I made out like a bandit. My wife also killed it with her gift - Nikon D3000 with a 18-55 lens and a 55-200mm lens. Super happy about it Her parents got us a Nest and my parents got us a Time Capsule It was a good Xmas definitely
LotR Blu-Ray box set The Dark Knight Rises Avengers Fast and Furious 5 Ted XBL Points 13 Month XBL Gold Sub Manga Pointless tat from parents Money!
Wow, I'm surprised both at the variety of stuff, and the fact the thread took off while I entered a food coma. This Christmas seems to have been good for most of us, thats nice.
Christmases 2 and 3 result in: Red Chrome Xbox 360 controller Battery Charger & Batteries $50 PetroCanada gift card $160 cash A Leather Wallet Pair of Jeans Under Armor T-Shirt Boxing day I have my eyes set on a nice $400 40" LED TV. I have $280 Cash in my Wallet $225 from Christmas #1$175 in Visa Gift Cards For a total of $455. Looks like I paid off that TV. WOO!
I plan on going out and buying a couple ds/3ds games on boxing day. Pokemon will probably be among the games I buy, anyone know of a good 3ds game that isnt a 3d release of an old game? (zelda, and starfox)
You bastard, I needed that too, but I didn't get one, ****ing ****. Got a buttload of candy Black Ops 2 Dishonored (heard mixed reviews) Some great clothes and shoes, loved them even though some were too big A calendar Books Steam Gift cards Lotion Money (Magazine) XBL card Lots of Love (of course) Pretty awesome Christmas. Next one I have I'll be coming back home after going away to college.
-5th gen iPod Touch -$45 iTunes gift card -Clothes -A wireless headset for Skype Sunglasses -Dark Knight Rises, Blade Runner, Rain Man, Fight Club and a few other movies. Good Christmas was good. Judging from the other posts it sounds like everyone was happy with their gifts.
It would have been nice to have more weight, but trust me. I know plenty of exercises that make a 20lb dumbbell seem like the heaviest ***** ever. You just gotta delve into the wonderful world of auxiliaries
New xbox that came with skyrim and forza Pocket knife Patriots jersey Blackops II Pretty good christmas Now that i have two xbox's im looking into jtagging the older one, just to do some offline fun Edit: oh and got myself some nice Kodiak Wintergreen, one of my favorite dips
a new suit and some ties a bunch of other clothes xbox controller DKR headphones portable speakers leather iphone case candy 2 hundy cash more than satisfied
Far Cry 3 Assassin's Creed 3 Clothes Candy Some device that turns your shaving cream warm Ted A stuffed Ted And this: