Cold Storage

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by darkprince909, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    A Halo 3 Remake

    Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (Darkprince909) > Cold Storage

    My second entry in the Forgotten Treasures 3 contest is Cold Storage. I'm not really one for words, so let's get to the pictures, shall we?


    Since Forerunner structures are out of the question in Halo 4's Forge as of right now, I went for an abandoned space station approach (how original, I know. It fit better than the other two maps though.)

    Server Room (Ignore the teleporter. It's connected, it just didn't want to light for some reason. Rest assured, it works perfectly.)

    Power Room

    Power Room to Pit


    Blue Room

    Orange Room

    Orange Room balcony

    Storage Containers

    (I'll have Action Shots here soon, hopefully)

    Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (Darkprince909) > Cold Storage

    There are a couple spots with a tiny bit of FRL, but it doesn't affect the map's playability in my experience, and I'm not sure what pieces are causing it. As soon as I can find out, I'll fix it and upload a newer version.


    Edit: Off topic, but if anyone could tell me what's wrong with my sig for it to have the "click here to see full size' bar above Turf and Hostage, but not Cold Storage, I'd be grateful. It's driving me nuts.

    Also off topic, but related to the contest, I think I figured out a way to finish my Ghost Town remake and keep the dynamic lighting on most of the map. Where it will be disabled will still look good, because it will be indoor areas with, um... simulated lights. If you've been waiting for Ghost Town, I should have it done before the new year, if everything goes right.
    #1 darkprince909, Dec 25, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2012
  2. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    As I said in the past, nobody should make remakes except you.

    I love the level of detail you added as well into this, you're obviously aware of your craft though and the fact that you've mastered the art of forging.

    This will win the contest, unless your Ghost Town remake somehow surpasses it.
  3. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    If you figure out whats doing it tell me as well, because I'm having the same problems with my map and I can't figure out what pieces are causing it either. Its somewhat probable that whats causing it on your map is the same as whats causing it on my map. You will come to find that when more than 1 person is in the area where there is FRL it will climb exponentially the more people are in that location. It happens on my map so it most probably will on yours. I'd love to playtest it to see if this is indeed the case. Send me a Friend Request on Live if your interested.

    Also from what I see in the screenshots this is a very accurate remake with a very nice aesthetic. I'll download it tomorrow and have a better look though. Well done and good luck!

    Edited by merge:

    Tycho, get of your high horse. I have seen many good remakes, that are just as good as his. It is also true that I have seen many bad remakes as well but I whole heartedly disagree with your comment about nobody should make remakes but him.

    Don't get me wrong here, his remakes are very good. Though, drawing conclusions such as this gets us nowhere. This level of quality should be the standard, but it doesn't mean to say that NOBODY can make a remake as good as this. Most of your comments on peoples remakes on ForgeHub have been either extremely vague or just downright unfounded.

    You are entitled to your opinion, but you need to think about what you say before you say it sometimes. A lot of your comments involve criticizing something without thinking for a second why it is that way; or you make generalizations without really informing your opinion / thoughts.
    #3 UberAURORA, Dec 25, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2012
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In what rooms are you experiencing framerate. From what I can see, it could possibly just be your overabundant use of glass and other miscellaneous objects. I can check it out with you later today, if you'd like. As for the remake, it looks exceptional. Despite it's meager size, I loved Cold Storage back in Halo 3.

    Very well said.
    #4 Auburn, Dec 25, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2012
  5. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    The only spots that I notice FRL is when I'm in the very back corner of the room with the station cores, on the ramp side (closer to Orange Room), and only when I'm facing the other end of the map where the teleporter is. I tried just deleting pretty much every visible object that I could see from that point while it was lagging, but no matter how much I deleted, the FRL stayed, and it was only ever in that one spot.
  6. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    Yeah, I'm experiencing the exact same problem. I made a copy of my map and started deleting so much of the map and it still lags. Its driving me crazy. Dynamic Lighting works so that's not to problem. Does anyone know what causes this lag?

    Yeah, I'm tired of people like Tycho. Its just so two-faced. About 75% of his comments are not at all helpful and are just a waste of time to read. Like his stupid comment calling my friends remake, "a poop remake." It is neither constructive nor had any basis behind it. I'd like to see him make a remake as good as it.
    #6 UberAURORA, Dec 25, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2012
  7. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a really solid remake. I especially love what you did with the server room.

    As far as your sig pictures being re-sized, the max sig dimensions are 600x140 and the Turf and Hostage ones are both 144px tall. If you just crop them by 4 pixels you'll be fine. Word of wisdom, if you scale your screenshots to 700px wide then they won't be re-sized either.
  8. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really envy your work, great job. I find myself looking closely trying to figure out what combinations of pieces you used to pull off certain looks. Very impressive. Just wish they had "light trait zones" where you could change the lighting so the map didn't look like a closet (lighting wise). The lights in the game don't have the area of effect like they did in Halo 3. We need some lighting trait zones where the center of the trait zone is the light and the bigger the trait zone, the brighter the light. All shadows would be cast from the center of the trait zone.
  9. Monoxide89

    Monoxide89 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow great map! I really like how you did the orange room and the teleporters with blue Dominion shields instead of green ones like everyone els. Good job :D
  10. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I believe the Dominion Shields and the Station Cores perhaps are causing a bit of the frame rate issues you are experiencing, I have been on a few maps that have had that problem and they all used Dominion Shields :/.

    The map looks great however and I am excited to play on it soon, you do not happen to have any over lapping glass do you?
  11. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    I don't think it's either of those, because it was already lagging before I had the map finished, waaay before I put the Dominion shields there, and it doesn't lag when you're looking at the cores, only when you're standing near them, facing the opposite direction. The only overlapping glass that I might have is in the doorways between the two center rooms, but that's not the cause either, because it still lagged when I removed those.
  12. Blackout8SIX

    Blackout8SIX Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First off, wow...and damn you :)

    I remade this back in Reach and have been working on it in H4. I'm remaking mine on Ravine though because Impact lighting is annoying to me for making interior maps. Everything just looks too dark and players stand out because the dynamic lighting doesn't affect them. Of course Ravine isn't that different in terms of making interior maps, but I've decided to leave the middle room ceiling open to let the light in. But back to your map...

    I love the look of the map more than anything. Aesthetics are really good even if some things don't look exactly like the original (i.e.: lack of flood). I'm having the same problem with the teleports. It is usually the one in the same room (sometimes others...stupid H4 bugs). It looks like you may have some Z-fighting issues in the hallway to the blue room (sixth picture). That platform looks highly suspect. Also is the tactical jump from bottom to top yellow room there?

    And the only other thing I would change aesthetically (based on the screenshots you have here) is the ledges with the rockets. The columns that support them are too wide. I'd also adjust the look of the ledges themselves (but that's just me because I noticed how off mine looked in my Reach remake of this). I’ve also made those little shallow alcoves at the backs of the ledges in my H4 remake I’m working on. These provided some cover for gunfire coming from the blue room in H3. I’m not sure how easy it would be for you to change this, but in the end, if it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t matter. Below is a picture of what I’m talking about with the ledges.

    You did a great job of incorporating Impact objects to forge this one. The "Flood Examination Room" (obviously you have no flood, but that’s what I called it in H3) looks very well done. The yellow room looks great with the double windows. The teleports are more reminiscent of Chill Out rather than Cold Storage, but I like what you've done. FRL is always a side effect of maps that look this good aesthetically, so the fact that there isn't much (according to what you've said) is pretty impressive. You've inspired me to halt production of my map. This one just looks too good. I look forward to downloading this one...damn you.​
  13. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    Thanks for the feedback, Blackout! Sorry to discourage you from making your version, though. TBH, you oughta finish it anyway, in case people want to play a daytime Cold Storage or something.

    The platform in Blue Hallway is Z fighting free, I'm pretty sure. I'll go back and check later on.

    Could you explain the tactical jump more? I've never heard of it, and it isn't on the map right now...

    If there was a .5 x .5 x 3 block, I'd've used that for the rocket ledges, but I had to make due with what's available. The slightly larger size isn't even noticable in-game, though. Those alcoves almost seems like more trouble than they're worth. I know I'm knowingly forgoing accuracy in that spot, but in my experience, those alcoves never were really useful as cover. They're too shallow.
  14. Blackout8SIX

    Blackout8SIX Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I actually worked on mine some more yesterday. I still really like yours, but since I've already spent the time on it, I might as well finish. I might have to make some adjustments though.

    As for the tactical jump I found this screenshot online, but the guy who took the screenshot put a little ledge jutting out to land on. Apparently this guy couldn't make the jump without it (so sad). Anyways, you can make the jump without altering anything. If you still got it I would suggest throwing your H3 game in and look at the jump yourself to get the feel. It involves crouch-jumping, so it’s not as simple as hopping from ledge to ledge. But it was a useful jump to surprise players roaming that hallway. A well timed jump up with the shotgun was very effective in my experience.

    As for the ledges, it’s your map and you can do what you want. It looks good and I would play the map regardless. The alcoves did provide little to no cover, I just thought for accuracy sake I would put it into my own remake seeing how I overlooked it in my Reach remake. But again, great job!​
  15. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I mentioned in your Turf thread that I was looking forward to your Cold Storage remake, and you haven't disappointed.

    It appears you have made a scale-accurate remake once again, as well as making it look aesthetically pleasing. The fact that you can make a remake so accurately and still have enough pieces to make it look nice is beyond me.

    Good job, and I'll try and get a game or two on this and give you feedback on the framerate lag.
  16. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    I'll look into that tactical jump tonight. Hopefully the jump height and stuff are okay for it to be possible, because I'm not too big a fan of putting a little tiny trait zone right there just for that jump. I'll see what I can do though.

    Well, when it comes to scale, it really helps to graph the map out before you do anything. I do that with all my remakes. Then it's just a matter of finding the right piece for the job, both aesthetically and functionally. I'm glad you guys like my maps :D. Hopefully, that means I have a good shot at the contest lol.

    Btw, anyone looking forward to my Ghost Town remake, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to finish it on time for the contest, unless I suddenly get about 20 hours of free time between now and New Years. The map is so intricate that it's hard to ration pieces while staying accurate. I've hit the lighting cap, made adjustments to the item spawning to simulate indoor lights, hit the cap again, and I'm getting really close to running out of pieces, and I still have most of the Atrium, and a couple walls and rooftops to finish. Maybe after the New Year, I'll be able to finish, but it looks like Cold Storage and Turf are my only entries in the contest this year.

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