
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Fenix Hulk, Dec 15, 2012.


    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    Actually, I'm with him in that I think people should spend less time on remakes and more on original maps, but that would probably only stir up another argument, so I'm not going any further there.
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    There's a difference between reviewing a map and expressing your opinion and what has been said here. I'm becoming a professional map designer and I take my work very seriously. Forging in Halo 4 is for fun, however I dedicated half of a month of my free time to that map. If you've noticed, I make changes to people's suggestions if needed but saying this map is not worth anyone's time is rude and hateful. Period. So I will defend my case. I didn't ask for it to get a lot of responsea and popularity from forge hub, I just spent alot of time on it and wanted to share it. The presentation maybe took me 30 mins to do. I'm an artist and enjoy doing all types of art. The map gets alot of attention from the presentation, but it would quickly die if the map sucked, but much much more work went into the map. I'm sorry if you someone doesn't like the attention my map(s) get, but people don't need to insult my map because you hate the attention I'm getting.
  3. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Soulcrusher, stop talking yourself up and trying to appear better than everyone else. It's achieving the opposite effect.
  4. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    Requesting Lock. :lock:

    take it up in the PMs if need be.
  5. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    This thread does not need a lock. Any more comments need to be map specific and if you're going to comment, put effort into your comment and just don't say the map is not good. Give a reason why you think the map is good/not good.
  6. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Meh while remakes may not be so creative, It doesn't mean they aren't well made. Especially considering how limiting forge is. Anyway I'm done here I've made my point, I'm expecting a lock soon anyway if this keeps up.
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    You keep saying that you deserve in-depth comments, and the fact is you don't. No one does. I don't care how hard you work on a map, you don't deserve anything. You are not paying for a service. Any comment on here you need to take into consideration (no matter the quality) as they were taking their own time to try and help you out, for free.

    Please just calm down and accept a little criticism for once.
    #107 cluckinho, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  8. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    What he said was not feedback in the slightest.

    He essentially said (at least what I got from it) was that he didn't like the map so we all should think it is absolute **** because he does. That is just ignorant.

    Edit: I don't think the thread needs a lock I think mods just need to start handing out infractions for rude or hateful comments here. This is seriously getting out of hand.
    #108 Waterfall, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  9. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ^I don't like this, cluck. Sure we aren't paying for a service, and he may not deserve anything, but isn't the point of a community forging-based website to give in-depth comments/criticism in order to help each other become better forgers? That's what Forgehub is missing right now, well thought-out comments from people who are actively trying to help rather than trying to get their post count up.

    It's quotes like this that give our community that "elitist" label.
  10. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I didn't say I deserved anything. I said please keep posts on this thread to map specific please and describe what you like or don't like about the map. He did not describe one thing he did not like about the map, just said it wasn't a good map so how am I suppose to take that into consideration?
  11. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    maybe they do. I received a warning for saying that a map looked nice. not constructive they said.

    actually he said this kind of map has been done a lot before, and he is probably right, basically it's just an (almost) symetric map with 2 bases and a central structure, it's not really a groundbreaking concept, but it doesn't mean the map isn't good.
    #111 Fauch, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  12. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Then what do you suggest? 3 bases and no center structure? So an open middle, where majority of the actions is and 3 or more bases for a 2 team map... hmm.

    Just because the map is a basic concept (when in reality it's not, but w/e) doesn't mean the map sucks. The most popular halo maps are basic concepts are were addicting to play. Blood Gulch, Hang'em High, The Pit, Ragnarok, Avalanche. They all feature the same stuff I have in my map in some way. Doesn't mean either map sucks. The map looks great and plays great, what else could you ask for?
    #112 Fenix Hulk, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  13. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I don't suggest anything. I didn't say you should change anything.

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    I highly doubt you'll pay any attention to this, but if I were to suggest any changes to the map, I would say more segregation in the centre area, possibly through greater emphasis on height control and verticality, is what it needs. I'd also advise thinking about offsetting the outer Hog routes by a Forge unit or two, and adding some pretty high walls to the boundaries of the roads where they are offset, as that would stop people complaining about long LoS, but wouldn't obstruct Warthogs.

    There's nothing wrong with having 2 Bases and a central structure. Some very original things can be done with 2 Base symmetrical maps, I just don't think this map has yet. That's not what I meant when I said maps similar to this had been done before.
  15. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Then your comment is obviously pointless and should of never been said.

    Why didn't you just state this in the beginning and those ideas sound pretty good and will probably make those changes if you don't mind. Even though those are still some pretty small changes to the entire map, which won't effect how the map plays a whole lot. What else would you suggest? Have you actually played the map with 5+ member teams? The last 3 pages on this thread would of never existed if you would of just came out and said that instead of saying the map sucks.

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    To be honest, no, I haven't played on the map at all. Those suggestions were just from looking at the screenshots for a while. I don't think I'd suggest anything further without playing it.

    As for why I posted all the hate earlier; there is no good excuse. I'm an absolute perfectionist when it comes to making anything. Usually, I don't post much on others' maps on these forums because unless I'm in an exceptionally good mood I see everything that is wrong with the map and nothing good about it. I see the potential of the map, but I feel like there's no point posting any feedback because there are so many things wrong with it that not even a quarter of those problems will ever be fixed. That's how I feel about 90% of the Forge maps I see. So for me, it's extremely easy to fall into the trap of just saying a map is bad and it can't be fixed.

    I'd just like to re-iterate that I'm not talking specifically about your map there though. I feel like I've derailed this thread enough already.
    #116 IIIX MATT XIII, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  17. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
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    i dont think your statements match your outlook.
    you stated you haven't played on the map yet your sure enough to critique it as hard as you can simply by screenshots alone?

    then earlier you stated adjustments to somethings you havent seen in game, player POV? you should really rethink your method of feedback as most of us would/should know better then to critique a maps design simply based of image presentation. its a 3D landscape molded for 3D navigation in first person, and your going off a birds eye view on some rather abstract angles here. so im going to go off your words and assume that because you feel the same about 90% of the maps on here, then you've only been judging 90% of the maps on here solely by images alone and non-ingame experience.

    but enough of that, lets change this back to a on topic route. ive played this map once during its initial creation i believe. this version looks incredibly more detailed and much better.
  18. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    There's a huge update to this map being made today and I took in your suggestions. Now you have much more control of who's crossing mid and it's now a lot harder to get from one level to the other. I also took care of the line of sight on the sides plus I've fixed everything that was in my "fixes" list and I've fixed stuff on top of that that nobody mentioned but needed attention.

    So far you stated only 2 things to be fixed yet you say there are so many problems on this map and most of them will never be fixed. The problems that you state are mostly opinions and are only perfect to you, to where someone else will think otherwise.
  19. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    to be fair, there has been a lot of pointless comments :)

    ok, if you like things to fix, the places where I noticed overlapped textures are those 5x1 blocks, right over bridge pieces, on each side of that massive central silo.

    I also noticed misaligned roads, in particular on the blue side. the 2 90° turns on each side and the back entry of the tunnel.

    bases look slightly unpolished when you see them from those same tunnel entries. it's kinda like when you get out of the boundary of a forged or far cry map and see all the blocks it is made off sticking out.

    the map is maybe too symetrical. you could have some distinguishing features on each side. from a visual point of view I mean. is there any gameplay reason for those kind of advertising pannels and cranes on each side to be perfectly symetrical for example? you could use something else than a crate on one side.

    everyone talked about those massive lines of sight on each side of the map, but I think no one talked about 2 other line of sights base to base. those 2 bridges on each side of the map, about which I talked earlier. I'm just saying it's here, that's your choice whether it has to be changed or not.
    #119 Fauch, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  20. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Thanks for being detailed and putting in the effort. If the roads are misaligned it's due to forge though, not me. Don't know exactly what you mean by the bases being unpolished? There's nothing wrong with a symmetrical map but I already did what you asked, the bases are flip-floped to give a asymmetrical look. The lines of sight have been drastically fixed.

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