he's right they proabably would kill you. and theres not enough height to have a three level elevator, without being able to just nade jump from each level... PS. If anyone uses this in a map could you post a link in this fourm becasue i would really like to see it thanks
You do realize that boxes/moveable objects don't respawn in 10 seconds right? It is much longer than that. All I am saying is that this has been done before, well, not 2 floors, but the concept, many many times. All I am saying is that there is a better way to make it go up and down and NOT get messed up by custom powers and having to make it disappear...
ya a multi level evevator is awsome, but i have been trying to make the same thing in concept except it goes down, if you have any ideas send me a message.
i know how to make an elevator but what and how did you get it to stop from falling on the second floor?
not sure i understand your question, trying downloading it looking at it. EDIT: i think i know what you mean now, i just used grav-lifts there hiddin withing the walls
great piece of a map spanky! If only it went up to down (yes you can jump down, but that defeats the purpose of an elivator.)
This ia a really good idea though the ride up seem a bit bumpy. You should place a wall or teleporters around the sides to keep it steady. This also looks like it takes up a lot of items though I'm not sure exactly what items in the pictures are necessary. I would like a description of how this works as well so that I could use this if you let me. Good work
fine ill tell you , lol PS. its alot easier to not use a map wall use a double box at the back or something. (ill explain later) ok so basically all you need is a Shaft (big enough to fit a box or dumpsters). place box at bottem of the shaft, then place a custom powerup on top...set it to not place at start (just so you can put a grav lift under it) then set it back to place at start. next you need a walkway/ramp that is the same level as your box/dumpster. now you need to figure out where you want your first floor. (then you need to merge a custom so that it will stop the box, and so that you can go up without picking it up) Add grav lifts as needed. hope that helps
Nice elevator, looks pretty cool If you want to see other cool switches like this, you should check out http://www.h3artificer.com/ it has tons of cool switches on it.
looks really cool. i saw an elevator sortof like this, but it didnt have another top floor. nice job. DLing..... 5/5