Wow, great looking map, bro. I'm mostly perplexed by it, though. I see a whole lot of pictures, but I can't seem to grasp the shape of the map, if that makes sense. I hate this about the Screenshot-taking limitations, but you definitely showed plenty of incentive for DL. Great merging, and all around a pretty map. DL'd.
I liked watching this map develop. You definitely put alot of work into it. The hidden teleporter that I suggested is a great touch.
Umm, how did I do what glitch? Are you talking about the mering or the budget glitch? And to Sanghelios, lol, of course you would say it in such a self righteous way, "that I suggested", that is so you Jacob.
I don't mean to sound ingrateful at all, but these comments are beginning to sound redundant. It is awesome that you guys who have commented like Jedwali, but couldn't you just elaborate or pur more thought and effort into your replies?
Gosh darn Brute! This is the whackiest map EVAR! Yeeehaw! Hahaahaha Jk, Dude, I'm so glad we this awsome feedback. We spent like 3 weeks to a month making this map. It turned out that it was made of pure gold!
Actually we spent lke two weeks on this map. Three weeks at most. And of course I can imagine you saying all that in your stupid voive that you use, lol.
Got some great designs in this map Brute, I especially like the lift. Haven't really had a proper run-through yet, I would like to play a game on this map. This is probably the best that has come from you yet, the layout seems to make sense from what I've seen so far. Will download and bump thread.
I just said that because I did not try it out yet. The map is great. It works well and even have pieces of scenery in it! I highly recommend this map, as it is a competitive map, with a touch of aesthetics. Bravo!
Well, now that I think about it, I guess half the people who have commented hadn't played it but as long as they were still as satisfied after they played it then.... yay.
oh my. nicly nicly done. cant wait o play this. My maps: shipwreck (shark map) - http://www. forgehub. com/forum/showthread. php?t=10426 Bomb faculty - http://www. forgehub. com/forum/showthread. php?p=156467&posted=1#post156467 more coming soon.