Grenade indicator is bloody backwards... I want to know where the grenade is... not which direction I need to run. So many times I've ran into the damn grenade because I've been running away from the icon >.<
I didn't say I liked it, I just preferred it when people stayed gone over a system that drops you into the end of a losing game. Drop in drop out is annoying and should stay like it was in the previous titles.
I enjoyed 1v4 games of SWAT back in h3 days when I was good at it, I gotta admit. However for a new or inexperienced player that can be quite inconvenient. Join in progress had to happen eventually. I was more wondering before release wether you could join a friends game in progress and not just get shoved into a game of randoms. But they infact went all out with full control, only real downside for 343 here is people exploiting this for exp. But it's worth it. It keeps games from going stale and dull. I suppose if you did want a 1v4 challenge now you could easily do it in customs.
Join in progress is both good and bad. I do like that if I'm playing slayer and two of my teammates quit right at the beginning of the game, I can usually count on getting replacements. On the other hand, I dislike being made to join a game like that myself; and last night, my BTB party of 7 people got joined into a game in progress, where six of us were put on a very short-handed team and I was shoved into the one empty spot on the other side. That's just ridiculous. I don't go into matchmaking with a party of seven just to end up having to play against them.
I feel that Halo is copying not to make it a better Halo, but simply to incorporate familiar elements of Call of Duty. Halo should scrap all the junk they've added, it's not Halo and it ruins the arena experience. How to progress? Here are some ideas. -Introduce not load outs but rather primary gun selection. You are forced to carry a magnum as secondary, two frags, no armor abilities or perks. -No sprint. Technically, Halo always has had sprint. To make you walk slower, so that sprint appears faster is just poor design. If you want to move faster then turn up the 'walking' speed like MLG did in Halo 3. The problem sprint creates is I can't walk backwards as fast as someone can sprint forward. This creates repetitive gameplay, double beat downs, shorter encounters, and a need for larger small playspaces that take away the intensity of being in each others faces. -Take the armor abilities, and perks, and place them on the map. This takes away the imbalance of abilities because it will be balanced based off of where it's placed on the map not how it's designed. How do they work? If you pick up an armor ability then once it's used up, it's gone. Example thrusterpack=3 uses, hardlight shield=15sec. of use (doesn't have to be used all at once) and perks are designed to last your life span. So if I pick up a 'shields regen quicker' perk, then it will last until I die. Basically you are taking the arena shooter forward in a fresh way without alienating it's roots. I'm not against AAs and perks, but they must be implemented right. This list is what I find necessary to make Halo a halo title again. There are many ways to move forward, just not the way it's been handled.
yeah I agree with that. though I manage to win 1 v 3 with standard weapons from time to time and sometimes 1 v 4, but that's not really shooting skills which make the difference, it's more about not having the 4 guys shoot at you at the same time, but somehow managing to pick them 1 by 1 and by surprise. whereas in timesplitters 3 I could win 1 v 6 easily just thanks to aiming skills even if they would shoot first and from behind...
Your first point would make much more sense for matchmaking, however keeping the whole system like it was in Reach/hybrid with Halo 4 for custom games is still useful. Personally, I feel sprint is a staple addition to Halo that was just needing to be there. And options to switch it off in custom games would be nice though. I think I've always still preferred the way it was Halo 3. Forgot the name, but you know the power drain, grav lift, bubble shield, trip mine, etc. I had so much more fun with those than anything I had with armour abilities in Reach (minus ****ing around with armour lock super man glitch in forge). But to your point, yes armour abilities on map could work out just as well. Its possibly to have both in Halo 4 so I dont see why 343 couldn't include a Halo 3 styled Team Slayer.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. Doesn't anyone feel like one of the biggest skill detractors is making the BR and DMR (arguably the two most used weapons in the game) hitscan? The lack of travel time leads to very easy point and shoot gameplay, and is the sole reason so many casuals prefer the DMR over anything. It's a monster at range, but with travel time added in for (and the BR as well) that alone would do wonders for balancing and skill gap.
They seemingly can't do travel time because it's a nightmare when you introduce the variable of lag. See: trying to use the BR on a bad connection in H2/H3. Anyway, there are several ways to nerf these "point and shoot" weapons: less aim magnetism, less bullet magnetism, and smaller hitboxes. Not to mention a change Pegasi has recently suggested that I think is brilliant, which is damage dropoff over long distances (making it harder to cross-map), and an accompanying reduction in the flinch mechanic. Any combination of these things would make precision weapons harder to use and more skillful. Bringing back travel time will not work until they find a way to make every matchmaking game play as robustly as the game does locally or on a LAN - or completely re-code how they determine bullet hits. (The existing method is that if the bullet is not hitscan, the person firing sends a signal of where and when they fired to the host, and then host determines how long it takes the shot to get where it's going, and whether or not it hit. Lag makes it so that your shots are being fired late and don't get to where it seems they should, per what you're seeing on your own screen. The only way to handle this differently that I know of would be to do hit calculations on each individual box rather than host - and I'm assuming there's a good reason Halo has never done that, though I don't know what it is exactly.)
I saw this before and laughed, but just came back to say that it works absolutely fine for me. Tested this on Campaign, Sp-Ops & Customs (Just incase) just by simply throwing a grenade infront of me, and every time the grenade indicatior was pointing Forward (Up). Try double checking it in Forge or something, it's definitely pointing at the grenade.
Halo 2 BR was hitscan silly But I see your reasoning. Network issues aside it seems like it would be the ideal solution, guess I won't see that happening anytime soon though.