Landslide: A Re-imagining of Halo 3's Avalanche [v3 Available!]

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Digital Limit, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Digital Limit

    Digital Limit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    by Digital Limit

    A re-envisioning of Halo 3's Avalanche; supports Infinity Slayer and Capture the Flag up to 16 players.





    More images can be found in the gallery, here.


    Landslide Video Walkthrough


    Landslide was born in two parts: one for my love of Avalanche—its progenitor—and two for the epiphany that Ravine's chasm functions perfectly as the endless pit found in the middle of Avalanche. Some concessions had to be made both in aesthetics and function, but the end result is a slightly more compact, highly playable successor to my favorite map in Halo's history.

    Static Global Ordnance:
    2x Sniper Rifle (120s)
    2x Rocket Launcher (120s)
    2x Railgun (120s)
    1x Spartan Laser (180s)
    1x Shotgun (180s)

    4x Warthog (60s)
    4x Mongoose (45s)
    2x Banshee (180s)
    2x Mantis (180s)
    2x Wraith (180s)
    1x Ghost (90s)


    Download Landslide by searching for my File Share by gamertag: Digital Limit

    If that doesn't work, there are various other work-arounds here.

    Thank you for checking it out!

    Credit to Shacker for inspiration.
    #1 Digital Limit, Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
  2. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    could we see more of the other base, I want to see how well you pulled it off.
  3. Digital Limit

    Digital Limit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Which base?

    In the gallery (here) there are more screenshots. The original post has one screenshot of the red base and one from the blue base, so I don't know which to show you. I'll just assume you were curious about blue:


    They're nearly identical, although the red base is pushed forward slightly to balance out the fact that it's at a lower elevation. And of course there are differences based on Ravine's unique geometry.

    You're welcome to load download it off of my File Share and check it out first hand.
  4. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey, it's you.
  5. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I tried some effects to make it look like snow, but it's not super convincing. I had something like colorless+ nova + next gen.
  6. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    wait, you can stack special FX?
  7. Digital Limit

    Digital Limit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why hello there best buddy, best pal o' mine!

    Yes, but the special FX filters in Halo 4 are far too overbearing to use in any remotely competitive map. I named this map Landslide as a nod to the absence of snow, anyway, so it's been dealt with.
    #7 Digital Limit, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  8. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    yea it sucks we have to make such compromises and don't have simple things like a snow area and a desert area.

    I tried the stacking too just an hour or so ago and it did white everything out, but that's EVERYTHING not just the ground.
  9. Aladin91

    Aladin91 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    this looks fantastic! i'll have to remember to give it a download when i get back from my trip...can't wait to give it a test though!
  10. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nova + sepia isn't far from giving a good effect. except it occasionaly turns orange.
  11. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    I still think weather effects would be good in forge. As for the map its good, actually reminds me of Sidewinder because its been scaled down. Personally I hated Avalanche, I prefer the size of the original Sidewinder. What you could do is change this a bit and submit it to the contest as a Sidewinder remake, or even submit it as a remake of Avalanche.

    They take scaling down for a purpose into consideration, basically you are allowed to scale your remakes up or down if there is a reason for it (catering to sprint in a Halo game that didn't feature it, not enough budget to construct it to scale, etc). I can defiantely identify your map as a remake of Avalanche, there are aspects of it that are very accurate. Good job.
  12. Digital Limit

    Digital Limit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, UberAurora. A little praise goes a long way. I'll submit it to the contest if only for the chance to have more people exposed to my map. I love receiving feedback and making tweaks.

    And I agree with your feelings on the size of Sidewinder relative to Avalanche, although I was never a huge fan of the linked teleporters on the outskirts and the camping and exterior battles that went along with that. Avalanche's linked center area always made the map feel more cohesive, and allowed combat to happen where I'd want it. Maybe this could be the best of both worlds.

    Also, man cannons are hilarious.
  13. RegardlessDolan

    RegardlessDolan Promethean

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    I'd just like to chime in and say that you should refer to this as a "Reimagination" rather than a "Spiritual Successor".

    Remake = An as-accurate-as-possible recreation of the original map

    Reimagination = A remake, but with certain design aspects and structures replaced with original ideas.

    Spiritual Successor = A new map using the same basic design principle (figure-8, symmetrical, 3 story etc...) but with almost all, if not completely original structures.

    A Spiritual Successor would be what Guardian was to Lockout, or what Valhalla was to Blood Gultch.
    #13 RegardlessDolan, Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  14. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    This map fits the Spiritual Successor title rather than the Reimagination title, going off your definitions.

    Anyway, I love the look of this map. The main thing I like is that it actually seems as if it would support BR gameplay much better than any other BTB map I've seen. There aren't many cross-map lines of sight, and the long lines of sight aren't so that the DMR will completely outclass the BR in a fight. The main issue with BTB, in my opinion, is the fact that in many cases the DMR wins over any other weapon, and can lock down positions more effectively through camping. This map looks like it'd solve this issue.

    Aesthetics-wise, it doesn't look ugly. Your piece choice is really good (I especially like the tunnels created by the circular ramps) and looks simple enough so that frame rate issues won't be a problem.

    If you ever want some playtesting done, please invite me. I'd love to play this.
  15. Digital Limit

    Digital Limit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But Spiritual Successor sounds so much cooler. :'(

    Edited by merge:

    Haha, I'll take that as a compliment.

    Glad you dig it! Just send me a friend request and I'll keep you in mind for a test. I am a little leery though since you're located in England. The last playtest I did of Landslide was largely international and the lag made it hard to parse out how I felt about certain aspects of the map.
    #15 Digital Limit, Dec 15, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2012
  16. RegardlessDolan

    RegardlessDolan Promethean

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    Both main bases are extremely similar to the original ones.
    Both main basses have extremely similar man cannons leading into them.
    The main hallway (large pit with 2 man cannons) is extremely similar to the original.

    These are the main things that put it under the Reimagination column. Once more, a Spiritual Successor would be what Valhalla is to Blood Gultch. They both:

    Are In a boxed canyon.
    Have 1 wall side and 1 beach side.
    Have 1 small main base at each end of the canyon.
    Have a method of quick transportation from each base to 1 neutral area (Blood Gultch, teleporter; Valhalla, man cannons)

    See, valhalla follows the basic design principles of Blood Glutch, however, none of the structures or areas of the map are the same as in Blood Gultch. In this map, there are a decent amount of important structures and areas that are closer to being a remake than being an original creation, and that's what makes this a Reimagination.

    Back on topic:
    I'll be playing some games on here later, so I'll be back with some constructive feedback afterwards.
  17. Digital Limit

    Digital Limit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome, great to hear! I should be around for some Halo most of the night if you need another. I'm fiddling with reducing my budget so I'll be able to actually act on any constructive feedback, rather than twiddle my thumbs and shrug.

    Edited 12/15/2012:

    Landslide v2

    I redesigned the Red and Blue Rockets areas to be more Warthog-friendly, as well as polished up a few areas that were bothering me in the back in my head. I managed to cut down my budget significantly, but ironically I am hitting the lighting glitch more readily now, probably because I replaced some 3-piece ramps with Coliseum Windows which I believe are killing some of the lighting budget. So yeah, one step forward, two steps back.

    At any rate, Landslide v2 is now up on my File Share!

    If you're having trouble downloading it the classic way, feel free to message me. I can reply to your message and then you can view my profile and ultimately my File Share through the Xbox Guide. That's the only consistent work around I've seen recently.


    Extra edit: Updated vehicle, weapon and scenery respawn times to align with Ragnarok's.
    #17 Digital Limit, Dec 15, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  18. RegardlessDolan

    RegardlessDolan Promethean

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    Finally got around to playing some matches on V2.

    >I'd add some soft kill zones to the tops of the bases. They create quite an overpowered sniping/camping position. 90% of my games consisted of people camping that spot with sniper/camo and pretty much never dying. Plus, with jetpack, you can climb the rocks in that area and get to some ridiculous spots

    >The area by Ghost/laser is pretty open, I'd consider doing something with this space. Perhaps work in the hallway all the way to the back somehow.

    >Might be cool to have some kind of bridge connecting the grassy areas below the snipe spawns. Just a thought.

    >At the little arch by Laser spawn (made of 3 struts), I'd put a glass window in the center of it, blocking the line from the laser to the lift and creating a little cubbie hole. Nothing bad with how it currently is, I just think it may play better with a small tweak.

    Besides those, I can't really think of anything. Pretty solid map. The soft kill zone is the only thing that I would say should definitely be changed.
  19. Digital Limit

    Digital Limit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot for the feedback, Regardless! I implemented many of your changes, and many others.

    Version 3 of Landslide is now available!

    Thanks again for the feedback! I'm taking all criticisms seriously and updating regularly, so I'd love to have more people try out version 3. It's the first version where I'm proud of every part of Landslide.
    #19 Digital Limit, Dec 19, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2012
  20. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    The thing that always really pissed me off about Avalanche was it is SOOOO different to Sidewinder. It was supposed to be a remake / reimagination / spiritual successor, but personally I just think its too far away from the original to be any of those. Avalanche incorporates more topographical structures, were as Sidewinder is more or less quite a bit flatter. Avalanche is a kin to Hemmorage as a remake of Blood Gulch. They just enlarged it far too much.

    Strangly enough though, I can actually see elements of Sidewinder in this map even though its supposed to be a remake of Avalanche. Which I just don't get considering they are quite different maps.

    The main thing that i'd suggest though is refining the area that is in the built section of Ravine. I think its meant to be the cave part that connects the map via Man Cannons, but its the most unrecogizable part of this map. The only reason I figured out that's what its supposed to be is because of the fact I'm familiar with the base geography of the original Avalanche.

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