I can make a walk through video and get screenies of gephy or any halo ce map for you if you want, i walked around it today, and i believe it would be possible to do, most of the geography would be made from wall coliseums though, and the walk-able blue things wouldnt be possible from what i can see, but the map in general seems like it could be possible if your good at budgeting, i would make it myself but i find doing an exact remake would be too tedious for me. I think it would work well with the new gameplay because of its size
Construct, though Rat Race is a close second. Wasn't Gephyrophobia remade into Narrows? I'd much rather have Narrows.
There are probably already some Construct remakes out there I would guess since its so popular, so that kind of makes me lean away from doing it. Rat Race is good, but the only reason I would do it is if Sword Base seemed too difficult, but when I looked at it for a second earlier it just doesn't seem that difficult unless you try to duplicated the slight slanted walls all over the place. That type of thing seems very hard to do. Yes, Narrows is the spiritual remake of Gephyrophobia, but its dramatically different. Narrows is a lot duller to me. I really love Gephyrophobia's layout, but Narrows is just good in my opinion, not great really. To me there is no comparison between them! And someone already made a good Narrows remake that I saw, which is impressive since its so curved all over. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I would do Sword Base on Ravine. The narrow end that has a window would have the cliff with the waterfall as that wall instead of the window. And I would probably make one or two rooms' walls out of rock, or maybe turn the vent shaft tunnel into a rock tunnel. I would just love to incorporate rock and the waterfall into it. To be honest, I don't see much reason to remake it on Impact aesthetically. Even a remake trying to give it the same aesthetic look seems like it would work better on Ravine to me as far as I can tell. The lighting would certainly be better inside more than likely. Maybe I'm not thinking of something you are though! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I also think it is possible, full scale. I noticed the wall coliseums seem proportionally about the same width as the main bridge areas judging from sitting a warthog down on them, and comparing how it looks to a warthog sitting on the bridge in Gephyrophobia. The main concern I have is making it look good. I'm still debating about being ambitious and going for Gephyrophobia, or more practical with Sword Base with a neat rock face aesthetic, or going the most practical route with Rat Race since it would allow the purest remake.
Thanks for the offer to help, but I actually own Halo CE for the pc so I can just fire it up in my laptop and forge while looking at whatever I want to through my laptop! I've pretty much decided I'm going with Gephyrophobia if I can make it look decent, but if it turns out to be too difficult to make it look good I might switch to Sword Base. I'll probably do a Sword Base remake anyway because I really enjoyed playing swat on it in Reach. I think its the best map for swat in any Halo game so far actually!
I'm split between Rat Race, Gephyrophobia, and Construct. I've already made Turf myself, and it's pending release. Hate Sword Base, and there's already at least one Damnation remake on Erosion (and another on Ravine.)
I would love to see a Gephrophobia remake but i dont think the budget would allow it to be done well this is coming from experience i made a map similar to it in reach. You can look at in the link below. But anyways i would like to turf remade :] http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/132544-v_arch.html
Ok everybody, after thinking about it, I have decided on Construct, even though there are/will be lots of other remakes of it. My reasoning is this: Damnation/ Penance was out to begin with because its my least favorite map out of all listed, and there are already remakes of it. Turf I always enjoyed, but it is very detailed and already remade too. Rat Race is a solid map that I think can be remade very well, but it does have teleporters and lots of people don't enjoy teleporters. I do when they're used right on maps... but Rat Race does not use them right in my opinion. Its difficult to tell where you go through them on that map to me. So because of the teleporters on the map, I decided against Rat Race. Sword Base I will probably attempt later on after I've forged one or two more maps in Halo 4. It just has a complex, challenging looking layout to me right now, and I want to enter this map into the Forgotten Treasures contest of course, so I want a simpler layout to work with so I can make the map really good. Gephyrophobia I will definitely remake eventually, but not now for this contest because I feel certain I will be forced to scale it down. Construct seems very practical to remake very well, is a popular map I enjoyed playing, and I think can fit into Halo 4's forge maps well too.
I'd go for Gephyrophobia. It's a Halo:CE PC-exclusive map so people won't know it, and I think it'd be nice for all those who've never played it to try it out. I haven't seen a remake of the map yet, either, so it's definitely a good one to choose. The four Banshees will be really interesting to see if they'll work in Halo 4. Maybe with so many they could kill all the DMR-spammers shooting at them before they blow up within 10 seconds... Yeah, definitely go for Gephyrophobia. EDIT: Literally just seen your last post. I look forward to seeing your Construct remake.
Well after I do Construct there's a good chance I will make a map at least heavily inspired by Gephyrophobia, with the ledges and 4 banshees included. Gephyrophobia, Danger Canyon, Infinity, and Sidewinder are my favorite Halo maps! And Gephyrophobia is somewhat reproducible in forge, so I will probably give it a shot eventually!
If your going to do Construct, please make it look right. The remake that has been submitted to FT3, just doesn't look ascetically correct at all. Also, it has been enlarged for sprint; but its big enough not to be broken by sprint. This is my favourite Halo map of all time and I would like to see it done well. The submitted remake is just way to poorly executed in terms of ascetics and the unnecessary enlargement.