well I'm not v3n3, but I'm pretty sure that's impossible. the video files aren't actually a video format. if they were, it would fill up the xbox hard drive very quickly, not only that but kill any chance of playable framerate. if you look at the files they aren't bigger than a few MB. which leads me to believe its just geometry point data, which requires the game engine to render.
As I see it, if 343i doesn't provide a way to access screenshots though Waypoint, then this is a perfectly legitimate way of obtaining them. All this does is provide a way to obtain screenshot images, a basic feature 343i stupidly didn't add into Waypoint when they updated it. If this feature was available though Waypoint then it would be no different obtaining them though it than doing it this way. Its not illegal, nor does it violate ToS. You take the screenshots, that means they belong to you. You can do whatever the hell you like with your property.
It doesn't actually do anything on my laptop? The extractor just opens and sits there as if it's loading or something, but 15 minutes have passed and nothings happened. The command line hasn't returned to its idle state either, so its like it's stuck in an unlimited loop :S
HELP!!! I have downloaded horizon and extracted the files, but then when I try and do the command prompt thingy, it just opens the screenshot extractor WHY WON'T IT WORK???
If ForgeHub is affiliated with 343i/Microsoft, can ForgeHub get an official announcement from 343i stating this method is acceptable and will never be met with legal action, and then post the statement at the start of this thread under the instructions?
not saying I've used this, but from the instructions it appears you are supposed to either drag the extractor file into the window, a space, then drag extracted file (or in Vista, you can't drag, so paste filepath instead)
Come on, are there seriously people doubting the legitamacy of this! How can people be so stupid? All you are doing is plugging a damn USB into your xbox and copying over a file, everything else is done on your computer. Even then all you are doing is dragging a file and extracting it...you are not modifying it or anything illegal.
Tried it. Worked first time. Thanks alot this is awesome and definitely legal, you're using xbox functions to remove the save. The rest is all done on PC and has no connection to the xbox anymore. Anyway thanks again.... I had 3 files with the same name. a picture a video and a map type so I had to try all three. Luckily the one on top was the picture, had no hitches whatsoever.
A little stupid, common sense would tell you this is completely legal. And lets say for a moment it wasn't, as soon as you have the file of the xbox how on earth would they know what you have done with it?
the point is to be polite to forum members... not how technically correct the "stupid" comment was.... geez. a community is only as useful as it is friendly and helpful so, say, if your point is to get across, "you are being overly cautious and there's no way this could be illegal" then do you think that point will be well received if you call the person stupid? kind of makes this forum look childish and might make people want to look elsewhere for a better community?? Just sayin'
It's just there are 6 pages, with various people talking about how legit this might not be...the questions were answered a while back that's all, didn't mean to be rude, it's just annoying seeing the legitimacy of a program questioned over and over.
No because those use an engine to render game data into visual effect. The screenshots are a rendered version of that converted into an image format
I don't know if anyone has pointed out that it doesn't have to be illegal to get you banned from XBOX LIVE... I am not certain if this would get you banned, but just wanted to point this little issue out to ya all...
Just to clarify, at worst this classifies a a gray area in the XBL TOS. Worst case scenario you make a new gamer tag. Realistically however, what we're doing is not explicitly prohibited, nor does it negatively impact other players, the network, or the company in any way. On the contrary, it serves to placate and sustain the community while 343 get their act together which benefits everyone involved. They're not going to start chopping off hands over that. If I were them I'd be thanking the guy who made the program, and publicly authorizing it - although I'm sure that would be more red tape than it would be worth. As for being illegal - that's come up because of the vague and somewhat draconian wording in the XBL TOS. We're not doing anything illegal however. DDoSing the XBL servers is more on the level they're talking about there, or DDoSing other players. That ****'s illegal. Kinda. Cracking open files and stripping off a header and a footer in a hex editor? That's nothing.
gametype modding and file extracting is not something that is bannable. my source for this information is the fileshares of the modders that are still up and active with modded gametypes in them.
Again, this is 100% legal. This application nor "Horizon" is writing anything to your HDD/USB or to the File. I can understand the thoughts about being it not "legal", but Im just reading from the File. Another way of describing your thoughts, how should your 360 magically detect that you did something to the File or your Device ? If youre really paranoid, create a new Flash Drive, copy / move the Screenshots over, do the magic on your Computer and Format that Drive again ... Done ;-) I can seriously garantue you that nothing is going to happen, as long as you dont modify anything, write it back to your Device and plug that into your 360. In general Microsoft / Bungie have been pretty generous if it comes to modified Files. As long as you dont destroy the experience for other users or upload those files to your FileShare, theyre "fine" with that youre doing. But still, dont take my word on this, its clearly stated that its not allowed to use modified files on Xbox LIVE ( not on your Xbox again, just on XBL ). About the Video Files: Those are simply just scripts. If youre familiar with the Counter Strike 1.6 scripts, theyre similar but still very different. For Halo ( 3 / Reach / ODST / 4 ) that script just has the Information about the point where the Game started ( GameType / Map / Players in the Game / Their Weapons / Permutations etc ) and just writes to the File everytime something changes. For example, you dont move at all in the Game ... for 23857207 Hours ... that File will be really small, since nothing changes in the Game. Its pretty funny to mess with those files anyway, to see how the Engine handles everything and how its fixing small errors in those files. A small fun fact: In Halo 4, the screenshots, Films and Clips still say "halo reach" in the Header
Bump. This is a REALLY helpful tool. If you're like me and it wouldn't let you drag and drop, simply type out the path to your files. It works great!!