Now THQ is talking about how CoD ruined the FPS genre and they blame it for the fact that consumers aren't buying a good chunk of their games.
Xbox 360 Feature: THQ: Call of Duty has "stamped out memories" of what made the FPS great - Xbox 360 - The Official Magazine
I read that article and that article title is horribly out of context. "One of the more interesting responses comes from THQ's head of global communications Huw Beynon" While that is a high up position in a company that isn't "THQ" saying something, that's that guy saying something. Secondly, this is what he actually said, I think it's probably very true to say that there's reaction to what used to be a small subset of the genre of a military shooter, which has ballooned and mushroom-clouded to almost define the genre, and kind of stamp out memories of what I remember being great about first person shooters, whether that was Half Life, System Shock or GoldenEye - where a first person shooter didn't necessarily have to involve military material, it just meant an invitation to a fantastic other world, which to me was always the point of video games in the first place." It's the guy's opinion and honestly I agree with him. I enjoy military shooters occasionally as most gamers do but when they start affecting the genre in negative ways its time to re-evaluate.