
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Kazerra, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Had a look around the fifth edit and it is my favorite aesthetically and to run around. Unfortunately this doesn't help me in a game. The problem is that all but one of your height variations offer no site line protection and there is no other real cover outside of the couple pillars you have. The pillars would be useful but they typically don't block any of the longer site lines. The end result is a lot of sprinting and praying. Cover is crucial, try not to create a clear path running from one end of the map in a flat strait line, right to the door at the other end of the map.

    It's improving, keep up the good work.
    #41 Preacher001, Dec 11, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2012
  2. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How's it been coming along since our game the other day? I'm curious to see what you've come up with
  3. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I've made a few of the little changes you suggested. I didn't include the teleporters, however - I thought they wouldn't work with the map flow I intended. I'll do something with that alcove, though. I do agree it doesn't offer much of a reason to stay up there for long.

    I haven't been able to playtest yet because I had four mock exams last week. That's why I haven't really posted on this thread in a while, either. I'll have time later on, though, if you fancy helping me out? It'd be great if we could get another 2v2 going; I haven't playtested this map near enough.
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looking pretty sexy, can you provide some updated screenshots?
  5. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Already told you this earlier, but this newest version is definitely a step up from the older ones. The lift to the back ledge of the console room is really a great addition. I remember saying before that that area didn't get much attention. It was never utilized as well as it could be but the lift definitely solved that issue I had with it. Great idea with that :)

    Now just fix those damn thin walls! It really will make a big difference, I promise. Especially in areas where there's a lot of back and forth action. For instance after I went up the lift I was able to strafe back and forth between the thin wall while we were fighting.

    Another thing was the columns. We ended up chasing each other around them quite a bit. Not really sure what you could do to remedy that, but of course we only played a 1v1 match, which will play very differently than a 2v2. The columns won't be a major factor in a 2v2 scenario, which is what I think you're aiming the map to suite, correct?

    Overall it's shaping up to be a really nice map. I know you don't want to do this, but adding thickness to those walls of yours is really going to make a big difference. And it's fine it that means scaling up the map some. This is only speculation of course but as it is, I think a 2v2 may be just a tad too small yet open, if that makes any sense...
  6. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    It's been another while since I've posted in this thread. I've been working on my newest version of Core, and playtesting it much more than I have been doing previously.

    The newest version is Core [EIGHTH EDIT]. I'll be putting it on my fileshare shortly.


    Above is the updated sketch for the map. Below are new screenshots.

    Red Spawn... Left: Sticky Detonator Spawn. Forward: Console Room.

    Console Room... Top left: Courtyard. Top right: Main Room.

    Main Room... Left: Console Room. Forward: Courtyard. Right: Side Room (behind block).

    Alternative view of Main Room... Forward: Sniper Spawn and entrances to Courtyard. Right: Side Room.

    Side Room... Left: Main Room. Right: Sub Room.

    Sub Room... Forward: Side Room. Right: Courtyard. Behind: Walkway to Blue Spawn.

    Blue Spawn. Left: Sub Room. Forward: Courtyard. Right: Sticky Detonator Spawn.

    Sticky Detonator Spawn... Left: Blue Spawn. Forward: Courtyard. Right: Red Spawn.

    Courtyard... Left: Blue Spawn. Top left: Sub Room. Top right: Main Room. Right: Console Room. Behind: Red Spawn.
    Thank you to all who have given their suggestions! Almost every person who's posted here has contributed to the updated versions. Thank you also to those who have helped playtest - it's really helped loads.
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    The new aesthetic looks great in-game. I do also like that gravlift by console room - it did seem to be a bit too low for me, although I assume this has something to do with the trait zone nearby. It would be nice if you could get that lift to work without a trait zone if possible to extend gametype compatibility.

    Also, the crates don't really seem to serve much of a purpose, as opposed to the one in the older version that served as a jump-up on top of a doorway :( I will give you that they make the place look nicer, though.

    Blue spawn also isn't very enticing. It's high, but it has very limited and narrow LoS (more limited than the overhead shows due to the height variation) and also has no real cover (the core probably would serve as more effective cover for the players in the console and snipe rooms since they're closer) and no weapon as well. There's just no reason to be up there.

    Paint for diagramming purposes:

    Pink: Overly out-of-the-way areas, could use some changing - there should generally be a reason to go everywhere on the map. Ignore the part of the pink square by blue spawn closest to the core, I was using a rectangle tool and couldn't disclude that part.

    Red: Box is a redundant entrance thanks to red lines (routes circumventing that entryway)

    Yellow: Block off this path to force players outside - could move the red boxed path closer to the center of the wall in conjunction with this to expose players to blue spawn in return for a shortcut.

    This one is definitely an improvement. I think you've nailed the console room.

    @Replyinb4paint: There's still no reason to be there in a 1v1 :( Also, allowing players to camp that far corner of the blue tower would slow gameplay quite a bit.
    #47 theSpinCycle, Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
  8. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Uh-oh... The Eighth Edit has changed multiple times and I forgot to put the most recent version on my file share. I'll do that straight after I walk my dog.

    Still, the only changes between the newest version and the one you inspected are the trait zone, the lift, and the barriers on the walkways. Your comment still applies to the proper version, so I'll see what others think too and maybe change things around again.

    Regarding Blue Spawn - it is actually possible, in a 2v2, to control that tower. It has less LoS than before, but there are also less routes up. It's open(ish), but if you crouch into the far corner, you can't be seen from the Courtyard. In this position, however, you can be seen from both the walkways leading to the tower. Basically, depending on where you stand on the tower, different areas of the map can see you.

    Does that make sense?

    I await your Paint picture with anticipation!

    * * * * * * * *​

    Edit in response to Spin's Paint picture...
    The top right pink area is used to gain a height advantage on anyone entering the Main Room. It can be utilised when you know an engagement is coming. It adds height variation, which has been suggested before.

    The top left pink area is used for the same reason as before - to gain a height advantage over anyone on the Side/Sub Room. It is also a slightly safer route than walking through the other doorway, and suits those who prefer longer ranged fights.

    Blocking off these routes simply restricts movement. I understand you want the Courtyard to see more action, but blocking off routes isn't the way to go. In playtests, I found myself using any available route to flank my opponent. Removing them would remove flanking options and make certain positions too powerful.

    Same reason as above. It just restricts player movement.


    As this is a bigger map with thicker walls and everything, 1v1s don't really work that well anymore. You can still play them, but camping is more prevalent and it's very easy to escape from any engagement, provided you're positioned properly.

    Thanks for taking the time to provide even more feedback. I really really appreciate it!
    #48 Kazerra, Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
  9. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    @spin I disagree with both your yellow and red. It would restrict movement too much for 2v2.
    #49 Dax, Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
  10. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I cannot say I was very fond of this rendition. Our engagements were mostly midranged and stalled because of the abundance of wraparounds and linear shape of the design. If you watch the footage from our game, I'm sure you will notice the various firefights we had from opposites sides of the sniper spawn location and times in which one would abuse running around the center entrances to avoid further damage. Additionally, it seemed as though blue spawn was rarely traversed this time around on account of its limited LoS on other locations and disjointed position on the map.
    Purple: I agree with Spin here in blocking that entrance off although I would also suggest blocking of the other side too to force players through the center as it was barely traversed.
    Orange: Those extra entrances that created the annoying wraparound situations. Personally, I don't see how they could restrict movement at all.
    Blue: A route for players moving in the clockwise direction to continue moving along that steadily increases in height so players moving in the opposite direction are forced to move through the center (should you decide to go with the above suggestion).
    Yellow: I don't dislike the idea of having a position that increases height variation, but these seem to have led to players hiding behind the wall as soon as they were shot. Personally, I don't think the height variation was significant enough to warrant them in the first place, but that's just me.
    Pink: The lift shot players a little high leaving them in the air for an extended period of time. I often figured the tactical jump was the better option despite how much longer it would take.
    With all that said, I did still find the map to be very enjoyable, just didn't like some of those changes. Like Spin said, I think you nailed the console room so far.
    #50 Auburn, Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
  11. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Aubs, did you guys play 1v1 or 2v2? I think it plays well for 2v2 games, minus the slight problem I still kinda have with the tower area.
    #51 Dax, Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012

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