Medieval Combat: Evolved

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by PaladinFTW278, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. PaladinFTW278

    PaladinFTW278 Promethean

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    Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster, and I have quite an ambitious map idea but I need your guys help to make it happen! First I'll give you a general outline of what the map will be.

    Gametype: Invasion, 2 rounds

    The idea is to have a large castle set off to one side of the map which the defending team needs to hold throughout the attack with the use of various key trait zone buffs and specialized classes.


    Knight - A fast, armored defender that prefers the sword and board approach over a long range attack.
    Weapon: Sword
    AA: Hardlight Shield
    Tactical: Mobility
    Support: Explosives

    Paladin - A slow, heavily armored support class that heals the wounded and can hold his own with his own warhammer
    Weapon: Gravity Hammer
    AA: Regeneration Field
    Tactical: Shielding
    Support: Explosives

    Ranger - A swift, long ranged attacker that uses either a bow or crossbow depending on the situation
    Weapon: DMR/Battle Rifle
    AA: Thruster Pack
    Tactical: Firepower
    Support: Awareness

    Trebuchet - A fragile machine that hurls balls of death from across the battlefield
    Weapon: Fuel Rod Cannon
    AA: Jet Pack
    Tactical: AA Efficiency
    Support: Sensor

    Rogue - A fighter who excels with daggers, sneaking around the battlefield stabbing their enemies in the heart
    Weapon: Boltshot
    AA: Hologram
    Tactical: Mobility
    Support: Stealth (if you could) Sensor

    There are a few problems with the classes set up tho, first problem is the inability to rename loadouts to your specifications for custom game setups. I suppose I could use Guard or Grenadier or something along those lines but that really takes away from the customization of the map.

    The second problem would have to be the inability to modify specifics for each loadout, speed for example, the Paladin would be the slowest unit on the field due to heavy armor, the Knight would be slightly faster, and the rogue and ranger would be much faster than both. Unfortunately general changes on the map apply to all loadouts. The only other way I can see of doing this is if you could make trait zones only work for certain class/loadouts. Then we could overlap trait zones and make it work.


    The idea of this map is that every class will have its strengths and weaknesses, but more importantly, each class has its own sweet spot where it is more effective:

    Knight: Battlefield/Foyer of the castle, increased damage/health resistance/headshot immunity
    Paladin: Battlefield/Foyer, increased shield/health resistance/headshot immunity
    Ranger: Castle catwalks/random cover, increased damage/unlimited ammo/enh motion sensor
    Trebuchet: Castle Turrets/Jetpack peak, massive increase to damage
    Rogue: Battlefield/Foyer, increased speed/active camo/melee modifier

    So to summarize or TL;DR

    • Class based warfare
    • Trait Zone 'Sweetspots' for every class
    • Need help setting up trait zones/specific loadouts

    This is also still a very open ended concept so if you have any comments or maybe even suggestions that might make this work even better. I'm all ears!
    Thank you :)
  2. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I really like the idea. I agree it sucks we can't name loadouts that would have been a nice custom game feature. If you make your castle I would probably use Ravine and make the castle on the left side of the map (where dynamic lighting shines down), which would leave the whole rest of the grass area (longways) as the battle field to traverse. Or I suppose you could use the forerunner structure as the inside of the castle and build around it, if possible.
  3. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    or more fantasy like :

    knight : sword + shield
    barbarian : hammer + thruster pack
    sorceress : needler + cloak...
  4. PaladinFTW278

    PaladinFTW278 Promethean

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    @Starship Ghost

    When I was scouting the different maps for a location, Ravine was definitely the best choice for a castle siege, although I never really considered using the forerunner structure as the base of the castle, I may have to look into that, shouldn't be too difficult adding turrets and walkways to defend the foyer, great idea.


    I like the idea of the barbarian and that could easily be tweaked in as extra classes, maybe swap one out for another, and Sorceress is a terrific idea, we don't have any magic based classes and having that class out on the field would really make Knights shine with their shield! And tanks are usually vulnerable to magic, which makes Paladins a prime target for casters!

    once my friend gets borderlands out of his system and gets back on forge to help out, I'll put some pics up of the castle/battlefield, we'll also be sure to test each class thoroughly and modify the bonuses/weaknesses so not one class is too powerful :) Thanks for the ideas!

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    Well, you also have a third problem; Invasion isn't in Halo 4. There's a possibility that you could work around that with Extraction or Dominion, but if you wanted to both spawn and despawn objects in-game, give players choice as to where to spawn or have progressive loadouts there's no way to do so.
  6. korvica

    korvica Promethean

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    I think it is possible to make invasion gametype exactly like in Halo Reach, but there is many steps (look on the forum in the Halo 4 forge section). I would love to see your idea come true, but I can see few problems. First, is everybody supposed to use a different class? Because in this case, you would be obligated to play with 11 players that you know and can "control".Also, the trebuchet class seems to be overpowered and I think everybody would want to take it. If your idea come true, the games would be sick ! Good luck

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    That isn't Invasion dude. I've seen the thread, even posted on it. It does absolutely no justice to Invasion.
  8. PaladinFTW278

    PaladinFTW278 Promethean

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    @ MATT

    Yes, the Invasion gametype not being available right out is a big issue, the 'DIY version' done with Dominion comes close but I see yet another issue, the resupplying of bases. I checked the options and there is really no way to turn that off. Last thing I need is a Trebuchet using a rocket launcher and destroying everything.

    @ korvica

    Yes the general idea is that everyone uses a different class, each one will have its strengths and weaknesses and hopefully a team of diverse classes has more synergy than a team that has a single class. The different classes will be tested EXTENSIVELY before the map is considered complete, to ensure that balance is maintained.

    In regards to the Trebuchet class, I agree it does sound overpowered compared to the other classes, but if we're able to modify health/damage parameters specific to individual loadouts, we can make them slow and have less health, this is actually a perfect example as to why its important to have different classes. A team full of Knights and Paladins would be mowed down by Trebuchets, but a Ranger would be able to take one out easily.

    On another note,

    Does anyone know what the User Data does in Forge? It ranges from -100 to 100 for every item I put into a map. If I can make trait zones only react when certain parameters of the person inside it are met, I could potentially create the ideal environment for combat, at the moment all the trait zones of paladins,knights, and rogues are being mixed together. But I'm gonna keep working on it :)

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    You can turn Objective Ordnance off in the Dominion settings. User Data doesn't do anything, kind of like negative Spawn Sequence in Reach.
  10. PaladinFTW278

    PaladinFTW278 Promethean

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    After looking at the objectives that I placed for this map (i.e. trait zones/specific bonuses per loadout) and realizing that right now that is not possible. I've decided using Invasion for the gametype isn't going to work.

    Another possibility is for a team slayer event where each team is a certain class. Team of Knights, Paladins, Rangers, etc. Since trait zones can be set for certain teams, the overlapping of trait zones wouldn't matter, and each class would still have its strengths and weaknesses.

    There's a few problems with this idea, the long ranged classes would have a huge advantage over the melee classes. Another issue would be the lack of players on each team. Its too bad you can only have up to 16 players in a map :( Imagine if you could have 5 teams of 6!

    On the flipside, the trait zone bonuses could be the limiting factor for the ranged classes. Trebuchets having to rocket upward for their damage bonus leaves them wide open. Rangers would have to hug cover for the best results, in which a melee unit could engage and cause them to have to run from their location, limiting their damage output and effectiveness. The Paladin could have their resistance set up so that if they're in their circle of healing and still being shot, they'd still retain most of their shields.

    I'm gonna get rolling on this and see how it pans out :D

    The castle could still be on the map but instead of on one side of the map it would be situated in the center and the battles would occur around and inside it. This would also limit the possibility of the defending team just camping inside the castle instead of engaging the enemy out in the open.

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