Hi, I'm Mingo's girlfriend. I want more exposure for my work, and Clark said you guys were awesomesauce I'm also probably going to get a little bit more involved in the community here in the near future, I've talked to some of you already and I'm looking forward to meeting you all! Title: Innocence Taken Medium: Black paper, primacolor white and black color pencils. Spoiler Title: The Passage of Time Multimedia: watercolor, ink, pen, acrylic paint Spoiler Title: Through the Prism Media: Water color, ink, pencil Spoiler Title: The Masks We Wear Medium: India ink, white acyrlic paint Spoiler Title: Schizophrenia Medium: Water color, ink Spoiler
Interesting, you're rather talented. I like the premise of The Passage of Time, although I think Innocence taken is my favorite purely from a visual perspective. Good work. I'm feeling a bit of a disconnect between the quality of the art in your sig, and of the art in your portfolio here.
The One thing I've found that I don't like is the fact there seem to be very few shadows in The Passage of Time. Some of it (especially the hands) seem very floaty because of this. Since this isnt a CnC though, I wont go any farther with that. This is all quite well done, glad to meet you.
I have to hand it to you, it's a pretty handy skill to draw hands. Myself, I can't draw hands offhand, they are hard to freehand. When I do I pick out the best pencil beforehand, handpicked. It doesn't seem to be the pencil that makes me lack my hand-drawing abilities. I think I just mishandle the pencil. I wish I could draw a handsome hand, I may be hand-handicapped.
Thanks you jerk. This looks awesome, I love the first one, just visibly it looks awesome! I really would look forward to seeing more of these posted around. Just out of my own curiousity, how long, on average, do most of these take?
Thank you! Usually 3 days or so. Most I complete in 1 day but I continue to work on them for a few more days after. (Although the Passage of Time piece took a week siply because it has so many pieces.)