Crow Junction

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Spiteful Crow, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Spiteful Crow

    Spiteful Crow Promethean

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    Hey all,

    I'd like to introduce you to Crow Junction, a 4v4 map primarily for slayer but also set up for CTF. It features a speeding train running down the center of the map and connecting the two bases.

    The general idea is a quick train/tram station, complete with start station, mid-station/loading, and end station. The train comes fast and often, and it's a hazard so be careful around it!

    It's a "rough" symmetrical map, meaning it's got a layout that feels roughly symmetrical without being so. Mostly I wanted it to be easy to find your way around without the two sides actually being exact mirror versions.

    Here are some pics, and the map is on my fileshare. Looking forward to any commentary or critique. I apologize for the crappy cell quality of the pics :p I wish 343 would get the online File Share working already.

    Below is the red base, which is the end point for the train. The train comes along the track you see on the right side of the image, and stops at the red light in the background:

    Now, the blue base. The train starts behind the red shield door and shoots down the track toward the center and finally ends at the red base:

    Here's a look down the tracks from the point where the train spawns in at blue base:

    A look inside the central boarding station, where terminals surround the lower central platform, and ramps take you up to the boarding platform itself:

    A back path is available that also connects each base, shown here:

    That's it for now. I'll try and post a larger map overview sometime later. Any comments appreciated!
    #1 Spiteful Crow, Dec 18, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
  2. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I love maps with some unique mechanisms involved. I'll have to disect your train later and learn how you did it ;)
  3. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Very cool idea for use of the gravity zone trains...would like to check this out.
  4. Spiteful Crow

    Spiteful Crow Promethean

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    It's actually not a gravity zone train, because:
    1) Those despawn too quickly to make it to the other side of the map and
    2) They don't go fast enough to kill you.

    This one does both :)
  5. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    what good's a train if it can't kill you, right?

    going to make a note to DL this and see if you can jump on the train somehow... would be cool.
  6. Spiteful Crow

    Spiteful Crow Promethean

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    Exactly my thinking!

    Good luck jumping on the train ;)
  7. ToXiC SPlaTTeRz

    ToXiC SPlaTTeRz Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    looks very interesting, and if you'd look at the picture ignoring the text above you'll actually think this is a race map XD
  8. Spiteful Crow

    Spiteful Crow Promethean

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    Haha, I hadn't thought of it like that...
  9. DoctorB77

    DoctorB77 Forerunner

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    I like trains.

    The map looks nice. I like to see creative ideas brought forward such as this. Using a cool gadget as the centerpiece in a map really makes it stand out. :)

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