    That would take several years..

    Also, merging with Peg's thread.
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    The PS4 will have the top of the line graphics card in it. How do you combat that, but keep costs down? Add more RAM so the games can utilize more quickly accessible memory. RAM isn't expensive.

    Microsoft never sold their console to make profit. They sell the console at a big loss, only to make the money back through game licensing. Apparently Microsoft charges a fee for Xbox Dev Kits. They make their money back up in all the content which is made on the 360.
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Exactly right. The only reason the console costs anything is so they don't completely hemorrhage money right up front. The goal is to get consoles to as many people as possible so they'll pay for games, XBox Live subscriptions, DLC, and whatever other junk Microsoft can make high profit margins on. If they were going to try to make money on the consoles themselves they'd shoot themselves in the foot because they'd cost so much (at least in the first two years or so of production) that people wouldn't buy them, cutting down on all the subsequent revenue streams that they're really interested in.

    This is not unlike how movie theaters operate. It's not the tickets that make the money, it's the concessions. If they weren't selling $5 bags of popcorn, ticket prices would have to be $15 apiece to turn a profit. Here's an interesting article on that.

    One can pretty well guess that whatever price point the 720 comes out at, it will be calculated mostly to get a high number of people to buy it for the highest amount they feel they can comfortably pay for an entertainment unit... and scarcely a penny more or less than that. Therefore, no matter how high-end the guts of the machine are, I'd guess it will retail for $500 or less.

    The reason this logic doesn't apply to all things is that console makers are in a unique position of selling both the unit and the ancillary revenue-makers. You can't buy the newest, coolest TV for $300 because the manufacturer actually has to make money on it; the price only comes down when production costs do. But Microsoft has the luxury of literally losing money on every XBox they sell for years, because they make it up elsewhere.
    #36 Nutduster, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
  17. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    How could the Xbox Next have Blu Ray? Doesn't Sony own Blu Ray? Why would they let them use it?
  18. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    What is Blu-ray? (Blu-ray, Blu-ray Disc, not Blue-ray or Blu-ray DVD)

    jointly developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of the world's leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers (including Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson).
  19. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    This is about 53 times cooler than what you described and 53 times more expensive but it has the same concept:

    Battlefield 3: Ultimate Simulator - YouTube

    It has been done before.
  20. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Waterfall. Shame it's a shite game :DDD

    Also, I take very little interest in rumours. RAM comes insanely cheap. It's literally £5 more to put 8GBs of RAM into a console as opposed to 4, and will sell better. Blu Ray I could very easily see happening, look how big game files are getting.

    PS4 rumours seem pretty damned underpowered. I mean an APU? Certainly won't last for long, they are dated by current standards. When the X360 came out the graphics card used was 2nd best offering AMD had. For those of you who don't get what I am saying, the AMD radeon lineup goes like this: 7970 at the top, then 7950, then 7870 (the modern equivilant of what the last xbox had) and then all the way down to 7440D the PS4 is rumoured to have. The D means low power.

    And it goes without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that these companies speak together. I mean, isn't it ironic that the consoles are ALWAYS announced at the same expo at the same year? And that the EXACT same technologies came out at the EXACT same time?

    I'm going to wait for a bit and let all the "journalists" embarass themselves.

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