Here is a little preview vid of my unfinished map. Its an Inverse symmetrical map. Forge Map Preview : Eli - YouTube
Beautiful Map... Nice job incorporating so much height variation while making it flow so smoothly. Great lines of sight, love the center floating platform. Map looks as good as it probably plays. Will deffinitely be giving this a download. Probably best forge map I've seen yet. Edit: Love how you also merged the floor in with the grass!
I saw you post this over on HaloCouncil. Looks ****ing fantastic dude. Good to see other people taking time to really work on the aesthetics. I'm worried about framerate though, have you done any testing yet? Send me an invite if you do, I'd love to play this.
Looks really good dude. If you do run into frame rate issues, check your use of the rocks, it's my understanding that these cause FRL and I am seeing a lot of them. I like the middle platform(held by the wires) does anything spawn up there? If not I do t see any reason to go up there because it like a death trap haha. Works well with risk VS reward though so it seems like a power weapon should spawn up there.
I'm thinking about placing rockets up on that platform, I haven't even got around to placing spawns yet. Just finished off the basic geometry and decided to show it off a little. As far as I know there are no frame rate issues that I know of, but once again I haven't really had a chance to test the map properly for it. I might chuck some split screen on it for a little bit which should give me a better indicator of the potential frame rate issues that there might be.
I've seen this on THC as well. Looked alright to me. I'm guessing you're going for 5v5/6v6? It looks big for only eight players, considering how long it took you to circle around the map and the degree of segregation between the center and the outsides. The grass is a nice touch, although the rocks were a bit overdone (tons of rocks next to each other where only a couple were necessary). Other than that, forging looks rather clean. As for those rockets, they might be better off on the ground level so that it's traversed more often.
Wowow, this map actually looks amazing, the aesthetic is awesome, I can't speak for the gameplay as I'm currently away from home, but when I return in the next few days I shall definitely, DL and try it out, I can't wait, if you need some test dummies I'm up. I agree that the Rockets might work better on the bottom, but there should DEFINITELY be a power weapon up there, I can see a Sword doing very well there. The Thrust Pack savant will enjoy this map thoroughly I feel. I also like your use of wires, it's the first good use of them I've seen.
I have to agree with everyone else when they say this map look good. There are a few bothersome aspects that might hinder the map's gameplay, but I'm not sure. I do have to play this to confirm my theories, though. Send me an invite sometime.