I'm not sure if they sent it to everyone, or just to people that played it on Launch Day or something, but Microsoft has been sending out emails like this to people with a free code to unlock all the specializations for you once you reach level 50.
Funny, I just got that then came to FH. I wasn't sure what it was though, it just said " specialization priority alpha".
Pre-ordered. Played pretty much every day for a few weeks after release day. Currently Level 62. No E-Mail Anyone know why this hasn't worked for me?
Microsoft probably just has a lot of emails to send out. Hold tight and keep watching your inbox. They'll probably send it to everyone who played the game so far or something.
It's probably just them sending out the codes to unlock the ability to go higher than 70 now. So nothing super special you are just finally able to do what those that got the LE can.
Anyone considered this might be a phishing scam to try and get all your details off you? Check who actually sent the emails and check the links before clicking on them. Beware the phishers, I'd recommend those that have received change their passwords and stuff.
I got mine last night. When you click the "Get your free gift!" It will take you here and the code will be automatically entered. Just hit redeem. When you log into xboxlive on your console the item will download automatically. It's like 10 seconds download.
yeah this is legit and confirmed by both 343 and microsoft. I got mine last night and redeemed it, not a "phishing scam", official Microsoft email.
Alright so my account on XBL said it was linked to my hotmail address, but on xbox.com its linked to an old gmail account, so i go to sign in with it, and it doesnt exist. so i changed my contact email to my actual email, am i ****ed or can i expect it in my inbox soon?
Do you have to hit SR-70 before you can see them? I redeemed my code and haven't seen anything. I redeemed it last night.
Nope, I'm SR 46 and I got them last night, and I can see them in there. I had to fool around with the thing a bit in active downloads before it would actually download it though.
You are ****ed, unfortunately. Microsoft said that any emails that fail to be delivered won't be resent... /:
Yea still didnt get it...**** me lol idk what im going to do now... i mean the games still fun but it will get boring since i can only use alittle more than half the ranking system... an email to microsoft probably wont help either...