Sniping in Halo 4

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by REMkings, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Body shotting is using it properly. To appropriate your own logic, it does damage if you hit the body for a reason, so there's nothing wrong with using that part of the mechanic. Sorry, but unless you hit every shot you fire as a headshot then you have no basis to talk crap, so don't act like you're hot **** and other people don't deserve to use the Sniper. I personally go for headshots too, and am generally a pretty solid Sniper, doesn't mean I have to be an elitist ass about it.

    Not even pros hit every headshot. If the best players the game has ever seen are happy going for body shots when appropriate then I don't see where you get off saying that it isn't a valid way to use the weapon. It sounds like you're more hung up on going for montage clips than promoting the most helpful way to play.

    So you're arguing from a lone wolf perspective, but expect other people to leave the Sniper for their team mates for the sake of the team? Double standard much?

    Edited by merge:


    Doesn't sound like you're stating an opinion to me. Sounds more like you're saying that making it easier is objectively an improvement.
    #21 Pegasi, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  2. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    As someone who reached rank 41 in halo 3 snipers, and have the master: sniper rifle commendation in halo 4 (was pretty good in reach, but didn't use it that much thanks to bloody ****ing hemorrhage in snipers). I say the sniper is more or less identical to halo 3 and halo reach. In fact, halo 4 has nerfed it to not rip vehicles apart, so less sniper kills that way. Remember, nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Are you taking actual drugs? The Halo 3 Sniper was so much weaker against vehicles than either the Halo 4 one or the Reach one. Reach was the game when they made the Sniper a vehicle wrecking machine, and they've nerfed that aspect a bit in Halo 4. But it still kills a Banshee in 5 hits, for example.

    And sorry, but head hitboxes were smaller in 3, and bullet magnetism was still strong compared to CE, but less than other games. This isn't nostalgia, since most people fully accept that Halo 2 had easy mode sniping, and that's the best of the series for many people.
  4. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Halo 4 sniping is muuuch easier to me than it was in Reach, probably for the aforementioned reasons. But Halo 2's sniper was a guaranteed kill for every bullet, I swear.
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You're taking my comments too seriously. Besides, we're basically saying the same thing: going for the headshots is prefered, but going for a bodyshot is allowed if appropriate. (I know I didn't literally say that but I meant to say it, it's just that my English isn't great lol)
    I just don't like it when people never go for the headshots but always go for bodyshots only. That's what I consider inappropriate usage of the sniper rifle. I'm just a little stronger on the "better-not-bodyshoot-at-all"-side of things than you are. Well, a lot stronger.
    If I sounded like an arrogant ass, then I'm sorry, I'm definitely not trying to state I'm the god of sniping or anything. Again it's probably because my English isn't good enough to exactly be clear enough about what I mean. I'll try to improve upon that :p

    But let's forget about this because it's a completely different topic than what this thread was originally meant for. I guess.

    As weird as that may sound: yes. I rather see someone going for a weapon they can use than picking up any power weapon they can get even if they don't know how to use it. But that's probably due to my annoyance with people that waste power weapons so I guess that's a failure on my part and you're right about this.

    Anyway, like I said, let's forget about this topic and focus on the other subject: the sniper in Halo 4.
    #25 REMkings, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  6. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    H3 had no hitscan either, which IMO is why it's the best out of the relevant games (I never consider CE in comparing anything. No live, multiplayer half an afterthought, substantially smaller sandbox). My hate for hitscan lives on in all respects. Sure, striking blood and not getting a kill was damn annoying in H3, but I'd take that trade for a better LAN sniper and for actual shot-leading necessity. Shot leading made the entire game more enjoyable and skillful IMO.

    As far as the H4 sniper goes though: I just plain don't like it. Doesn't feel fun to use, I feel like I get more kills when I'm fire shots I shouldn't be then when I'm dead on, I hate not being knocked out of scope (I used to to realign when necessary, plus made snipers playlist better), feels clunky to aim and the recoil is meh. All in all, worst sniper of all time. Good thing the Beam Rifle is pretty decent.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Iirc, whilst the H3 Sniper wasn't technically hitscan, the distance travelled in a single frame was longer than the vast majority of maps could accommodate. I think end to end on Sandtrap and possibly end to end Valhalla were the only distances you could actually see the effect of travel time.

    I think "half an afterthought" is a bit strong for CE multiplayer, though I see what you mean in the sense that it wasn't intended as the competitive success it turned out to be. But I still consider it a happy accident, rather than just an accident.

    It's still a Sniper so I enjoy the hell out of it, but in comparative terms I gotta agree with you.
    #27 Pegasi, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  8. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    Just throwing in my two cents, I played Halo 3 for about a year before I got Reach, and in that time I really didn't try sniping that much, then Reach came out and the sniper was pretty easy to use, I'm not saying I was unstoppable with it, but I could use it well enough. Then, a couple weeks before halo 4 came out, I went back to Halo 3, to prepare for 4. I was messing around in forge with my brother, so I spawned myself a sniper knowing that in Reach I could absolutely thrash him with it(not much of an achievement, but I'm just making a comparison), as we had previously cleared most of sandbox's objects, I popped into scope and fired a whole clip at him without a single hit. At this point I'm kinda in shock, so I reload and fire off the remainder of the ammo, getting a couple of body shots but still no kill. But then I grab a beam rifle, and get a headshot on my second go. WTF??? Now Halo 4 comes out, and so, thinking the sniper will be like the one from Reach, proceed to do the same as with Halo 3's sniper. A week later I get a Beam Rifle ordinance and get 6 kills with it??? Now I really can't see much difference between the BR and the sniper, but I always seem to do WAAAAY better with the BR, but as far as the sniper goes, Reach's was the only one I could use even half well.
  9. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Honestly I'm fine with the sniper been amazing at killing infantry, Only beef I have with it is it can also do amazing damage to vehicles.(One weapon does everything)
    I completely understand this comment 100%, In previous halo I would always know the timing and be like I've got all the snipers!!! and be thinking this would be TONS more useful on someone who knew how to use a sniper. But then i think I don't trust my team of randoms to be able to hit a single shot and least I can hit vehicles and body shot. If its a choice between no one using it or a random from my team getting it eventually and wasting it or enemy team potentially picking it up. Best choice is for me to at least decently waste the ammo with the sniper.

    I feel exact same way whenever I see someone wasting power weapons or vehicles (specially vehicles since I know I can use them better then suicide bomb) unless I'm playing with someone I know is good sniper and let them have it otherwise my only choice is to use it.

    I only play for kills if I'm grinding levels (which is most of time in halo 4 then I don't care about wasting weapons) If I'm actually playing strategically(when I'm playing to actually have fun) I will give kills to my ally's without a second thought(specially in team regicide), As long as our team comes out on top in the confrontation I'm happy. Which is why I'm fine with body shotting to pop shields to make them hide(best thing is when they come out of cover not fully healed you made them wait and you can kill them so they have to get back anyway) or get an assist on a DMR battle in a distance.
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    In some, I can agree to that. However, you must also factor in the respawn time as well as the time it takes for the player to run back into the action.

    It really depends on the map and situation.

    OT: uhhhhhhhh.. I like sniping?
  11. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    The quote about the vehicle's is meant to refer to the halo reach sniper only, sorry if you were confused. As for your second comment, I don't know the hitboxes in halo 3 or any of those things, I am just stating my opinion as someone who knows and has spent a lot of time with all of the snipers, that from halo game to halo game, the sniper feels more or less identical to me in terms of skill and power. Except for halo reach adding massive vehicle damage, of course.
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    I feel like the headshots issue ( the only issue with sniping IMO) is mostly a factor in matchmaking/online because the game doesn't always see you where you actually are. small amounts of lag and imperfect hit detection are the culprit.

    the sniping is just fine. the hit detection on all weapons could use some polishing, though.

    noobs cannot use sniper rifles. trust me. I can tell when I get hit by one shot, duck behind a rock and jump out and outsnipe them with a BR or DMR.

    if anything, those two precision mid-long range weapons are overpowered... not sniping.
  13. SpeedBird21

    SpeedBird21 Promethean
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    I completely agree with the ABOVE COMMENT. Factor in TV response time, old or new Xbox, Xbox Live connection from host as well as your upload and download and it creates variables. Not a big variable, but when you're trying to sweep someones face off you might be milliseconds behind of or in front of their head. I guess that's just my opinion.
  14. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    well...I don't see why you would say the BR is overpowered but the DMR certainly overshadows the other precision weapons to the point where there is no logical reason to use anything other than a DMR in Big Team matches. The BR is only useful in smaller games/maps. I am upset about this because I like the BR better but I am forced to use a DMR because everyone else is and if I don't I will get killed from across the map, over and over. Which cannot be done with a BR.

    The main issue I am seeing a problem is the lag as mentioned with getting +assists and +kills, and headshots. Everyday I get the last shot(s) in players but I get no assists or kills for it. Even headshots a lot of times do not register when a player has lost his shields and is running away...I hit his head dead on before they go into cover but they still live. This did not happen in Halo Reach or Halo 3.
    #34 Starship Ghost, Dec 19, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Have you done a speedtest on your connection recently? Every game is going to suffer some shot registration issues, but Halo 4 is miles ahead of Halo 3 in terms of netcode. Whatever you think of balance issues in each game, Halo 3 was pretty atrocious in terms of netcode by all accounts.
  16. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I find the most annoying thing with the snipers is the fact when you're shot, you're not knocked out of scope. It means you can't put someone off now by shooting them after you've been hit first in any scenario... or if you're shooting someone else, and you're just about to kill them.. you get shot and your cursor is aiming at the moon instead of the person... it then takes like 20 seconds to scroll back down to where your cross hair should be and by that time, you're already dead.

    I like the bump thing with the cross hair, but only on weapons used for mid range fights like DMR or BR, because they take at least 5 shots to kill, so the bumps are useful and you can always fight back against them... A snipers bump is far too high, and you're dead before your crosshair has fully bumped up anyway. It's a pointless introduction for the sniper rifle imo.
  17. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In my experience, I actually still get the kill that way without having to hop into cover to regain my shields, something I was forced to do in previous Halo games if I didn't want to risk dying and couldn't get a lucky quickscope on him after all. In other words, I find it's actually easier this way for the sniping person to get the kill. Anyway, I feel the same as you do: not being put out of scope is lame and game breaking.
  18. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    10 sensitivity for the wiiiiiin
  19. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I get about 25 - 30Mbps, which is better than most players. I don't share the internet with any other devices while I am playing either. You're telling me you never don't get assists or kills when you should have? If it's not lag, it's too many people shooting the same person and the server doesn't give the assist to all...that's all I can think of. For the most part the game is fine though. It's not enough for me to quit playing or anything.

    This is why controllers suck for FPS games and were never meant to be used for them. In fact, that is the only reason Aim Assist and Magnet projectiles even exist, the game would be impossible to play on a controller without them.
    #39 Starship Ghost, Dec 19, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Upload speed is what counts for dropped shots, as you're sending information rather than receiving it.

    Yes, it happens to me, but significantly less than it did on Halo 3. H3 netcode was the worst in the series by a fair way, dropped shots and Sniper bloodsplats all over, even on full greenbar games. Hell, it happened often enough on LAN. I think Halo 4 may be slightly worse than Reach, but to be honest it's a bit too soon to tell, and if so it's a minor difference and nothing close to Halo 3.

    Not impossible, but incredibly difficult, yes. Also, it worked better in previous games, so I don't think just saying that the controller is to blame makes much sense. And in terms of this specific issue, ie. how to deal with recoil, how many PC Arena shooters have a huge kick when you get shot? Right. I think you make a somewhat valid point in general terms, but it's not massively relevant to what Stevo brought up.
    #40 Pegasi, Dec 19, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012

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