Technically that isn't a bug with the game as the fileshare works in game. It's a problem with waypoint.
It does worry me about the longevity of the game, because it is really fun and enjoyable to me, and where I'd like to spend my time playing video games. I didn't foresee so many people dropping off so quickly.
well, that's what happens when you appeal to so many new, unloyal players, and tell the normally loyal, previous halo players to **** off.
He probably has the default 10 posts per page setting As furry said before, population isn't linear and there are soooooo many extraneous variables that go into why at any one particular time there are fewer people playing. The population numbers will never be as high as they would be right after launch, that's for any game regardless of quality. I think 343i will continue to patch things up and add gametyes like they did near the tail end of Reach and Certain Affinity will continue refining forge and longevity won't be any more an issue then the normal case of a game's population declining over time.
Here it is, the trailer for the upcoming map pack. Is it what we want? I dont really have an opinion yet, see for yourself though. Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack Trailer - YouTube
So no arena map then? -.- Very hard to tell, but Harvest looks potentially Complex sized which will at least fluff out Infinity Slayer a bit. But seriously 343, 3 more vehicle maps is not what the game needs. It just isn't.
That's what people like though Pegasi. Plus If they can integrate Forge maps better this time around we can get our arena fill from forge and get our BTB fill from Map Packs. Makes sense to me because BTB forge never works IMO
Really? Infinity Slayer has consistently higher population than Inf BTB. Much higher. And yeah, the forge argument would work, if they hadn't also made it clear that they're less comfortable relying on forge variants for MM than Bungie were. I would love it if they put Relay in MM, but they don't, what does that say?
Meh... none of those maps stood out particularly. Hell they all resemble a map that we already play on.
are you sure? I seem to recall that it is the exact opposite. BTB generally has around 35,000 and 4v4 generally has around 25,000
Every single time I've been in matchmaking, Infinity had a far higher population than any other playlist.
Well, the concept art surely is very misleading to the real deal. Especially harvest. And they are going to "introduce" Extraction with the map pack. Well introduce it, i dont think it is going to be THAT awesome. Its good for use in forge though, there are some tricks with it. Edit : Shatter too btw. I expected something very different, and these maps are all medium to large sized.
Harvest looks like my kinda map. I'm interested in it, but a little more variety in the next pack would be wonderful.
am I the only one who finds it annoying that the map pack is coming out only one month after the game was released?
No, I find that incredibly annoying, personally. In fact all the map packs are coming out so fast that it's like they're rubbing it in our faces that all this content was obviously developed and ready to sell (or very close to it) before Halo 4 even shipped. We've entered a brave new world with respect to DLC - games still cost $60 but you no longer get the entire game experience any more unless you pay extra. I've ranted on this before so I'll stop myself now. But basically I don't like Halo's DLC model one bit, and would prefer to see them change it drastically.
I think you're far from being the only one dude. Games that do this piss me off pretty severely. I really really miss the Halo 2 DLC model. Like really miss it. But I think that's a bygone era that will never make a return... ever.