Map title subject to change. Rustlung is a small wide open 2v2 or Double team map. so uh yeah check it out! Pictures below video.
I like the map title. And the music, for that matter. However, the layout looks like a big box with a hallway going around it, which could have been made much more complex and interesting. I might also be missing something. :O
I wish i had the desire to forge! This looks awesome, miles beyond the crap I've been spewing from my sessions. though (and don't take this the wrong way, it says nothing good or bad) it looks a lot like a beta of a Reach map I made in certain areas. It intrigued me. The map could use some more variety though, I think I have to agree with SpinCycle on that. From what i have seen it is very boxy and basic. Great beginning, but make it more complex.
heh I wish I could make it more complex. The bulk of budget has been spent and anymore objects will glitch the lighting.
There is basically no lighting on erosion. It would look almost the same as it is now I should think.
This is pretty cool map you got yourself there. I also like that center thing. With the pipes, and the dish, and ya. Invite me.
From my experience, the light glitch makes random pieces turn dark and other random pieces stay the same. It's rather annoying & I've hit it in my first project on erosion. Not sure if it happens on all canvases.
I heard from somebody recently that if you grab then ungrab an object, it will go back to its natural shade. It was either that, or completely delete and replace the object. As for the map, I agree with Spin on the simplicity. Most notably, those outer hallways that don't have any varying height as you go around. I do like the center structure setup with the lift to platform, though. It adds a nice risk for anybody who attempts to traverse that location.