Dax, you win, great choice. I would probably choose a respawn point too but after that either a ghost or warthog because I would get all da ladies yeaahhh
I know what it would be... The loadout camera is where you'll go after you die, and you'll be stuck having to see, hear, and smell anything that happens around the spot it's at. Now if only you could have the respawn point as well... And want to know what I would choose? I would go with a Wraith spawn affixed with the unlimited vehicle glitch. I'll lag the whole effing universe with infinitely spawning scorpion tanks!
Well, i'd imagine in today's society, a shield door is far past the technology available, so i would get one of those, sell it to scientists for millions of dollars and have the scientists make me a respawn point in return for pushing science forward a couple hundred years. yea
but you forgets Illuminati already has shield doors but you forgets about reincarnation and how you lived countless times before
yes, but considering that concept, I'm fine with it and it's completely different. When you respawn as you do in Halo, you dont live a new life, you continue the old one with a new (and identical) body. That would be horrible. Imagine watching everyone you love die and when you are so depressed that you just want to end it, you end up respawning no worse for wear. The people you love are all still dead, that war is still going on, you still have bills, and that ugly cat keeps finding you. A blasted nightmare.
Forget respawn points, I'd like to be born into this universe. Initial spawn please, set to the Spin team.
A movable Trait Zone, set to the Cobb team, configured to give me a maximal Damage Resistance and Damage Modifier, with Infinite Ammo and Headshot/Assassination Immunity.
how about the ability to move things the way u do in monitor mode? this would make moving stuff 10 times easier. Need to move that couch? BAM its floating and i can place it wherever i want. that to me is worth more IRL than any piece on the palette