NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hope they get sorted out. Never like to see a company of such talented people go down under. Or any company for that matter.
maybe it's because they gave away Metro 2033 for free sad to see, hopefully they recover. companies have recovered from bankruptcy before, so it's not a stretch to say that they might also, esp. with 3 games almost finished.
The main reason I don't want THQ to go bankrupt is that they might sell their games to a crappy company.. And who wants an unknowledgable company continuing a franchise.. *wink wink*
Well the good news is that it's not chapter 7 bankruptcy and its chapter 11. Basically THQ has to pay back all of there debt once they get back on there collective feet. If it was chapter 7 they would have to liquidate all of the assets(games, hardware,facilities). So no worries here unless they continue to have a poor business model for the future.
I dunno; I think of those third party games based off random kids movies and cartoons when I think THQ. I don't really think I've played any incredibly memorable games by them.
50 Cent: Blood on the sand THQs only good game is Saints Raw, so I couldn't care less about them or the games we might miss in the future
tbh of the THQ bundle I only liked Saints Row. Darksiders is shockingly bad. I mean really. It's a button masher with a vague, shitty storyline. Red Faction isn't too bad though.
[sees NIBBS posted] "I wonder what wonderful thing NIBBS has to say today! [clicks thread, reads post] "Yep, what an amazing human being. He derives so much joy from life." And everything went as expected.
I thought Saints Row was shitty. I know it was meant to be competition for GTA but it was just shitty. If they developed Red Faction: Guerilla, that was the last game I really loved by them. Darksiders was okay... Metro was okay but buggy... I don't think I really played much else. They need to work on player investment imo.
Regardless of anyone's personal opinions, a lot of people liked a lot of their games, and a lot of people have jobs there.
^ This I hope everything works out for the people that work at THQ and the numerous development houses under them.
It's like you know what a joke is and don't apply it to criticisms! I don't care about THQ, suffice to say another game company closing down, especially one as old as they are, is sad news. But not to jaded people who take every opportunity to be negative!