Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I'm not going engage in a damn argument with apparently every single person who feels personally slighted by every transgression they feel 343i is doing as if 343i and Microsoft are conspiring on some grand scheme to screw its consumer base.

    You want to feel that way, fine.
  2. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    where did that come from?

    calm down, just pointing things out, there is no need to backlash against... what?
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Everyone who has a thought at all because every argument must be argued forever in every possible way for any possible reason.
  4. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    Wait, how can you say the maps are generic? We haven't even seen the layouts yet, and from what I saw in the trailer, I thought they looked rather awesome...?
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Will people seriously stop saying things like "If we still had forgeworld" we have THREE forge maps now, and while the pieces may be the same they do look slightly different on each map and so far do not seem to suffer the horrible game breaking frame rate drop that forgeworld had due to it's size and multiple glass objects with lights every other pixel.

    Edited by merge:

    Because they look like maps that we already have. It's like forged matchmaking maps all over again. No matter how the geometry changes they still feel like the same damn map.
    #10105 Waylander, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  6. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Wasn't expecting a argument just trying to keep information in the thread as correct as possible by pointing out the poor quality image is closer to 1:1 ratio so it's not technically "blown up" and the poor quality would effect my gameplay by breaking my immersion.

    And was using your post as a foundation to ask a question to everyone because I wanted to know the answer to. Why was Halo 4 made? and Why was this DLC made?

    It's a decent game all in all but there's nothing really special about it or any major improvements from 3 or reach so what was the point of making it? Just seems like making a game every year regardless of innovation has just become standard procedure now and releasing 2-4 average DLC(usually map packs)and if that's the case that annoys me that gamers give into that meaning game company's can just keep making average games for huge profits and I don't get to experience as many new or fresh or innovative game experiences.
  7. Security

    Security Ancient
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    It's official everyone, we now like Reach.
  8. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Fortunately that doesn't look game-breaking (so, not as bad as super-bounce in H2, for instance). It's a complicated maneuver and if you really need the cooperation of an enemy player, it's going to be hard to do that in matchmaking.
  10. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    you could trick them into hitting you
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Are you talking to yourself with that? You seemingly have felt obligated for quite some time to keep getting into that argument; no one asked you to. You're welcome to ignore the more ignorantly negative posts at any point. In fact, I would encourage it. I do it all day long (with both hyper-negative and hyper-positive comments) because a lot of people simply aren't worth debating. They don't have reasonable opinions; they have a religion. And arguing with religion is an argument you'll always lose.

    That can't possibly be easy to do. I could see people trying it a lot, the same way people go around trying to ninja all game long, but it seems like this would be far less successful even than the ninja-wannabes.
  12. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i agree that the rock looks bad, but really, a bunch of noobs with no modelling and texturing experience have no right to hop up on a high horse and cry foul about some tiny mistakes in a map. also, in case you never knew this, all game modelling is low-poly crap. thats why there is all kinds of shortcuts taken.

    theres really a difference between someone being generally upset about a few bugs and missing features in halo 4, versus some of the people in this thread who seem to be on a crusade of vengeance, making it their lifes work to stand up on a mountaintop and scream "hahaha, see that rock there!?"

    basically, its getting really old. shoo. shoo.
    #10113 Titmar, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  13. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    that was not my intention at all, it just seems like something that is rather sloppy

    (also, just so you know, I'm currently learning how to make assets in halo CE)

    if they are making them the same way you make maps in CE, that rock phasing issue can be easily fixed so long as the fix it before compiling the map

    I want this game to be the best it can be, I love Halo, and it just seems that a lot of these mistakes could have been avoided if they had done a "once over" before releasing everything.

    E: also, I know about the low-poly issue (it's really hard to make CE maps look good without really clever use of bump maps, normal maps, and texture smoothing) some games are better than others at hiding it, but I think that of all the halo games, H4 is the most triangle dependent in terms of adding detail. Because of that, there are places where you can make out the shapes of the models. It's not that bad or distracting, but it doesn't really seem like they are using their triangles as efficiently as they could have (and the floor of abandoned could have done with a normal map layer)
    #10114 SilentJacket, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Not being able to personally do better has squat to do with whether you can criticise it or not. Are you saying that the entire gaming critic world (since the vast majority aren't ex or even amateur modellers or programmers) has no right to offer opinions on games? Senseless. Screw it, not just senseless, outright childish.

    Not as old as Halo White Knights. Why must every discussion descend in to this idiocy? People are allowed to point out bugs and poor finishing and even, shock horror, possibly be surprised that such things made it in to a publicity shot, designed to show off the map and being plastered all over the internet. People would point out something like that if it was a forge map posted here, so how is being disappointed that a professional developer (who expect us to pay money for the map) let it slip through in to publicity shots that outlandish?

    I've been thinking on this ever since release, when these White Knight attitudes started to gain momentum. The only explanation I can really come up with is that some people are trying to get in to 343's pants. Just as a heads up, they told me personally that they find clingy sycophants a turn off.
    #10115 Pegasi, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  15. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Naw, people are just clinging desperately to the hopes that this game and future games will turn out better than Reach, because the only person here who thinks Reach was remotely okay is WWWilliam.

    Now, don't get me wrong: Halo 4 is better than Reach by a mile. 343 did exactly what Reach tried to do with loadouts and AAs and made it work. For the most part this isn't that stuff that bothers me about Halo 4. Sure, Camo is annoying and Jetpack still has it's negatives but for the most part the sandbox stuff like ordinance work great.

    However, I'm getting a little annoyed by the sheer apathy on 343's part towards anything "old" Halo. Insta-spawn in anything but BTB sucks and needs to be removed from matchmaking. The option should be there for custom creativity, but it ruins integral parts of Halo gameplay. Being rewarded with a player advantage after a push? Nope. Skillful players able to better control a map and predict to some degree spawning? Nope. Kill two guys and be allowed to live because you've successfully defended yourself? Nope. Couple this with terribad join-in-progress and a myriad of ridiculous glitches that shouldn't have made the final cut and it becomes quite off-putting.

    Really, the two biggest factors for me right now are personal preference things though. I really don't like most of the maps; (the BTB ones would be good maps in classic BTB, but lacking any weapons at all -more apathy towards old halo- and meh vehicles makes BTB less fun than it could be) seeing as 90% of playlists are small 5v5 or less and yet 50% of the maps in the game are big... it's just mind-boggling. Complex is trash, Solace looks like a 2 year old threw a tantrum in his bedroom, Abandon gets wrecked by JP and is an awful flag map, Adrift is only good with a full team controlling the middle and Haven... Haven is near perfect. So you'll have to excuse me for being incredibly disappointed about this DLC when one of them is Complex 2.0 and the other two are BTB.

    My second factor is the gunplay. I hate the easy-mode of no-one-ever-misses-their-first-four-shots, so it really comes down to that final shot. Which half the time results in the person with the better connection or the guy who fired a millisecond first. Or more often than not it results in a teammate insta-spawning beside the guy you're fighting you you not having the ability to take them both on because it's next to impossible to miss the first four shots. You need to be able to effectively strafe with the way these guns play and I just don't understand why Bungie and now 343 are so intent on killing strafing.

    All in all the biggest problems with Halo 4 are the fact that the options that should be there in custom games aren't for no apparent reasons other than oversights or 343's want to control the way Halo is played. The things that should be custom only options are still running rampant in MM. Until I see some fixes for this stuff, I can't enjoy the game to its fullest.

    Also, I have next to no interest in this forge... no matter how many attempts I make at starting maps.

    In other news: Black Ops 2 is the best CoD game since CoD4.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    HEY. You know I liked Reach :p.

    Yeah, that's true. I liked Reach battle mechanics, but loadouts and AAs were done very badly. Halo 4 is leaps and bounds ahead.

    You have no idea how much I agree. It's become incredibly run and gun, simply because instant respawn, and to a lesser extent personal ordnance, have gutted map and area control. Don't get me wrong, this isn't said from bitterness, I can more than hold my own in run and gun and it actually makes it easier to roll solo, but I miss the depth.

    I actually like Complex more than most people, I think it's the second best Inf Slayer map by a long way, but I won't pretend it's a good design in critical terms. I just happen to enjoy it. Overall the map compliment is bad, I'll agree.

    RIP strafing. But then I'm probably gonna piss you off by saying that Halo 3 was the beginning of the end for strafing :p. Obviously Reach was significantly worse, but the leap from 2-3 was pretty horrible in itself.

    I kinda know what you mean. For my part, it feels like the best Halo in ages is just bursting to get out, but is held back by certain shackles, most of which you detail here.
  17. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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  18. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    it can't be a modelling error, you would have to do it on purpose. that the same kind of error than when you accidently fuse 2 items in forge. and I doubt any serious forger would allow such an error in his map.

    actually, maybe the map is a forge map, and most of the stuffs on it are forge items, that would explain those silly mistakes.
    #10119 Fauch, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  19. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    So, has anyone gotten the specialization code in their email? I still haven't ;_;

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