
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Fenix Hulk, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Digital Limit

    Digital Limit Ancient
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    Aw man, all this fanfare and you don't even have neutral spawns for Slayer in Strongside?

    Get on that!
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    There are the standard maps in Halo 4 that have way longer LoS that this... take Harvest for example, I guess you will never play that map because the sides are like mine, long and open. YOU CANNOT SEE BASE TO BASE... corner to corner is not base to base. So you have a Long LoS to their corner, big deal, but that's it. Running around by yourself in the map is not "testing" it, its just getting a better view. When you actually sees how the map plays, you will understand that if anything needs to be fixed, it's the turrets. Everyone who has played the map loves the feel, flow, and gameplay on the map. Only the "peps" who look at it on forgehub are complaining about the sides and tower... play some games man, it's great how it is. Why fix it to make someone on forgehub happy who doesn't even play the map.
  3. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    I don't know what makes you assume I didn't play actual games on it.

    And, by the way, Harvest has rocks, structures, tunnels, etc, when looking from "base to base" on the sides. Harvest is an excellent map and should in no way be compared to this.
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    Don't get me wrong dude,this is an excellent map but we "peps on forgehub" have been doing this a long time we have seen maps that are like yours(not as cool looking though) that have played bad because of long sight lines. As for your friends who love the map, I used to love EVERY map I ever played on. Then I came here and learned a bit about map design(you probally do know more than me if you are taking the class) and now I can spot flaws in a map. Everybody giving you feedback is giving you valid points your excuses for not fixing them are what people are getting angry (and in tycho's case) a bit hostile.

    (I'd cool it down a bit man)

    Anyways despite the flaws the map does look excellent all we are asking is that you at least try our suggestions. Submit the map to the testers guild as it is(I will throw you a link later) then save a variant with our suggestions (keep your old one) run it by them again. They will test the map ALOT and give great feedback then based off of their feedback you decide to listen or keep arguing.
  5. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Yes, it does have strutures, rocks, and a difference in terrain height, but still very little of that total and the sides are about 3-4 times wider than mine. However there are still LoS that are actually longer than mine and more open than mine where players get caught out in the open. I am not comparing maps here but rather LoS comparsion. It's so short-minded to think you can't have a LoS on a map like mine. It gives you no advantage... you can't shoot anyone at there base from the side but only people coming down the same side path as you-> just like in harvest.

    I understand you can see from one side of the map to the other, but it gives you no real advantage when you can only see very minimal of the map. I could understand if you were actually in the "base area" and you could actually shoot from one base structure to the other, but even that exists in many halo maps.

    The reason I state that I don't think you played any games is because you brought up this complaint since shortly after I posted the map. I have had no one complain about this from actual games because frankly no one uses the outside except for vehicle play, there's just to many options to get across from the center so why go way wide and take the outside on foot?

    As what the other guy side about the ladders, they are balanced because yeah a guy on top might be camping it with a shotty or boltshot but if not, he's scared that you might come up it and put one in his face when you clear the top. I aslways found myself backing away from the ladder to avoid the boltshot... it's just like clearing corners except this one is vertical.

    The only complaints I have had before are the turrets. most people don't expect them or forget about them and clear the base of the enemy team, then approach the flag from the front with jet pack and get chewed up by the turrets.

    If you did play actual games on the map, please post video(s) so you can actually show off that there needs to be cover on the sides. I'm not here to pick on you and so with you to me, but besides saying "hey, there's long LoS on the sides, fix it," I'm not going to change it. I am more professional than that at what I do and you have to show me that it actually takes away from gameplay. I spent around 15-17 days of atleast 3 hours a day on this map and thought a lot about how this map would play. I was originally going to add to the sides but figured it wasn't needed due to hogs only using that route and used that budget better elsewhere.

    No offense but I've actually been here @ ForgeHub alot longer than you and been making maps in Forge since forge in halo 3. My Halo 3 Maps. I never made any maps for Reach because I recently been through 2 deployments to Iraq and never had the time to get involved here. Now that I'm out of the military and now going to school, I have the time so I'm back at it.

    I'm just asking you guys to post a video of game play displaying that the LoS is hurting gameplay on the sides. That's it... if you guys want to be this judgemental about a custom forge map that someone plays to have fun with their friends, then you better have the proof to back it up. Proof my friend... proof. I only take advice from people who play my map, those are the ones I want to make happy, not critics on FH.
    #45 Fenix Hulk, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  6. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    Haha your right! 2009 damn dude. I just hadn't seen you before and thought you signed up when 4 came out like everybody else I see around here these days.

    Plenty of maps get played on forgehub by 4chubbers. I would personally love to play this map but I do not have 4 but I don't think that just because I haven't played that my opinions should be completely thrown out the window. I guess we have to agree to disagree.


    Thank you for your service.
  7. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    ... Why post it here, then?

    I recommend doing one of three things: post this in the completed map section, edit your original post and say that you won't make any changes unless people play the map, or submit the map to the Tester's Guild and let them give you feedback - you obviously don't regard the opinions people have here very highly. So far, people have kindly been giving their input and all you've been doing is dismissing them over and over and over again.

    I understand that you'll pay more attention to the opinions of your playtesters than the people on here. If that's the case, though, let people know. Or just ask them to stop making comments altogether. I say this so you can get 'better' feedback that you'll listen to, instead of wasting people's time.

    Regarding the map, I like it. Unlike everyone else, I don't think the long sightlines will hurt the map much because there seem to be plenty of other routes that infantry can take. I understand that those long routes are there to promote Warthog gameplay. The aesthetics are good, too - the crane-thingy is always a nice touch to a map. I like how much effort you've put into editing all the pictures in the post as well.
  8. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    8 years United States Army Infantry. You could say I did my time and now a combat veteran. Thank you for the support. ...But yes, I think no one should complain about details like this until they actually play the map. "Everyone" on FH is a critic and loves pointing out the smallest "flaws" on some of the best maps before even playing them. Some seem to not even care about playing them, they just like to imagine themselves as a 343/Bugine Lead Map Designer and enjoy being a critic. I mean really... ask yourself... if you were making an actual map for Halo 4 and someone came to you and complained to you about something that needed to be fixed on your map and they never even played a game on it, and yet you have played many games and not a single soul from those games said that needed to be fixed but rather said they liked it because it gives the hog a advantage... would you make that change for someone who doesn't even play it?

    I posted it here to share it and try to get some mature people from FH to help test it. I did not post it so people could review "how it plays" just from a few screenshots. That's silly and so overdone here. I am only dismissing critics who haven't tested the map. If they actually test it with me or submit video proof of things that need to be fixed, then I'll start listening but they're are to many people who have too many opinions on this site and you can't make everyone happy and 'nor do I care to make a critic happy who will never play my map.

    And BTW, it hasn't been a bunch of people but rather 3 who have jumped on this LoS bandwagon without ever testing the map for themselves. I am allowed to defend my map in this case. I've spent many many hours on this, if you're going to be a critic, atleast invest some time in proving your case. I think that is fair.
    #48 Fenix Hulk, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  9. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    well, it's his map. he has the right to dismiss critics.
  10. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    It's only the beta and I didn't plan on testing it in slayer gametype. It was designed from the ground up for CTF. I'm only testing it with CTF in the beta stage but I will add neutral spawns for the final release and it will also support KotH.
    #50 Fenix Hulk, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  11. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    Nobody is hating on the map??

    Anyways soulcrusher I guess you are right, I'm sorry I can't play the map it looks great and I would love to but I have been really tight on money.
  12. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I plan on having an impact on the community here and may change the way people review maps. If they only spent a couple hours on the map, then it only deserves about a minute long of review... however, if the guy/girl spends over half of a month on the map and someone wants to be a critic of that map, they should atleast invest some time into actually testing the map before being so sure of what they are being a critic about. You owe that time to the person who spent alot more time on the map.

    I don't post everymap I make like everyone else here. I've made a very beautiful map prior to this for halo 4 that I spent about 2 weeks or so on but scraped it just because I thought it would have to many gameplay issues and this was before I actually jumped online in Infinity multiplayer and got a feel for how the game plays.

    Here's the map:

    Anyways, I have also made a caves map on Erosion and a Epic Scale Arena map on Impact that I may be releasing in the future. I put alot of time and thought into my work and expect anyone who criticizes me to put forward a little effort as well. That is all. Sorry about the finances, been there. I have a family of 4.
  13. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    Well I really like what you did here with strongside I'd give it a 10 out of 10.
    The look is phenomenal, as for the lines of sites it doesnt matter on the outside vehicle path.

    My one question where does the tunnel entrance start of come out? and if those pictures are correct for the tunnel maybe add a little cover structure. Other then that thou super design man.

  14. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    The tunnel comes out behind each base the starts in the center. Go to page 4 to see more pics of the tunnel if you haven't already. There is a generator structure in the center so you can't see from one tunnel side to the other.

    And about a structure for cover, what else are you referring to? I cannot block the path, what would you recommend in the tunnel?

    The tunnel also changes height drastically half way through just to help kill some LoS as well.
    #54 Fenix Hulk, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  15. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    The tunnel entrance is directly behind the main base of each team. From the overhead view of the map it appears that the road connects all away around but that is not the case. You enter or exit the lower tunnel from the sniper side. The road on the other side takes you towards the banshee spawn. Its not a complete road around.

    If you take a hog/mongoose through the tunnel back to your base when you have the flag you will take the tunnel and come out behind your sniper tower and will have to follow the road to the front of the base. That is if you go straight down the entire tunnel. You can exit also in the middle where the hammer spawns and come back out on the top level.

    Hope that helps :)
    #55 FinalEndeavor, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  16. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I think I need to add a route (for infantry) that leads up to the base on the backside from the bottom path. It's nice to have that underground path but becomes tedious to have to go all the way around the base on foot if you don't have a jump pack.
  17. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    I agree. When we were messing around last night I was doing that all the time with the flag and I felt like I had to cover to much ground to cap the flag when I came out of the tunnel. They way it is right now I feel makes taking the entire tunnel not as a quick of a get away as it should be.
    #57 FinalEndeavor, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  18. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    If you look at screenshot #3 on the first page and scan directly above where the road starts to incline, you'll see the ledge that extends out a little bit. I will add a foot ramp that will connect that to the road where the silo pad extends past the wall. I think that would be a good choice.

    Or I can connect the silo pad where the banshee is and have a foot ramp follow down the other wall into the tunnel. Both ways would take about the same amount of time to get to the flag. The banshee route though allows a way to get off the path quicker but might clutter the tunnel there and it is a turning area for the hog which will need room.

    Actually here's the image:
    #58 Fenix Hulk, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  19. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    That would help out a lot!
  20. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    We will be doing CTF testing on this map tonight @ 11 pm (U.S. Central Timezone). Anyone game?

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