Hey guys, just wanted to show off my first Halo 4 map . Composer is centered in the air by the cliffside on the Forgeworld, Ravine. Composer is meant for very small team games or FFA games. I'll put some pictures up here soon, but for now, here is a video Halo 4 Forge Map "Composer" Preview(HD) - YouTube
two words... light derping... it looks like you used too much complexity and the lighting stopped generating... notice how it gets darker as you approach the lighted areas? try scaling back on some high polygon objects and see which ones are the culprits. it sucks, but you may have to replace things that look nice with things that don't. something we're all struggling with.
Of all things you could of commented on and you complain about no dynamic lighting. If dynamic lighting was on, the map would be very dark. I think it looks good this way and may have been intentional.
I didn't even notice it as well. it reminds me of far cry 2, I used to make an occlusion block ceiling to prevent shadows from being generated.
I complained about nothing... I commented on something I saw which the author might not have known about. sure, the level looks great, I said that too. I was trying to help the guy out. Not sure why you would read it any other way.
You might want to do something about all those struts in the middle of the map. They are basically like columns, which don't really provide solid structure for the map. Players could easily be stuck behind one of those struts with nowhere to go. Also, they will also promote "dancing", which is basically when two players constantly circle the column/strut shooting at each other. It gets pretty annoying. Hope that helps. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
You told him that his dynamic lighting was not working and to re-choose some of his items or downsize. You did not ask if it was meant to be that way. So telling someone that something needs to be fixed is saying something is wrong... in other words a complaint. It looks better with the dynamic lighting to be off if you have highwalls and especially if you have a roof.
you can read it however you want to... and how can you say it looks better when you haven't seen it with dynamic lighting? someone making a suggestion is not a bad thing, isn't that why we are reading this? Isn't that why he made a preview thread? Funny, I thought providing feedback & suggestions was what this place was for? Good or bad, mine was a suggestion and now he has the ability to consider it or not... that's the whole point I think.