Buffs and nerfs and bears, oh my!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    They do need to do something about personal ordinance in BTB. Have you tried using a Banshee on Ragnarok or Exile? You either have to get lucky or play against beginners. Even then you get shot down in 15 seconds. There is always multiple people with power weapons on both teams... at all times. Not to mention the map spawns snipers, laser, railgun, etc. on Ragnarok. Then you got warthogs, Mantis, and everyone DMRing you since you are a flying target, and everyone's Personal Ordinance power weapons. Oh, and everyone has a plasma pistol too. Banshees do not last in Halo 4 and something needs to be done. I was really good at a Banshee in other Halos. Now it seems it is too hard to get more than 5 kills before you get shot down. I'm not saying it should be easy to rape in a Banshee but it should at least have more health since everyone has all these power weapons. Now I have to waste my first specialization on OPERATOR just for this reason.

    Usually in Halo 4, getting in a Banshee means your own death. Most people don't even go for it when the match starts. In other Halos, your scumbag team mates would get into betrayal fights over the Banshee or even blow it up themselves if they don't get it. While this pissed me off more than anything, I am glad you cant betray now without splatter in BTB. But since nobody even wants the Banshee now, that wouldn't happen anyway and it just shows it's too weak for the game when you can kill much easier with a DMR.

    Edited by merge:

    speaking of Operator specialization... Does anyone know how much of a difference in health this actually makes? I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't tell a difference.
    #101 Starship Ghost, Dec 8, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2012

    IIIX MATT XIII Forerunner

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    I haven't chosen Operator yet, but the description of the Wheelman mod only mentions a slight resistance to EMPs and the ability to recharge a vehicle's condition. No mention of increased damage resistance.

    #102 IIIX MATT XIII, Dec 9, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
  3. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    hmm, guess I misunderstood but this is what it says...

    "The Wheelman armor mod the Operator carries gives you a bit of a resistance against EMP shots against a vehicle you are driving. It won’t necessarily stop you in your tracks anymore. This also allows you to recharge the health of a vehicle slightly faster."

    It doesn't mention flying a Banshee but I will assume it means all vehicles. Also it says you can recharge a vehicle's health "slightly faster". Since when can you recharge a vehicles health in the first place?

    Edited by merge:

    well did a little research seems its all vehicles and I guess you can recharge health which is great.
    #103 Starship Ghost, Dec 9, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
  4. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    BR needs to be given better accuracy imo, it's not accurate enough from mid-long range.
  5. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Promethean

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    I know that going into a game expecting something and being unpleasantly surpised isn't fun for a while, but why does a banshee have to get 5 kills to be a balanced or fun vehicle? I agree that the weapon spawning systems are terribly uncompetitive, but if there was another reason why the banshee couldn't consistently get a spree, (let's say the bomb kill radius was decreased, or it used the H3 banshee's type of health, weapons, and speed, but the pilot took considerable damage from BR shots) I wouldn't sympathize with such a protest.

    If players don't go for the Banshee, especially at the start of a Valhalla match, they're wasting the best opportunity to quickly mobilize a lot of firepower at the very start, when players are fighting over the laser. At any other point, boosting to take cover behing a very tall rock to wait until the moment for enemies to position themselves conveniently for you would almost always give at least two kills if you are good, even if they have a laser (occasionally one kill). It is always worth it, and therefore is reasonably balanced, considering that it only needs on occupant.

    Edited by merge:

    #105 zeppfloydsabbtull, Dec 10, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2012
  6. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Getting 1 kill or 2 kills in a banshee before you die is not a worthy trade off, it's more a suicide bomb lol. Even if your own team gets the laser on Ragnarok all it takes is one sniper to take you down, which is available at the start of the match for both teams, which I am fine with it was like that in Reach and if the sniper wants to waste the majority of his ammo on the Banshee for 1 kill he can.

    But honestly, I think the Banshee needs shields or something. What fun is the Banshee if you have to stay on the ground level on your side of the map without going too high in the sky, only because the other team has lasers, incineration cannons, Mantis, plasma pistols, DMRs, snipers, and binary rifles all at the same time. Why do I have to hide behind a rock waiting for someone to come over the hill just to kill them and then go hide again? Which is exactly what has to be done to even survive in the damn thing.

    I just think Halo 4 is a bit too power weapon overkill. I am only speaking from a Big Team Infinity Slayer perspective.
    #106 Starship Ghost, Dec 10, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2012
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Banshee has a ****ing horrible flight control.
    It's so slow at banking sometimes, plus you can't just turn around 180[sup]o[/sup] anymore. It's a complete waste getting in the Banshee... The thruster has to accellerate the banshee forward, which is a hard enough trade off as it is, so why have the nerfed the **** out of it's maneuvrability?
  8. SIERRA420

    SIERRA420 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    After Reach's ridiculously OP banshee I think 343 wanted to nerf it a bit. It was too fast and manveuerable. I myself hated people whoring it in BTB swooping down and doing a perfect banshee bomb to somersault to avoid getting hit. It was way too easy to get a good killing spree going. Halo 3's banshee was perfect, but I do agree with you that Halo 4's moves at a snails pace. I don't have any incentive to do loops or barrel rolls anymore since it slows you down way too much.
  9. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This. I completely agree.
  10. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    You can kind of do a 180 if you do a barrel roll then hold boost (LT) and the direction you want to turn around (left or right) on BOTH analog sticks. I don't really see any other point to doing barrel rolls since they are so slow they cannot dodge something like a spartan laser.

    I am just going to keep practicing the Banshee in Halo 4 until I master it, it will be a challenge and a lot of deaths will be unavoidable but I love aircraft vehicles.

    I do agree what you guys are saying about the Banshee being overpowered in Halo: Reach. I could not stand those pricks who constantly did flips...constantly, one after another...the whole match. You couldn't kill em.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    As I was saying throughout the whole of Reach: limiting how many tricks could be done in succession (ie. including tricks in the boost bar) would have done a lot of good for movement issues in terms of how OP it was. All it needed apart from that was a weaker bomb with a much smaller radius, and a boost back in health so it wasn't made of paper anymore.
  12. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    This. "We know the banshee was OP in Reach so we MADE 100% SURE! it wasn't gonna be a problem in Halo 4, Your welcome."

    Halo Reach banshee was only OP because of the flips... the one and only reason. Flips cancel rocket lock on, Flips avoid constant DMRing, Flips Dodge lasers, Flips dodge banshee bombs, Flips dodge everything. Limiting the flips to like 2 flips every something would of been good nerf while keeping it viable. But that's for reach.

    In halo 4 all maps are tiny with no air space or places to hide with banshee plus everyone spawns with PP(Easier to hit because of low ceiling) and random ordnance drops having no way to prepare for a random laser at any point in the game. (When laser was on map in 3/reach you could time it and know when the laser was potentially alive to avoid those situations)

    Even if it was reach banshee the maps are to small, (Reach length) flips will hit you into things, Might get you a few more kills but would die just as easy. Because maps provide no where to hide/heal.
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I do think the banshee is a little over-nerfed, but on the flip side, I think I've gotten at least a killing spree every time I've used it so far, just by being a little careful, not staying out in the open too long, and using boost to get back to cover quickly when I start taking fire. I prefer it greatly over the tin-plated killing machine of Reach.
  14. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    If you have the operator specialization...would that be a decent help if you are a banshee pilot? You can take cover and recharge the Banshee's health right? I haven't gotten to SR60 yet to try it out.
  15. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    am I reading that wrong, or is it possible to kill with only 5 bullets from the DMR? I doubt I ever managed that, even with headshots. I don't have a very good accuracy, but even immobile targets need more than 5 bullets to get killed (more like 7-8 I think)
  16. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Five bullets from the DMR is a kill, four to knock down shields and the fifth for the headshot.
  17. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    4 bullets is never enough to knock down the shield, even with headshots? I must be missing something.
  18. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    Like half your shots, apparently.
  19. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    on a non-moving target as well?? <_<
  20. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I am lolling so hard at this. Five shots to the body. Is bloom messing with you? I didn't think it was that awful for aim..

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