
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Fenix Hulk, Dec 15, 2012.


    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    The ladders, dude. Looking through the thread, you've been using them as the main advertisement for this map. If you have to lean on that as the reason why everyone should DL your map, it's not a good map. Having said that, you've made it apparent that you only have experience with Halo 3's Forge, so what we're all looking at here is essentially the kind of map most forgers were churning out at the beginning of Reach. Unfortunately, like I mentioned before, you're 2 years late to the party. I can't see any original or unique features on this map, and from what I can see, the reason why this map is getting far more attention than it deserves is because you have taken the time to make the OP look nice.

    Sorry if this seems aggressive, but quite frankly it annoys me to see people begin or resume Forging after having missed out on all the fantastic creations made in the prior game's Forge, then not bother looking at what has already been done before. I'm getting sick of seeing people take the effort to make a map, then post it on the forums, advertise it, etc. but not research whether the features on their map have been made already in previous Halo games. By that point, most map creators will get so defensive they'll deny that said feature has been done before, say it was their own idea, so on. The moral of the story is this; research whether your idea has been done before, and if it has been, don't advertise it as an original idea!
  2. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    you're just rude, there's no other way to look at it. this is a great map with a nice looking layout. so what if his ladders aren't anything to write home about?

    i've dealt with this type of elitist attitude in other game forums as people who "missed out" on the hay-day of the community or whatever, get put down by the veterans who have been around forever.

    it's not cool and all it does is make new forgers want to avoid everything YOU do and talk about.

    think about how much of an ass you just were about a ladder mechanism? If he figured it out on his own without copyingt someone else's methods, it's just as worthy of recognition as the first guy who invented it.

    All he said was "I figured out how to..." not "i'm amazing and you should worship me because I invented this technique"

    wow... just wow.

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    If I thought this was a great map with a nice looking layout I would have DL'd it and be playing it. I'm not, because I don't think the base map is as worthy of merit as others are making it out to be. I don't understand why people are making such a fuss about this map. Like I said, I can't see anything new or unique about this map. So if I don't think it has a solid layout, and it doesn't do anything new or exciting, it's no good to me. I am by no means a veteran of the Forge community, nor have I been around forever; but I know a good map when I see one, and I really don't think this is a good map.

    As I explained in my other post, it just really annoys me when people miss out on things and don't bother catching up. When I started Forging around the last couple of weeks of Halo 3/start of Reach, I would devote small amounts of time to researching Forge tricks, seeing what had been done before. I didn't publish the maps I made as a Forge noob, because thanks to my research I knew how bad they were, I knew it would just clutter the forums. I didn't try and take credit for Forge tricks I had found myself that, it later turned out, had been invented before.
  4. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    if you don't like a map, you say nothing... it's that simple. don't bump up the thread if you don't like what you see.

    you could have more politely said "you did a good job with your ladder design, but I think it's been around for a while".

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    It would inevitably be bumped anyway, dude. Most maps that I don't like, I don't post on. Sometimes, it's necessary to be negative in order to get a point across. Your suggestion as to what I could have instead posted is only marginally better than saying nothing.
    #85 IIIX MATT XIII, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  6. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    I don't understand why there is still hate going around on this map.

    As I said before I like the look of the map but this arguement above is total bullshit, that kind of stuff should have been done long ago here. So what the ladders aren't new, it doesn't matter. And this crap about I don't like the map therefore the only reason it got attention is because you made a good OP was thoughtless,rude and very inintelligent. If you don't like the map just leave, you don't need to advertise that the map is **** because its not, you are the only one who seems to think so.

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    I think you'll find I am not the only one who seems to think so. Also, "inintelligent" is quite possibly the most ironic thing that I have read all day.
  8. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    you are a bit harsh. it's possible that the screenshots make it look better than it really is, but it's definitely not a noob's map. it's obvious that serious work has been put into it.

    lol at people who think they are veterans because they have been making maps since Halo 3.
    I mean, forge isn't the only place when you can learn neat mapmaking tricks.
  9. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "I'll take Forgehub quotes for 500 please."

    "What is, a reason people no longer expect to receive constructive feedback on this site?"

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    I have only been Forging since a couple of weeks before Reach came out. You started Forging when H4 came out, right? Well, same for me, but with Reach. I just wish that people would research other maps before posting theirs, like I did and still do.

    Edit: I don't remember bringing other map editors into this. I was specifically referring to Forge tricks from past Halo games, not general map design tricks or anything else.
    #90 IIIX MATT XIII, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  11. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haters be hating, lol, everywhere I go there's haters, and you're probably one of the worse I've encountered, congratulations. Jealous much...?

    Anyways, never said I invented the ladder, said I took the original ladder, added a gravity field on top of the trait zone to give it better height off the push. I really don't care who invented a ladder or w/e trick in forge. Great for them, I take no credit except for the maps I design.

    Since you been around forge hub "so long" and seen so many maps you would understand a lot has been done already, but I can promise you my structures have not. Where's my sniper tower or base in any other map forged the way it is in mine. No I'm not going to spend countless hours reviewing hundreds of Reach maps, I got better stuff to do with my time. I don't go to other people's maps to think of ideas, I'm just talented and design them myself with my own creative style. How does this map suck, because it doesn't feature the latest and greatest forge trick, lol.

    I'm sorry you're jealous of my map because that is clear, however the best is yet to come brother and I have a map I'm already 50% done with that features something new that hasn't been done in Halo 4 yet, atleast I don't think. Maybe I should go through countless community map files and just make sure I don't post this map if somebody has already.

    BTW, I'm a father of two, been deployed over and over, and put my family first, so nope, sorry I didn't place researching and forging in Reach my priority. You're... the... joke.

    Here's some maps to show you I've been around for a min.
    Tribal War

    Tribal War actually made it into Halo 3 Matchmaking so that one must have been a real garbage map. It wasn't called Tribal War in the game though, I handed the map off to a friend becuase I was deploying while the map was going through Bungie's Atlas.
    #91 Fenix Hulk, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Dax, you misunderstood. Simply disliking a map and crapping on it is very different from saying, "I like some of the things you've done here but this and this could use improvement."

    THAT is constuctive criticism, not what Matt posted above. Wouldn't you agree?
  13. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Seriously guys? Especially that last comment by you Soulcrusher. No need to directly attack him, saying he's jealous of your crazy forge skills. And then telling him he's a joke? C'mon.

    Requesting lock before this gets too out of hand?
    #93 Dax, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    No need for him to get his map thread locked just because I felt the need to express my thoughts on it.
  15. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    you're right that some of the things he said in defense of his map became offensive, which is not ideal. but I think it is to be expected when someone is being offensive to him first...

    I dont' think it needs a lock, people just need to cool off. I'm done.
  16. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Just throwing my opinion out there. The map looks pretty damn good, and I'd like to try it.

    But whoever's hatin', that's fine bro but keep it to yourself or atleast be constructive about it.

    And SC while I agree with you alot, the best thing you can do is just ignore it. He's made his point and you've heard it. Wether you take advice from it or not is down to you, but aslong as you're responding to him, he'll just keep on hatin'. As a Father of two, I'm sure you of all people know when something is getting out of hand.
    #96 Turtlespoon, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  17. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's also funny that you say you think my map is not a good map because it doesn't feature any new forge trick and is unoriginal. Scroll down the map forum list and count how many remakes there are... quite.. a... lot. Becuase no one can come up with a new and exciting map in there head so they remake an original halo map, go figure! I'm actually one of the few people that posted a map that is original, plays well, and looks clean.

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    @Soulcrusher I was expecting a more mature reply from a father of two, but w/e. It's your map and it's clear that my point has been completely twisted out of proportion. If you choose to ignore my prior posts that's no concern of mine. Your reply didn't even address my point but I've never been good at articulating my opinions so that's probably at least partially my fault. My stance towards the map hasn't changed and probably won't in the future. For the record, I obviously haven't been around ForgeHub for long, even though that has nothing to do with what I was saying, and if you choose to ignore others' creations, that is again your loss. I have a feeling that if this argument does go on any longer, the thread will be locked, so that's your choice.
  19. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    no the funny thing is that by hating your map he actually promoted the hell out of it!

    good luck w/ it and let us know when you think it's finished!
  20. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Again man, while I understand he's being a **** about something pathetic as "Using old tricks" he's not going to stop if you keep it up. And while it was probably aimed at him, that sounded kind of disrespectful to a bunch of members, specifically the ones who created remake maps.

    That is a bit much isn't it? One of the few? I think that's a little bit harsh.
    Theres no need to take it out on the community man, a lot of good stuff has come from forgehub.

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