Hey guys! Map Name: MLG Patron Creator: Crimson Beyond (not me, my friend) Gametypes: ALL! (except griffball, dominion, and wierd gametypes. Halo 4: Custom Maps #15: MLG Patron - YouTube
I'll comment mostly on your narration rather than the map because it's not yours specifically. 1. I know that you can't change this, but you sound very young. And by young, I mean 10. 2. Try not to pause so much or say "uh." You did that a couple times. Also, "super symmetrical" is not a thing. (diducwatIdidthar) Also check your pronunciation on some of the words you're using, namely "patron". 3. Please don't ask for us to leave you a like It's a given that we'll like the video of we like it. (also diducwatIdidthar) 4. Having more in-depth knowledge of the LoS and things on the map would be nice (probably xxx gametypes stood out to me) There are numerous problems with the map itself, but I won't mention them because you're not the creator. If this Crimson Beyond guy can actually see the feedback (idk whether he's on FH, certainly haven't seen him), I'll give some. One more thing - did you ask the maker of the map for permission before making that video?
I forgot there was a minimum age requirement for narrators. Silly me. This may seem a little off topic, but has MLG even released any gametypes or info as to whether or not they'll be using Infinity Slayer/Ordinance drops?
1. I'm not 10 years of age. 2. I use the pronunciation that the creator used when telling me about the map and asking me to make a video to get feedback. He told me that is was "very symmetrical" and when i asked him what i should say on the map he told me "talk about how symmetrical the map was and what not". 3. Most of the time I don't ask for likes. The only reason i suggest liking the video if you enjoyed the video is because As a Youtube content creator the only thing i can rely on is user feedback (likes,comments,and advice). If i do not have those I can't fix any problems with the video or learn how to get better. 4. I don't understand what you mean. Thanks for the feedback. I don't mean to sound harshly when i responded to you.
It's cool, I didn't mean to sound harsh either, but emotion sometimes doesn't carry perfectly on the internet. I didn't mean to insult you with the age thing, either. If that's the pronunciation of the map, it's fine. I was a bit bugged by it, though. I'm not really sure whether the map maker knows what he's talking about if he said very symmetrical.. Four was basically pointing out "hey, from spawn you can go this way, towards these power weapons, but oh, there are also these which don't spawn at start, most of the spawns are here or there, there's a vital tac jump here" and such things. It also seems that I've forgotten to welcome you to ForgeHub. Welcome! @Eightball He asked about what he could do better in the video, and he wasn't the map creator, so I felt awkward about giving him feedback on someone else's map. Should have made that more clear.
I will take the advice you stated and put more time into researching the map. Thanks for the welcome! No hard feelings!
This isn't the auditions for the world's best youtube commentator. Give feedback on the map alone, please. OT: I cannot comment about much on the map other than the, what looks to be 1x1 tall and thin columns used as LoS blockers. They're not good for gameplay because they promote "dancing". Remove them, or redesign that area.