It might be a little early for some of you, but its christmas morn here already and we've already opened our presents at my house. My question is, what did all of you guys get for christmas, or if you don't celebrate christmas sme other holiday. So, I'll start with: Blue 3ds XL with Mariokart 7 Cologne Now it your turn, what did ya get?
I'm Jewish, but lets give it a go - Jeremy Clarkson's new book - Subscription to New Scientist (pretty damnde interesting) - Tin of Heroes. - Lots of chocolate oranges from friends (4 chocolate oranges and a big socking sized bag of minstrels) - Red Dwarf Season 10 And for myself, I bought myself Portal 2 and Mass Effect 2
Christmas was small for my family this year. Just got stuff from and for my brother and parents. Got a gift card for my local comic store and a new stereo for my car.
I got uber Christmas cheer from several different people and their kids that came over. Oh, and some clothes n' stuff.
I gots: - shirts - jacket - borderlands 2 - razor - smelly stuff - candy - shoes - 50 dolla gift card Good enough for me. I already have everything I want/need.
I got some clothes, some money, and some candy. My brother traded his Chrysler 300 for my Chevy S10, I'm pretty psyched about that. My birthday is only a couple of days from Christmas, so my presents get split up and such, hahaha. I'm not complaining though.
So far I have gotten $175 in VISA gift cards, and a $50 bill. I'm getting myself a present on Boxing Day, a new 40" TV for my room, so I couldn't be happier.
- Curl bar - 4 x 10lb plates - Pajamas - Socks - $10 Sonic gift card - Bill O'Reilly "Killing Lincoln" (not in picture) I'm satisfied, really. I didn't really want anything and what I got was pretty neat.
26 inch TV A laptop fan that broke already cause it's a cheap piece of **** Some headphones that the left ear is already going out Some earphones I'm satisfied, wish I would have got a new camera but it's kool
Mass Effect! First time playing any of them and I got the whole trilogy. Look out world, here comes Captain Shoepard.
First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the polka dot chest Mass Effect one was centered more around story than gameplay so the controls were clunky. Mass Effect two was the best of both worlds, and as Mass Effect 3's gameplay was spot on, the story was not as emotionally compelling as two.. Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is a fun add-on but gets boring relatively quickly.
Lotion I am allergic to Candy... pree tasty A black scarf. And hair brushes My far away family doesn't know me well.... at all. They got mad that I didn't appreciate the smelly, so-sugary-sweet-it-induces-hyperglycemia, pink lotion that I can never use. Merry Christmas.
You have it the opposite, really. One was solid, and although 2 did improve the gunplay, it destroyed the RPG portion of the game. 3 improved on both, and although people complain about the ending, there were a lot of great moments. The multiplayer is actually fun, as well.
I won't know till I get back to Georiga... which won't be till the 29th/30th because of a family reunion.
I got: -Universal gun cleaning kit (which I desperately needed) -Hickory Farms sausage/cheeses/crackers (****in' tasty) -Spinning targets -$80 for a new water pump for my car (they were sold out for some reason) -AND A ****IN' BOAT. Manly/American Christmas is manly/American.