Skyron - 'Spiritual Successor' of Halo CE's Chiron TL34 (v2.0 now available)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by the_suicide_fox, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Thanks for the support guys! v2.0 is coming along nicely and if you hadn't found the hidden weapon on Regicide yet, it will get a whole lot more complicated now LOL.

    The thing is Chiron was the least favored of Halo CE IIRC. The complexity of the map put a lot of people off, so I wanted to add something fresh to bring people back. Plus I felt your movement was too limited which is why I added things like the super jump in rocket room. I felt if I recreate the original exactly people won't find it enjoyable simply because it wasn't very enjoyed to begin with, combined with the new stuff of Halo 4 like sprint and AA's. This is meant to be a Halo 4 map first, and a redesign second. Not to mention, this is v1.0 so of course things won't be perfect.

    To that end, I have started on a v2.0 gravity slide that more closely resemble hallways. I have also connected balcony and maze rooms via a gravity slide and moved the teleporters to connect hologram and rocket rooms. I also adjust cover on some rooms to create more broken lines of sight from other rooms, so that the places to shot to and from each room will be more evenly distributed. Cleaned up a bit too. Hoping to have it done by the end of the weekend.
  2. UberGERKEN

    UberGERKEN Promethean

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    I must have been one of the only people who liked Chiron then? That being said, I did feel more confused on this redesign then the original. I personally don't like the gravity slides as you can throw a grenade and break the dominion base shields, you probably are replacing them with something solid in the second revision? I guess Chiron would be ruined by AA and Sprint so you have a point (i am biased though because of my hate of Infinity Slayer and my love of small maps - both of which are incompatible with each other).
    Have you though about the problems regarding the radar (nullified because it's too spread out) as the original, despite being a maze worked well with the radar. Also, are you trying to eliminate the "blindness" associated with Chiron (although it was the primary purpose of it's layout and use of teleporters - e.g. training for spartans, no two roms the same, no two rooms seen from each other etc.)
    In terms of being a unique Halo 4 map for infinity slayer (you might want to consider big team because of the way you have set it out) well done. Use of new halo 4 features brings this map to life and I think it is a great map. In terms of redesign though, it's a maybe, though it seems to have lost the original's purpose. But for a Remake competition, which is judged on trying to replicate as closely as possible the original purpose and aesthetics of the map; with slight changes, (the ones you have made are quite radical to the original) it misses the mark. Maybe make a few versions - 1 for the Halo 4 community (the current or revised one) and a 2nd for the remake competition (modify it to give yourself the best chance at winning as in it's current state it does not constitute a remake in the slightest), which is after all the point of the competition.
    Before getting defensive remember, I like it as a Halo 4 unique map (which you stated as the primary goal) not so much as a redesign (which you stated as second), but you said yourself that it is not a remake so why did you enter it in a remake competition?
    #22 UberGERKEN, Dec 8, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2012
  3. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    The radar thing I'm not too worried about since you can easily see movement in other rooms. The new slides have a 1 second timer so you can throw a nade and maybe cause someone to fall if you timed it just right but it's a lot harder to do now. There is also more cover for each room so fights happen in the room more often then from room to room.

    As for the contest; because why not? If it's not good enough to be a remake then it doesn't win. I didn't make this map for the competition I just wanted playtesters so I saw that and just posted.
    #23 the_suicide_fox, Dec 8, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2012
  4. UberGERKEN

    UberGERKEN Promethean

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    Good job, keep at it. I'm sure it will be great.
  5. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Good news everyone, v2.0 is up in my fileshare now! Update list in the OP. Thanks guys for all the feedback, but don't stop! Like I said I want this map to be the best it can be. However, now that I feel this map is well completed and tested I will be moving onto my next project. Barring some sort of bug or serious issue, updates past v2.0 will come more slowly. But I will still listen to feedback and keep the map and this thread up to date.

  6. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    you say the complexity of the original map put off a lot of people, but your redesign looks even more complex than the original. you already have to deal with a confusing layout, but now you even have line of sights between the different rooms, as if it wasn't confusing enough.
  7. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    But in the original you had to learn where each teleporter went and had to play the map several times to learn routes. On Skyron you can see the room you are moving to and from, and the layout is a lot more open. Don't go by pictures! When you can look out of a room and see other rooms it gives you a much better idea of where things are on the map.
  8. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    Hey sucide fox just ignore the UBER guy he is just trolling you because he can not forge a good spiritual idea for this map. I also experienced someone like this also he went to all my maps and said they sucked, but his map was a sucky flat thing. so what I am trying to say is do not let his stupidness bother you and I hope to see this completely finshed. keep on forging!
  9. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I gave it a look in forge. it could be less confusing than the original. I don't know, I played it like 10 years ago. but if I remember well, chiron was relatively simple from a gameplay point of view. I think it was mostly CQC. I could be wrong, but your map looks hard to play, I could imagine players just camping in one spot with a sniper (maybe there is no sniper, I didn't check) instead of trying to navigate the map and find each other.
  10. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    LOL Thanks. I'd rather just leave it be, not a big deal. Internet is a big place and you have to deal with differing people and opinions a lot of the time.

    Well the way I tried to work it was so that you had rather specific sightlines from room to room. In FFA modes it's something where a person can sneak a kill from a distance but not really hold down any specific room. You are better off going into the room to fight someone in most cases. As for camping, I see little difference mainly because you can do it on both versions. Might be harder on Skyron because you can throw nades from room to room at least. In team modes you can set up positions for defense but not really lock down any part of the map as far as my testing was concerned. I could always add floating rocks and stuff betweens rooms to lessen sightlines even more if necessary.

    There is a Beam Rifle ordnance in the balcony room. I figured it would be fun to try but it is a 50% chance that the drop in that room will be Beam Rifle so it doesn't spawn too often. From my testing it wasn't too powerful. If it becomes a problem I could swap the weapons around some.
    #30 the_suicide_fox, Dec 11, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2012
  11. UberGERKEN

    UberGERKEN Promethean

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    V.2 seems better. I have never been a fan of the grav slides etc. Keep improving it, it's become quite a solid map (although I still get very confused on it).
  12. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    Okay, now I can recognize it as Chiron TL34. At least I can now see aspects of the original in it. Also, try replacing the Gravity Volumes with Trait Zones, reason being you can do a lot more with them than Gravity Volumes. You could increase player speed, and tinker with the gravity and such to make it so you move faster though them and just all round speed up gameplay. I think one of the biggest grips people have with the gravity slides is that your in them for far too long.

    They should function closer to a teleporter, and you could achieve that by increasing player speed; and come to think of it, you could make it so you can't jump in them and hopefully that will remove the exploits associated with breaking the shields and getting out of the map.
  13. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Player speed on the gravity bridges is already 150%. Any more and you will overshoot the landing. I also have all 4 trait zone settings used so I cannot set up another, and on top of that you cannot achieve anti-gravity with trait zones. The gravity volumes are set up in such a way to give low gravity just outside the bridge and anit gravity inside the bridge. They also affect everything that goes inside, whereas trait zones only affect players. Trust me I tinkered with them all and this is the best method.

    And I don't want to limit people's options for using them. You can walk, run, or jump across the bridges now and land correctly 100% of the time. Before with the slides you had to aim your landing. Being totally enclosed make them more like teleporters in that they are both very safe and quick to use. The bridges leave you a little more vulnerable, but only if the person is in the same room as you.
    #33 the_suicide_fox, Dec 12, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  14. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    Also, you may want to update the screenshot on your submission.

    There are ways to get around this, for example if you increased player speed to 200% and decreased the size of the trait zone so that there would be a bit on the end and at the start not in the trait zone. Though if you have already tried this then disregard this post.
    #34 UberAURORA, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  15. StrongRobin

    StrongRobin Promethean

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    You're a good man, you know that! Thank you for actually giving us some perspective of the map. Without this photo. I would never be able to understand how to connect the rooms.
  16. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    sometimes things like remakes should be left in the past... This is one of those times.
  17. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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