Oh look, it's Unnamed Map. I was hardly paying attention when I played this, so I'll need to play it again sometime I suppose. Be careful with all those brace larges, this ain't Halo Reach.
I made it less confusing I think. The middle is more of an atrium now. When you played it, it was a mess of random walls. Thank you sir. I already put it in the completed maps section so I wasn't about to change them anyway. It's all thanks to you. I couldn't have even made a 1 flag map without your gametype. I'm hopin everybody gets a game of flag on this. I've already had some very clutch games.
I played 1 Flag on this the other night. It was fun but it felt too easy to cap the flag once your team got it out of the enemy's base. I liked the layout though. Plenty big for even a 6v6. Wouldn't mind playing again.
That issue can be addressed. Though I already did give the defending team a shotgun and sniper. Plus I moved the flag further into the base since you played it. I can look at taking out a route if the problem is still there.
Nice looking map you got here. I usually do like your maps I would like to get this map but my dad decided he wanted my Xbox on deployment with him ( and I still don't have 4) Also: please do tell me how you did the layout pic u have last? That would be very handy for me and probally others as well. Is it in paint?(no pun intended)
Moving it back will most likely help a lot. Where it was the shotgun was pretty useless unless you killed the carrier in the building next to the flag spawn. If you ever need an extra for a test you can invite me.
This map looks pretty well-forged. I'll DL it and see about getting a Custom on it sometime. CANNOT UNSEE.
This looks like a very aesthetically-pleasing map. You seem to have playtested it a lot so I would love to get a game on it sometime, especially because the layout is so different to conventional maps. The unique layout and the variation in scenery will help players to easily orient themselves, which I like.
I haven't played a game on it yet, but I took a jaunt through it last night and was very impressed. It's fairly huge and I didn't notice any frame rate issues. I love the complex layout. While it's complex, it's not difficult to understand pretty quickly. The spaces seemed fun to move through and interesting to look at. I hope to play some games on it.