Moonbase Alpha Map Name : Moonbase Alpha Created By : Given To Fly 93 Original Map : Halo 3 - Mythic DLC: Orbital *UPDATE* The map has been updated one last time. There is now NO frame-rate lag when looking down from rocket spawn, overall frame-rate lag has been reduced to an absolute minimum (Or removed completely) Map simply renamed to "Moonbase Alpha" (The alternate name for Orbital) even though it is in Version 3. Pictures Spoiler How to Download File Share Search < "Given To Fly 93" < Moonbase Alpha
Feedback Framerate and Lighting Glitch. Two things that bring that map down for me. Aside from those two things, the map is actually very well forged and its accurate to the original. Great attention to detail, unfrounately its this attention that brings your map down in the performance department. So if the 360 didnt suck than the map would be amazing.
From the pictures you've posted, it looks like a solid remake. I love that blue flooring on the bottom of tbe UNSC tower piece. The v2 is not necessary. Makes your map look unprofessional. It just tells me you've reworked the map in a couple seperate forging sessions. Telling everyone which version you're on is a bad idea. Especially when its only v2, not (for example) v4.7. You don't see any famous map designs named after what version they were released at. Good work nonetheless!
Yes, sadly there is a bit of framerate lag, but personally I dont see it as a game-changer. The map does have the lighting glitch on where all items, well... MOST items spawn in 2 seconds after the lighting generates. This was completely necessary. With Dynamic lighting the map becomes virtually unplayable. Hence the V2. I know it is not commonly accepted, but I felt like after the light came back and spawns got reworked, it was a whole new map! An improved second go at it. So, it is what it is. But anyway thank you for the positive feedback, I put A LOT of time into it, and did everything I could possible for it to play. I hit the budget limit and object limit as well... which btw, you never want to do... it was a constant battle as the game would try to delete objects on the map randomly because there was too many. If you wanna know about me raging just aske Urban Myth haha
Yeyyyy, I was waiting for someone to remake this. Shame the lighting is derping up though. Nevertheless, I may dl and take a closer look.
Hey givin. ok fisrt off dis map has framrate lagg idk if u notice3d plus dymanic liting isnt on tha map. u shud fix that pls. In all seriousness though, I can except the minor (and borderline un-fixable) flaws that the map has. You stayed very true to the original especially since it's on Impact. It looks identical in the majority of areas and has the same vibe that orbital strives for. Congrats on that, and congrats on being the first person I've seen to hit the item limit on H4. It's a fantastic remake, highly recommended to anyone debating on whether or not to check it out.
I don't know what people didn't get about it not having Dynamic Lighting, but that was done on purpose, unless they would prefer to play in a dark map, when the original map was light.
Agree with this post. People tend to freak about no dynamic lighting. It looks too god damn dark and shadowy, unless thats the look you're going for (flood maps, maps with darker settings.) Especially on an all indoors map like this. The only reason I try to keep the dynamic lighting is to appease these people. So they come storming into your thread and say DYNAMIC LIGHTING GLITCH!! DYNAMIC LIGHTING GLITCH!! It may be a glitch but there's much more important things to complain about. The dynamic lighting glitch just gives you the option to have a bright map or a map with shadows. Whats the big deal? Framerate is much worse to deal with and it actually effects the performance of your map.
Yeah, with the lighting on then you would really have something to complain about... I've honestly done everything to make gameplay as good as it gets. It is my belief that Ive done this map justice. Structurely speaking, (yeah i dont know if thats a word...) I did my best to hit the nail right on the head. I've also never seen another Orbital remake, so sadly i cant compare to anyones but maybe thats a good thing?
So what exactly did you do in terms of lighting? Did you delay spawn some or all of the map? Are parts of the map lit correctly? On maps where I've seen the lighting break, it's only bothered me because the engine insists on drawing in shadows close by—I hope that effect isn't in force here. I'd either prefer Reach-lighting or 4-lighting, but never the broken lighting. It's yuckies.
I actually updated the map for the last time, There should be no framerate lag when looking down from rocket spawn, and barely (if any) lag anywhere else. Renamed to simply "Moonbase Alpha" but the map is in its 3rd version.