Covenent sniper tower This map contains a covenent sniper tower in the middle. There are two teams one covenent and other human. The humans spawn in a fortress with lots of vehicles. 2 minutes into the game a gate spawns at the entrance/exit of the base , a turrent also spawns to make the base more defense. Now the vehicles inside are harder to get out of the base so if you go through the teleporter at the right of the base you'll end up in a area with vehicles and a sniper. The covenent spawn in a area foating above ground or on the sniper tower. There is a one way teleporter from the floating base to the tower. If the humans capture the tower then you can jump out the sides of the base. There are lots of structures around the tower with weapons in them. Even though two team slayer is recomended (one team red and the other blue) 1 flag and one bomb work too. New to v2 -better bases -more structures -timed map event (gates) -interlocking -snipers in human base -chopper area replaced by part of human base Sniper tower Human Base Human Base interior gates open Human Base interior gates closed other half of human base Covi Base and if you cant tell by the pic its a interlocked room Cover Action Pics Download
Looks okay, very sloppy in a lot of areas, I think a lot of "Pointless Interlocking" is needed in some areas. Also, this looks incredibly bare. Did you mean it to be that way?
Oh, just pushing a wall into box a smidge, pushing boxes together, just small things like that which helps with aesthetics.
What you've said contradicts each other. So its open but with a lot of cover??? I think I know what you're saying.
Interlocking (just for aesthetics) is pointless (unless it is an aesthetic map of course). I think it is the game that makes a map and how it plays. Not how it looks.
lazily made... it seems as though you just threw a few things in, planted a few boxes here and there... then decided to name it... seriously dude...what is going to make this map DLable? what sets it apart? at this very moment, nothing does... suggestions: -use the entire map or most of it to your advantage... there is so much empty space an elephant could drive through -as for the jokingly hidden chopper... don't plant it haphazardly... put it somewhere where you haveta activate a switch or work hard to get it .... oooor.... put it somewhere extremely accessible...if im not mistaken and correct me if im wrong (not sarcastic by the way)... the people haveta walk to the other side of the map to grab the chopper... put some spawns there... or elevate the chopper on a platform accessible at a certain point in something.. -make the map dynamic... make it so that the people on the platform are scared because the other team can easily assault them and possibly reach them, but also give them a due amount of cover... furthermore, timed events wouldn't hurt the map either do that... and you're sure to get less criticism -Sarge