Halo 4: Forge Remake Map Pack #2: 8 Classic Halo Maps, 1 Unreal Tournament Map! - YouTube I've collected 8 more Classic Halo remakes and 1 other Unreal Tournament remake in this "Map Pack" and made another thrilling trailer for it. If you have any other maps you'd like to submit to have them featured in the next map pack, let me know! Some of the maps were made by users here also!
That is one weird ass song x'DD That Foundation remake is really bad D: Other than that though, I really like this. Especially Zanzibar! :33
A lot of people are hating on the Foundation one, but it's made to be a bit bigger due to sprint being enabled. It actually flows really well compared to the two other remakes of it I've played. One that was far too big and one that was far too small.
I think the foundation remake that you featured is the best one. I only wish that it was done on ravine because of the color scheme. I like it because the walls are high almost jetpack proof (with a trait zone with increased gravity near the top it would be completely jetpack proof). That is something that many of the remakes lack. IMO, if you need to tweak a remake so that it is 100% playable in H4 (jetpacks and sprint) then so be it.
The zanzibar remake was beautiful. My only complaint there is scaling was WAY off, especially on the beach. I don't know why anybody would even BOTHER to remake uncaged.
I dislike the Lockout one (lolglitchedBRtower) - it doesn't seem like you put much thought into those or even tested them extensively. The only one I really like is SaLoT's Pit, but then again, it's Salot remaking maps.. Don't suppose you had to test that one I would like to see this expanded to reimaginations and not just remakes. Reimaginations can help fix the issues with the original maps (AHEM cage)
I've actually tested these out extensively with Redditors from /r/halo, and trust me, the Lockout remake is the best one I could find...so many shitty Lockout remakes...so...many...
Leviathan looks really fun and Zanzibar was made well considering what objects you're given to work with. I think I played boarding action in a customs lobby. I really enjoyed it but I couldn't help think there should've been a trait zone for low gravity in the large gap. Maybe I'm just an idiot but trying to jetpack through across resulted in a few suicides for me. The rest look good too, your choice of music is certainly interesting aswell. Will have to try these out. Peace -TS
If you're talking about a Lockout thread you've posted in with... ...it's the same remake... I do like "A Large Basket"'s Lockout on Impact. Everything other than that one is utter garbage IMO. I liked it so much I abandoned work on my own and decided to help him improve his with any parts from mine that worked better (like the Grav Tower). He said he was really happy with it now, and the grav tower was the only part people criticised so now it's near-perfect. Basically the best of both worlds now and peeps should check it out for sure. The only issue is that framerate drops a little (especially in the killcam), possibly because he built the BR Tower using forge pieces to get rid of the glitch which puts a lot of strain on performance.
Oh ****! Your right haha. I wasn't paying that close attention to this vid except for the Zanzibar remake lol.
I'm curious as to why you say the Foundation remake is bad? I'm always looking to improve my maps, so I'd love to hear what you think could be done better.