Map Name: Guardian Creator: KAZEROID Players: 2-8 players GameTypes: Team Slayer, FFA, ODD Ball, KoTH, CTF Build Time: approx 2-3 hrs Older Version in Video: Halo 4 Forge Map: Guardian Remake | KAZEROID - YouTube Pictures: [/IMG]
Looks excellent, I'll give it a DL when I'm on tomorrow. I'll edit this post with feedback once I've gotten a look.
i find the hrdest part to forging is to find people to test maps with, i have plenty of space on my FL, so dont be shy and Send me a FR.
Looks like a solid remake. I looked at it in forge and it seems pretty accurate. All the jumps I remembered were there and the dimensions seemed right. The version I downloaded didn't have the rocks and stuff around the tree platform. It was just a plain platform, and I didn't much care for that. If that was the wrong version you might want to update your file share. Judging by the pictures the rocks look much better than what I saw. They look a lot more accurate to the original than the platform did. I'll be happy to help you test, I sometimes have trouble getting test lobbies together too, so I sent you a FR.
Yeah, that was an older version, i did redo it to make it look like green. i will update my file share soon. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I wish they would increase the budget more, i wold be able to allot more with it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: My FileShare is updated to he newest Version: [br][/br]Edited by merge: Changes Made: Gravity Lifts Fix and postioned better. Halo 3 Defalt Spawns placed updated green area original weapons places on map