Trait Zone Settings Reset [SOLVED]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by lxlIcyBulletlxl, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Note: Complete credit goes to VII down there. If he didn't come up with it, then I don't know who credit actually goes to, but I didn't come up with this myself. I did some extra testing to see what works and doesn't work for me, but overall the concept did not come from me, so I don't deserve any credit for it.


    After entering Forge, one may create a Trait Zone. These "objects" are found in the Place Object Menu under Gadgets. These Trait Zones can be edited from the Start Menu, allowing people to change what these Trait Zones overwrite from the typical Base Player Traits, which are selected in Custom Games options. You can change virtually anything, although some things do not work as they are supposed to. This particular glitch makes it so that when you change the Trait Zone settings, after leaving Forge and reentering either Forge or entering into the map under Custom Games, they revert back to what they were before changing them in the first place.


    There are a few things you have to do in order to make this work, and there is one exception, it would seem. So here is how I do it to make sure it works every time:

    - First, you need to start the game in Forge with your selected Map. Then, hit Start to bring up the Start Menu. Once you have done this, select Trait Zone Properties. Once in this menu, select which Trait Zone you would like to update. From here you will have 5 options, "Shields and Health" - "Weapons and Damage" - "Equipment" - "Movement" - "Appearance". Select one of these.

    [SIZE=2]- I would like to Note tha[SIZE=2]t after you have done the abo[SIZE=2]ve, I would a[SIZE=2]dvise you do the rest of these steps extremely quickly. It seems that when I do it sl[SIZE=2]owly, or even at a mediocre pace, the game does not save my changes for whatever reason. So, if possible, [SIZE=2]do this [SIZE=2]as quickly as you can.

    [SIZE=2]- [SIZE=2]So, you have chosen one of the categories, from here change [SIZE=2]any category to whatever you want (EXCEPT [SIZE=2]U[SIZE=2]NCHANGED). After you have completed this, back up one menu, [SIZE=2]immediately reenter the [SIZE=2]category you have selected, and press Start to ex[SIZE=2]it the entire in[SIZE=2]terface. Then, imm[SIZE=2]ediately hit Start, [SIZE=2]Save your map, and [SIZE=2]then [SIZE=2]End the Game.

    [SIZE=2]- Reenter, and you should have the se[SIZE=2]ttings saved for that category.[SIZE=2] As you may have noticed, unfortunately, this means you will have to repeat[SIZE=2] this process for every single category. It's a hassle, but at least you don't have to start your map over.

    [SIZE=2]- [SIZE=2]Also, [SIZE=2]this is extremely important[SIZE=2] - For the category "Shields and Health[SIZE=2]," it seems to me that in order for the category to save your settings, when you[SIZE=2] exit the interface as shown above, you must do so [SIZE=2]with the [SIZE=2]"Sh[SIZE=2]ield Multipl[SIZE=2]ier" field highlighted. This is the only way I have found to make every[SIZE=2] field in this category stay the way I want it to, o[SIZE=2]therwise it will only change the Damage Resist[SIZE=2]ance[SIZE=2].

    [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]- As I pointed out previously, it seems that unfortunately, there is no way t[SIZE=2]o set [SIZE=2]any field to "Unchanged" if[SIZE=2] y[SIZE=2]ou get this glitch. [SIZE=2]You may need t[SIZE=2]o decide what order to [SIZE=2]stack [SIZE=2]the Trait Zones in if this [SIZE=2]occurs[SIZE=2]. [SIZE=2]If you didn't already know, the order of precedence that Trait Zones take is D > C[SIZE=2] > B > A. So D's settings will [SIZE=2]occur in a sc[SIZE=2]enario where [SIZE=2]C and D ar[SIZE=2]e stacked t[SIZE=2]ogether.

    [SIZE=2]Hope this helped anyone who has found this, I've dealt with this problem and tried to find a solution for days n[SIZE=2]ow[SIZE=2] so I know how frustrati[SIZE=2]ng it is to [SIZE=2]spend hours on[SIZE=2] a [SIZE=2]concept and map to find out it may end up [SIZE=2]being for nothing, so I hope that this w[SIZE=2]ill help any[SIZE=2]body who fears the same in this scenario. [SIZE=2]My original question and post is b[SIZE=2]elow, thanks fo[SIZE=2]r the help everyone[SIZE=2]![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]

    Original Post:

    Alright, I've scoured the major sites for an answer to this question, but have found only 1 similar issue, which they apparently solved in a way that has not worked for me at all. So, here goes:

    The problem is extremely simple really. Every time I leave a forge session, the Trait Zone properties I set to be various different things get automatically reset to completely random things (not even default or anything, just completely random traits. Like the speed will all of a sudden be 300% and the damage will be like 150% for Alpha and then Bravo will have some outrageous settings as well). I've tried the following to fix it:

    Reapplied the settings (obviously)

    Deleted each Trait Zone and remade them

    Saved as a different map

    Made sure no settings were set to default (this apparently is what the problem was for the other user I found having a similar issue to mine)

    Changed each Trait Zone to the gametype I was making (CTF)

    If anyone has any idea what the problem is, or if there is something that I might be doing to ruin this it would be greatly appreciated as the map is completely finished and I would love to be able to play it with my buddies, thank you.
    #1 lxlIcyBulletlxl, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  2. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    I had to use Bravo to get it to work. Just save and then start a new round. It's sad that 343 didn't take notice of this. I think they were trying to rush the game out to make more holiday cash. Let me know if Bravo works.
  3. VII

    VII Forerunner

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    Hey Icy, I had exact the same issue. I found that if you go into the individual (Alpha/Bravo/etc.) trait zone settings menu for the first time, set everything correctly, hit B to go back to the previous menu and then immediately go back into the trait zone settings again, and THEN fully exit the menu, it would stay at the settings you applied. So far this seems to be the only way to make sure this glitch doesn't occur. I also tested to see if anything changed after I saved and quit the match and then restarted it, and so far it would appear to save correctly. Hope this helps!
  4. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I think I thought I was just crazy after setting alpha to like 300% jump and then went back in and saw it was only at 200% once, but maybe it reverted it on me. This makes me want to go check it again :D
  5. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, I'll try your suggestions and reply back on what I find out. I honestly couldn't find an answer after searching Google, Waypoint Forums, Forgehub Forums, etc., so hopefully if anything does work then someone will be able to find the answer here once and for all.

    Edited by merge:

    I believe I have found an extremely tedious and annoying fix, but a fix is a fix and I will take it all day long instead of having to completely rebuild my map. I don't know if this is what you had in mind VII, but I modified what I thought you meant a little and it seems to be working, I'm going to edit my original post to have the fix in it.

    Edit: Sorry it's taking a while, I'm testing to make sure some of the stuff is or isn't necessary.
    #5 lxlIcyBulletlxl, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  6. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The way I got around this was to simply return to the map after changing the trait zone settings and place an object, then delete it and save the map.

    The reason the glitch happened to me, as far as I could tell, was that if the trait zone settings are the last thing you change about a map, forge doesn't recognize it as a change worthy of actually saving over your current map file (so it doesn't even though it tells you it did). Placing objects and such is deemed as a file change, so it is actually saved over the current file. I didn't check my theory out exhaustively, but it worked immediately and each time I made changes to the trait zone settings.
  7. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If that works for certain times this happens, that's great, unfortunately for me that did not work for me when I tried it. This is a good suggestion to try first though.
  8. The K

    The K Forerunner

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    This worked for me. I didn't try the OP's solution which probably works too; it seems complicated enough to work. I recommend trying this solution first though.
  9. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    So you cannot set traits to "unchanged"? I've been having a issue where I want 99% of the settings for all zones to be set as "unchanged", so that you can play with custom gametypes, but everytime I do it reverts to the default settings except for the few traits I actually changed which stay as I put them.
  10. The K

    The K Forerunner

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    What methods did you try? When I used leegeorgeton's method my "unchanged" settings saved. But maybe I was just lucky.
  11. SIERRA420

    SIERRA420 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Has anyone figured out how trait zones work with the Flood? I've been trying to make flood specific jumps using trait zones but it seems the humans get the traits and not the flood no matter how many different methods I've tried.
  12. The K

    The K Forerunner

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    I'm pretty sure that flood are attackers and humans are defenders (I know in Flood it's BlueV.Green) So humans=red and flood=blue.
  13. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Just tried setting everything to "unchanged" then placed a folding chair and saved. It did not work, everything changed back to defaults after I entered Forge again.
  14. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It sounds like you have the exact same issue as I did, all you have to do is switch the settings to what they are in the basic settings. It's a hassle, but that's all I've been able to find as a fix.

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