I have yet to be king on regicide lol. I sometimes get the best kills / deaths ratio, but I don't think I ever had the most kills so far.
Hey, the 8 crimson achievements are right here! Here is a li- Right. (Trollface intended) Still, for anyone who can open it up, like me. Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Achievements
I increasingly gravitate to only playlists with no personal ordnance - and BTB, where if you're smart you can pretty much avoid ordnance whores (*****-dnance!), except the occasional camo'd guy with a sniper or binary rifle. Infinity Slayer is possibly the least enjoyable mode in the game, as far as I'm concerned. I get so tired of getting creamed by guys with power weapons I have no way of knowing are on the map. It punishes my play style so severely that I'm pretty much giving up on it.
I was playing Inf Slayer on Haven yesterday, and some guy got an Incineration Cannon as a personal drop. -.- To be fair, I killed him and took it myself, but it felt ridiculous using it when the next best on-map ordnance was a Sticky Detonator. I specifically remember a video where one of the 343 guys (pretty sure it was Frankie, actually) talked about how you won't be getting top tier power weapons on 4v4 maps with personal ordnance, what the hell happened with that? Sure it's rare, but why can it happen at all?
Oh man... feels so familiar. What happens to me in every other game of Infinity Slayer I play: I get ordnance, and it's a needler or plasma 'nades or the speed power-up. Then the other team gets ordnance, and it's either a sniper for a guy who ends up skulking around the back fringes of the map with camo on, or an incineration cannon or rockets (usually on Adrift, where rockets are oh-so-dodgable). Blah. Personal ordnance is bullshit. The game didn't need that much random, or a complete destabilization of the entire concept of map control. If you ask me - and isn't everyone doing that? - the best way to have done personal ordnance would be something like this: 1. There are only 6-8 fixed positions on the map where such drops can occur (more on BTB maps). If you earn a drop, it goes to the nearest of these at the time you activate it. 2. Personal ordnance options are map-specific and mostly do NOT include random power weapons that are crushingly dominant in that context. No heavy explosives on small maps; no binary or sniper drops on Ragnarok. Those weapons should ALL be handled via initial drops (that do or do not refresh throughout the match, similar to the old system). There should be more emphasis on 'nades, power-ups, and the lesser power weapons (needler, sticky detonator, shotgun, etc.). 3. There should be a slightly longer lag in drop time, with an "incoming" waypoint similar to the one you get three seconds before the hill moves in KOTH. This is sort of how it was initially described, it seemed like, and I still like this idea better. As it stands now, when I call in ordnance it drops in one second, right in my lap, and no one else really gets a shot at it unless I am killed right as it drops.
I recall hearing that same thing. But I've had my share of running into incineration cannons on haven. Again, 343 dropping the ball.
My specialty is rockets on Adrift. I don't know why, but I seem to run into that situation once or twice a match any time I play Infinity on that map.
I like the concept of personal ordnance, but I had anticipated needlers, sticky dets, speed boosts, grenades... things that gave you a boost but either took some skill to use or just plain were not going to net you many kills is the first place. Rockets, Boom Cannons, FRG's, snipers of all kinds, gravity hammers – these are the things that bother me in personal ordnance. I've taken the liberty of removing these weapons from rotation in my own personal game types. I just don't get why respawning weapons would be removed, that is one of those things that is just part of Halo to me.
im getting slightly tired of these things as well. i find that mixing up which playlist im in constantly helps me get more enjoyment out of things sometimes. also, CTF is a pretty good experience. no ordnance. no instant respawn. not being able to drop the flag is a ***** of course, but still, ive had some pretty classic feeling games of CTF occasionally. im really looking forward to seeing a fine-tuned Classic custom gametype. maybe someone can use that No-sprint gametype i found and linked earlier as a basis for creating it.
yes it is modded, i posted it earlier today you shouldnt have to scroll back too far. i asked if it was bannable, got a "no" and then i downloaded it. search fileshare Lord Zedd
This sounds like such a joke after the modded Octagon gametypes in 3 and Reach, but I'd rather have a mod which makes respawn time settings work again so we can have Slayer gametypes without instant respawn.
Okay, I'll wait till then, because I don't have any biters thus far. [br][/br]Edited by merge: you guys got it. If you have anyone to invite, that'd be wonderful. you guys got it. If you have anyone to invite, that'd be wonderful.