Gravball: Galaxy Cup

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by VII, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Completely off topic, You on Halo?

    On-topic, I like the gravity hammer idea, we should try that. Beam Rifles are too accurate though. I get Railgun Sniped enough, the only reason it's not that bad is because the charge time and fire delay makes it harder to kill. Beam Rifle could become annoying. Plus considering it's more of a minigame, I imagine sniping pros would have a huge advantage over anybody.
    Just my opinion.

    Oh and somebody said you could fix the score zone sizes and the ability to have 3 scoring hoops if you use oddball instead of grifball...
    Just what I was told, not sure if that is true.
    #21 Turtlespoon, Dec 19, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012
  2. VII

    VII Promethean

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    Huh. I'm not sure where you heard that, but I don't think that's true, considering there are no "Goal" labels for Oddball. I get the feeling that whoever mentioned that was mixing up Assault and Oddball, which unfortunately Assault doesn't exist in Halo 4.

    As for the Beam Rifle, like I said I'll be thoroughly testing it before I make any kind of decision as to whether or not it's included in the final version. More likely though I'll have it in a "Pro" version of the game.

    Btw, I think I've got a truly solid idea for a Dominion variation, and will be starting it soon. I'll give ya the run down next time I'm online.
  3. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    When would that be? Theres a UK lobby starting in like 4 hours, I've got nothing to do until then. Staring at the H4 Main Menu until somebody joins haha.
  4. VII

    VII Promethean

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    Lmao sorry man, I'm pretty busy job hunting and doin all kinds of awesome cleaning and decorating. Hopefully sometime in the next few hours though.
  5. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    cool idea bro... would be neat to have a map in space for this on impact...galactic sports. I do agree with what PA1NTS said, grids look pretty awful in maps. I think their only use is to line objects up or measure distance as a tool rather than forge piece. They tend to make maps look unprofessional no matter what map they are on. I used a grid for a floor once because I ran out of budget on Reach and it just ruined the map I think. There's gotta be a more aesthetically appealing way to make boundaries for your map... to get it to look good it's probably going to take some creativity and thinking though.
    #25 Starship Ghost, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  6. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    I can't help but disagree. Sorry.
    Impact is overused and the lighting sucks (If you can even get it working).
    Grids are incredibly useful. Using them as a floor is a bit lame I'll admit, but they have tonnes of use. Plus the grid squares actually tell us where the gravity volumes are positioned. If you throw a ball in a grav volume it will bounce around inside of it. So the grid gives you an idea of where you can and can't throw it.
    Plus it provides a cheap, large wall for his arena that you can still see through, giving you a view of some scenery instead of 20 Coliseum walls stacked up. I think they should give us more grids. When it comes to forge and actually building maps with it though I find it useless. We have coordinates for that.
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I made a suggestion to Turtlespoon last night about the Oddball gametype for it... However, I think he'd hit the weed a little too much and couldn't remember what I'd said properly.

    The Oddball idea is simply Team Oddball in a 'low-Gee' arena instead of having the scoring hoops, you just hold the ball for points and have the point limit at 1000 or something. You won't have the glitch where people 'score' but don't get a point for it.

    Oh, and you can have some seriously awesome 'low-gee' oddball passes in the games too! :D
  8. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Ohhh right. Makes sense. It'd be pretty similar to Episphere. Without the sphere.

    And VII, Next time you make a map, or update this one, give me a heads up and ill capture some HD screenshots from it for you.
    #28 Turtlespoon, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  9. VII

    VII Promethean

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    I think Turtle already did a good job defending the choice, but to reiterate, I personally like the aesthetics of the grid on here, and more importantly it functions well. While I don't disagree that grids can be an eye sore on many a map, I don't believe that to be the case with ALL maps that utilize it, and especially not this one. Now, that's not to say I won't be creating another Gravball court in the near future; in fact you could probably place a pretty safe bet on it, but I'll even go one step further and say that if/when I do make another court, grids will not be a part of it, unless I find the game lags because of too many items on screen. You have to remember that with the amount of people this game requires, combined with how many pieces are on screen while in the air, as well as the constant use of thruster packs and weapons, lag could and would have been a rather serious problem with this game type. Trust me when I say that I thought out and tested this map pretty damn thoroughly prior to publishing, and not one choice was made lightly; especially not the use of the grids (especially especially because I knew how a lot of people would react to their inclusion, and no one likes to alienate players from their maps.)

    This made me laugh pretty hard when I first read it lol. Sounds like Turtle to me L; haha also, sounds like a pretty cool game type. I think Turtle's go the right idea, you should hit up the guys who are doing Episphere and convince them to get that in there.

    Funny you say that Turtle, cause I actually just updated the court again, this time with some fancy shmancy arrows on each side to indicate where players can drop down. I also further tweaked the goals so that each sides' shield base corresponds to their team, which means no more need for the land mine behind the shield, and no possible way for the scoring team to fly through the capture plate too quickly. So, in other words, scoring will always count, and the court is easier to understand.

    Also, I'm gonna need to test the map with Binary Rifles as a 4th class soon. Depending on how it plays I may scrap the Gravball Pro idea, because I think the Binary Rifles, with their wide reticule, will keep things quite well balanced, since hardly anyone will be able to spam sniper shots without having pinpoint accuracy. Sure you can still zoom in, but no ones going to be able to camp anywhere on that court, so the need to constantly move for fear of being brutally murdered by way of railgun or what have you, should keep that at bay.

    Anyways, thanks for the offer; I will definitely be taking you up on it L;
    #29 VII, Dec 20, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2012
  10. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ive been eyeballing this thread for a good while now. id like to throw you a F-request and bounce ideas off each other in forge sometime. im working on the spartan ball minigame, so i wouldnt be surprised if we could share knowledge and improve our concepts.
  11. VII

    VII Promethean

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    Friend request sent L: hmu whenever man.
  12. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
    Senior Member

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    after grazing around on this map, the whole design is based around the authors sense of style and how the gameplay of the game variant handles in game. Its simple, and not distracting while overall pleasing to the eye since, ravine's skies are always nice to see when pressed against the numerous maps made in impact and even better when against erosions rustic colors. but i digress, this isnt about 343i's maps lol.

    the grids.. work extremely well and dont clash or contrast harshly with the environment, and serve the ultimate purpose of being cheap walls. I like them where they are. they are sharp and match with the geometry, and game variants purpose.

    i would say that, if someone really enjoyed this game variant but wanted a different arena to play it, its not incredibly hard to generate a floating court in impact, or just another location in ravine etc etc. but for those who want quiddich and or a slight hint at blitzball(FFX reference), this is pretty snazzy.

    so i hope this grabs more attention so the creator can get as much feedback as possible!
  13. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just downloaded and thought it was pretty novel. There's nothing more fun than thrusting half way across the map. I think it's pretty creative.
  14. nijt

    nijt Promethean

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    Awesome, I was thinking of making a gametype like this myself but can't be bothered after playing your version! I have a question btw, how did you manage to make the gravity volumes invisible in custom games? Whenever I place them the boundaries are still visible in custom games, which is really annoying. I feel like I'm overlooking something really obvious but I can't find it anywhere lol.
  15. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    When selecting gravity volumes you have 4 choices.
    Vol 5x5
    Vol 10x10
    Vol 5x5 Inv
    Vol 10x10 Inv

    Inv stands for invisible. You were right, it was obvious haha.

    Edit: You're not alone I used to think it meant Inverted.
    #35 Turtlespoon, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
  16. nijt

    nijt Promethean

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    ... Yeah. lol. I did think it meant Inverted. Thanks!
  17. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    No problem It seems I've hi-jacked this thread anyway, haha.

    VII where you at man? Set up that football pitch we were talking about if you wanna help me fix the scoring system.

  18. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    So I noticed a glitch when I was playing a round with some friends last night. The ball fell off the map in that gap between the cliff and the wall, and just sat down in the water. I waited about 3 minutes to see if it would respawn and it didn't, so I just ended the match.
  19. VII

    VII Promethean

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    Not sure what that's all about, but if it's a glitch with the ball itself I don't think there's much I can do about it unfortunately. Will definitely be looking into it though, thanks for the heads up Frag.

    @Turtlespoon, thanks for clearing that up for me lol. BTW, I'm gonna probably have those new screens up on my file share soon, so keep an eye out if ya could man.

    Edit: @Fragsturbait so I wasn't usin the ol' noggin much apparently when I first replied to your glitch issue lmao; remembered the easiest of solutions to that a few minutes ago. I simply laid down a kill boundary spanning all the pits on the field, so the ball will now reset instantly if it falls off the edge. Gotta love simple fixes L; Updated version is now up.
    #39 VII, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
  20. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    No problem on those screenshots. Just give them obvious file names and I'll get them next time we play.

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