'H3 PITfall'

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by CK CUJO, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    H3 PITfall (most current version in fileshare) (H3 The Pit) by: o CUJ0 o

    Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, and CTF supported.

    (*updated Fri, Dec. 28th, 2012) - Added some soft kill zones, added the ledges by OS ramps, narrowed the ramps above OS that leads to Sword, added ledge to walk around top sword, added gaps between both sets of barriers, fixed some minor z-fighting.)

    I am submitting this map and 'H2 Colossal' my Colossus remake to the Forgotten Treasures contest.

    I knew THE PIT from halo 3 was going to be one of the most difficult maps to remake because of how exact the distances, lengths, platform heights, walkways and bases had to be.
    Not only are the dimensions of the map important, but there is also another. One of the things most people fail to realize is that the light, sunlight, shadows, everything is important for navigation, especially when a map is being remade. The Pit is an extreme example of this.
    The very, very first thing I did was make sure I angled the map so the sun was coming in from the proper direction.

    (Comparison shot 1)- fixed the overhangs shown in this picture to be completely vertical, as to match the original more in the new version. See below for upgrades.


    To make sure I recreated The Pit faithfully, I loaded up forge in Halo 3 and took the time to measure every possible dimension in the level. By using KOTH markers, I was able to adjust their sizes to make sure that every platform I made was the correct height, every walkway and ramp the correct length and distance from each other, and made sure that top to bottom, left to right were perfect. It took me days.

    (Comparison shot 2)- added the gaps between these barriers in new version. See below for upgrades.


    To make sure Pitfall felt like The Pit, I made the decision from the beginning to include the glass ‘ceiling’. The shadows draping across the map allows you to instantly recognize where you are and what direction you’re facing. It was tough not using those extra wall pieces but it was well worth it.

    (Comparison shot 3)- added the ledge above each OS ramp in new version and narrowed the ramp. See below for upgrades.


    I made sure to add several of the tricky jumps in the map. I only ever used a couple of them, but it seems a lot of people get super excited about that sort of thing. The non-game-breaking jumps made it in.
    The most difficult part about making this map was the stupid light rendering glitch. After I had the map 90% completed, the level loaded up with no light. I was furious/ frustrated/ depressed, and after tooling around with the map, I may have figured out how to overcome it, at least with a couple of the maps I’ve made. As you’re building, and going back and forth between monitor and player mode, the light and shadows should render. In the even this doesn’t happen and everything is BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT white and you’ve burned your retinas out, simply, delete the last 2 things you added, return to player mode, and 95% percent of the time it will render correctly. Immediately save your map. Exit the game, restart the level in forge, and start again. I found that by going back and forth like this, I was able to add 3 thousand dollars would of items and managed to keep the light fully rendered.

    I don’t have a video but am working on it. I’ve tested this map with 4v4 CTF and it’s glorious. Please DL and let me know what you think!

    To find my map, go to your file-browser from Halo 4’s menu. Press start, go down to the bottom and then all the way to the right. Select maps, then search by gamertag.
    My new gamertag is - o CUJ0 o - that’s a lowercase ‘o’, space, CUJØ (zero), space, lowercase ‘o’
    #1 CK CUJO, Dec 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2013
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty good remake and way cleaner. Has that "pit" feel to it. Will be checking this one out for sure.
  3. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I have seen some "Pit" remakes, but from the pictures i already can tell that this looks way cleaner and with those shadows (Like soulcrusher said) it really has that pit feel to it, they almost look the same as one the real map! You are the only one i have seen, that added the roof. I will check this out in a minute, and come back to this.
  4. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    I can see some scaling issues in the pictures but I'll still check it out. Really like the addition of the glass roof.
  5. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    Looks secks.

    The glass roof is a nice addition but if you look at the real map there as a section where the glass is covered, don't know if that will make your lighting more accurate but I guess it's worth a try.

    Also in the comparison shot #2 that elbow wall area has some gaps in it which are important to keep people from camping there. I suggest you space out your cover pieces very slightly to provide that gap.
  6. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    There are a few Pit remakes on here already, but they've been drowned in all the forum posts. This one has something different about it, though - the fact that it looks the most like The Pit.

    The fact you even paid attention to the lighting shows your faithfulness to producing an accurate remake. I've never heard anyone mention lighting when remaking a map before, and truthfully, I've never thought about it myself.

    One question: when measuring the Halo 3 map with KOTH markers, did you translate, for example, a 4x4 building in Halo 3 into a 4x4 building in Halo 4, using the same coordinate system? If so, your whole remake will be 33% smaller than the original (credit to Stevo) but this may be necessary to make all the jumps work.
  7. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Thanks for your interest in the map everybody.

    First to Waterfall Ninja; what's funny about your comment about elbows and no spaces in the elbows causing camping... that's the reason I took them out. I couldn't remember if a grenade tossed on the other side of the elbow could cause force to hurt someone through those holes, although I knew that people could shoot out of it. I in fact removed it for the exact reason you think I should add them. By removing the spacing, no one can 'hide' up there and shoot out. But I do see your point in reverse.

    What does everyone else think about that? It's an extremely easy fix, only involving pulling those barriers apart a teensie little bit. Let me know.

    And to Kazerra; I had actually not come across the neat math that you mentioned calculated by Stevo. I did find some interesting things out though in regards to sizes. At first while I was building and was doing an exact translation using Halo 3's scale by the KOTH markers, I found that on many, too numerous to count occasions, that the size pieces I needed to say, fill a gap, or to span a walkway-- Halo 4 had the exact size pieces necessary. I had actually laughed several times thinking that Bungie, and now 343 had planned it that way. Right now I'm loading up Halo 3 again and am going to time how long it takes my character to walk across the map at default speed and see how that goes as that actually seems to be the way some forgers measured their maps.. one sec....................

    So, along the fence from one grav lift to the other walking right past the OS- 16 seconds for Halo 3 The Pit and this version- PITfall... well, time from one side to the other is exactly the same, I can only hope that means it's faithful... I guess we'll find out.
  8. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    From what I can see in the screenshots, its fairly spot on. The only thing I will say is the ramps you used above the entrance to sniper spawn makes that part look completely different, especially with comparative screenshots. I don't like the change, it just isn't right to have an awning there where it doesn't exist in the original. Other than that, the proportions look spot on from what I can see, and the aesthetic has changed slightly but I quite like it. Other than those ramp pieces, if you were to fix those it would make that section look more accurate. I will download this tonight and have a better look.
  9. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    About the spaces in the barriers: it's not that big of a deal it can stop camping but it can also cause camping. So I don't know if it will help or detract from gameplay.
    Maybe you could put the hole in and put a fusion coil somewhere nearby so if someone is camping there you can get them with the fusion coil. Just a thought do what you will with it :) seriously nice looking map you got here.
  10. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I think it looks amazing. I personally love the ramp like front you put on the sniper spawn. While its different from the original, I think its a good difference. As for the barrier's on top of the sniper spawn, I would put the crack back in. While it doesn't make a huge difference, I remember pretty often I would get in a sniper match with someone and after hitting them once they would go hide behind it until their shields recharged. With the crack being there, it gave me a chance to try and finish them off if they weren't careful where they stood. Also if I was running around the top with an enemy, I'd be able to look through the crack quick to see if my enemy was camping on the other side.

    But anyways, it looks amazing. You'll definitely get a download from me.
  11. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    By the end of the week, I will have reevaluated some of the things mentioned on this thread. No sense in not taking everyone's opinions to heart. Anything I can do to make it more accurate is worth taking a look at.
  12. nijt

    nijt Promethean

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    Definitely the best Pit remake I've seen so far. I LOVE how, like others mentioned, it has a clear Pit feel to it. Also done a great job on Sword, I really like how you managed to recreate that little window you can peek through. Feels exactly like the original Pit, where you JUST can't see the area next to Snipetower unless you jump. Great job overall.

    Some little critiques though:

    You seemed to have made the ramps to sword broader, which is not necessarily a problem, but it caused the legde on the side of it above the OS tunnel to be eliminated (clearly visible in comparison shot 3). Red side has a minimal ledge which is very hard to get on, and blue doesn't have a ledge at all.

    The yellow ledges around training/sword bridge are not there. You did make a small platform in the middle with a STRUT, but it's not possible to jump on it from the LINE UPGRADE BARRICADE on sword bridge, as it should. In addition to this I'd like to see another LINE UPGRADE BARRICADE added to the one I just mentioned so that they form an elbow (like it does in the original Pit).

    These are only minor issues but I think fixing them will make the map even more Pit-like. In the mean time I'll be enjoying it anyway!
    #12 nijt, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
  13. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Thanks for your downloads and comments. I've adjusted the map a little bit by adding some soft spawn zones for each team, added the ledges by OS ramps, and added the gaps in the barriers on top of each grav lift base.
    #13 CK CUJO, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
  14. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I'm personally not a huge fan of the awnings, but that might just be me.

    Those spaces in the barriers you mentioned are pretty damn important, especially when you consider that without those, there's only one way to attack a player in there.. Also, The Pit had a sword in it. Not the greatest combo.

    I would still keep those openings. Your LoS out of the window is relatively small and allowing players to nade through the opening is more important.

    @3rd picture That ramp up and the opening seem very out of scale. I'm not sure whether you have fixed that with the ledges you just mentioned.

    Pretty accurate remake of The Pit. Have you considered making any layout changes to fit Halo 4 better (Sprint / Armor Abilities are the big ones..)
  15. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Spincycle, I got rid of the awnings, so it's flat like the original. I added the gaps like you mentioned so people can shoot through and be shot out from behind those barriers. I did add the ledge next to the OS ramps, and yes I agree that possibly a narrow ramp would be better, but the budget doesn't exist currently. You should download and give it a shot. Thank you for your feedback.

    -- I did manage to find the budget to fix the ramps.
    #15 CK CUJO, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
  16. III Specia1 K III

    III Specia1 K III Promethean

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    Of all the Pit remakes I've tried, this one is my favorite. I highly recommend that Halo 3 fans download this and leave some feedback.

    Aesthetically it looks great (especially with the lighting effects from the coliseum windows), and it functions just as well as the original from what I can remember.
  17. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you haven't already, please download PITfall (the most current version is in my fileshare). Thank you.

    Edited by merge:

    I've uploaded my final version 'PITfall v1.03' for the contest.. Does it make sense to just rename it back to PITfall? or wait until after the contest?--- already renamed it back. Thank you.
    #17 CK CUJO, Dec 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2013

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