Buffs and nerfs and bears, oh my!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    If they were to release a patch for Halo 4 next week, what would you choose to buff or nerf, and why? Note: I'm not talking about glitches/bugs, as I think those have been covered to death, and there's a dedicated thread for them already.

    For me (spoilered due to extreme length):

    - Boltshot needs one of two things to happen: either nerf it or remove it as a sidearm option in loadouts.
    Personally I'd love to force magnum as the sidearm unless the player has the two-primaries perk (which isn't a problem because none of the primaries are as game-damaging as the boltshot in 4v4, or the plasma pistol in BTB). But I don't think 343 will do this; they're too married to the loadout concept, and players are too used to the setup now. Unfortunately I think the most likely scenario would be nerfing the boltshot so having it as a sidearm isn't such a big deal. They could either reduce it to mauler-in-H3 damage levels (so it's not a one-shot kill and requires clean-up), or reduce the range on it so it's not so damn overpowered.

    - Along the same lines, I hate the plasma pistol in BTB.
    Don't mind it otherwise, but if the map is oriented around vehicle play (so, not just a couple of ghosts) it should not be possible for everyone to have them. The problem though is that not only have they established this thing as a loadout, they have also created a bunch of maps with no plasma pistols on them. So what they would have to do is remove it as a loadout option, in any big team playlist (maybe auto-replace it with magnum?), AND push out changes in matchmaking so the BTB maps have plasma pistol pick-ups. But more realistically, they won't do squat and we'll just have to live with it. I just feel this was a bad design decision that they are unfortunately married to.

    - Scattershot could use a small buff IMO,
    especially if they don't nerf the boltshot. It's messed up that it's easier to get a 1SK with the boltshot. The latter actually seems to have more range.

    - Pulse grenades need a big ol' buff.
    Hopefully I don't need to explain why, but just in case: the pulse grenades, they do nothing. They're barely even a movement deterrent except in the most cramped corridors, and then only briefly because they don't stay active for long.

    - 'Nades in general I think need a slight buff,
    though it's potentially problematic due to the explosives perk. Except when I use that, I find it hard to even wound people much with 'nades, which is a first for me in the Halo series. It's weird how difficult finding the right balance on this has proven to be. I think my favorites were the H3 'nades post-patch.

    - The ammo perk needs a nerf.
    Getting fully loaded rockets and snipers and whatever else is crazy. 20 shots for the fuel rod gun, I believe? 6 rockets? 16 sniper rounds? They may feel constrained by clip sizes but something needs to be done; you shouldn't have some monster player roaming around getting all of his kills with a power weapon, because it takes so long to exhaust it that he earns another drop before he's even out of ammo.

    - I'd love to see the whole personal ordnance system nerfed somehow.
    They come along too often. Just my opinion of course, and I'm sure a lot of people who like the chaos of infinity slayer better than me will differ on this. But personally I'm tired of the gameplay that results from never knowing if a player will have a power weapon in their back pocket. Power weapon kills are too prevalent and too random. I know they're not scrapping personal ordnance, it's too embedded into the game - but maybe they could at least dial it back a bit so that you don't find guys skulking around the edges of maps with random rockets or incineration cannons, or teams with two snipers working in tandem on a map with no starting snipers at all. Maybe tweak how often these drops are earned; maybe also have them fall farther from the player, and/or incorporate a longer pre-drop delay with the indicator already on-screen, so they are visible longer. Knowledge makes a big difference to me - I wouldn't charge a guy if I knew he had a sword or rockets hiding behind his back. But when it fell one foot away from him and he scooped it up instantly, it's pretty much random chance for me to know ahead of time that he has what he has. The result has been that when I play infinity slayer now, I stay far the hell away from everybody and just pick away with my precision weapon, until I get a power weapon of my own - and personally, I don't think players need any MORE incentive to play that way.

    - Finally, I have mentioned before that I'd like a nerf to pro-vision.
    Specifically I'd like it changed so that instead of seeing an on-going moving picture of player location, you get a static image as the time you activate it; then when you de-activate, there would be an energy drain (a la camo) so you can't just keep toggling it off and on, over and over. But this is a pretty radical change, so how about instead, just don't give the thing so damn much range? It's too much information to give a person every player location over the entire map (in the case of most 4v4-sized maps). I've found that I basically only use either pro-vision, or camo so I can HIDE from pro-vision. I might like to experiment with other AAs, but this thing is so game-controlling to me that I've tailored my entire approach around it.

    - Courtesy of Pegasi, but I fully agree: buff the thruster AA.
    He suggests making it first-person (like evade) and increasing the distance on it to somewhere between current thruster and evade, and I agree with both. As it is now, they went too far in dialing this back, to the point that its only real use is a quick 'nade-dodge. For moving around or in a firefight, you're pretty much always better off sprinting or strafing.
    #1 Nutduster, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  2. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Agreed, So much stuff needs changing be easier to CTRL+ALT+DEL, Start from scratch.

    But seriously Halo 5 will be out then no one will care about the balance issues, (Like no one is campaigning to fix halo 3/reach balance issues atm)

    Wanting a good game is a fair enough reason to want improvements, But I don't see 343i fixing anything but the major ones for Public relations issues.(because improving PR=Future money and if they can spend time making DLC/Halo 5/6/7 to make even more money why would they worry about small glitches or even more "trivial/ignorable" issues like balancing.

    If you just wanted to discuss issues without expecting any change or repercussions, I hate how the sniper still kills vehicles so good it defeats the purpose of spartan laser
    I would like it if Sniper=Infantry sniper, Spartan laser=Vehicle sniper.
    Then sniper can still sniper people out of vehicles(even the tanks latch) and laser can still kill infantry but its harder because there outside there designated role.

    Instead of sniper=dead everything on map.
  3. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I agree with most things on this list.
    I can't say I've had as many issues with the Boltshot as you but using it in combination with active camo has been a pretty cheap strategy I've used from time to time.
    On the subject of camo though, you can see people in camouflage using Promethean Vision. I dunno where you got the idea that it hides you from it. I've just personally never had much of a use for Promethean Vision especially in gametypes that use radar. I've become so used to using that radar that using Promethean Vision just feels like I'm slightly doubling up on radar. So I can't necessarily say I agree with a nerf on that.

    The Plasma Pistol thing in BTB is something I agree with 100%.
    If they were going to include it as a side-arm they needed to change the way the EMP functioned. Either make it a one (at the most two) charged shot and then done or make it so that EMP doesn't stop a vehicle in its tracks (much like how the operator perk functions). It makes vehicle gameplay less functional than it was in Reach (which is saying something).
  4. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    to be fair about the H3 thing, it DID come out over 4 years ago. it's a bit late to be changing ANYTHING about that game at this point.

    my proposal? keep power weapons on the map for longer when you die with one. I swear, every time I've been killed while holding anything from an ordinance drop, I lose it because it disappears in the 15 seconds it takes me to get back to it.

    I agree with pretty much everything else, though I'm not sure ordinance drops need to be reduced. It'd be nice if they gave us a team slayer playlist that was IS, just without ordinance drops (rather than just having us play slayer pro)
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    We're way too far from Halo 5 to give up on Halo 4. Those of us that play Halo all the time will be living with whatever state the game is in for the next two years. Also, if 343 follows in Bungie's footsteps at all, we will probably get a patch and some gameplay tuning at some point. We got it for Halo 3 and Reach both, and gameplay tuning is a fact of modern gaming; games now seem to actually be tested less, knowing they can deliver a patch later if need be (and the need usually is).

    Edited by merge:

    I thought I had heard that before the game was released, and have been assuming it to be true. If it's not true, that's extremely weak. I might have to start trying hologram instead - holograms show up like regular players, right? I just hate that people have a "see you anywhere, any time, even if you're not moving" button. Out-thinking people and using the element of surprise are key tools in my toolbox; when you take them away I become a very mediocre player. And more generally, the game becomes a lot less interesting, IMO. This is why I didn't participate in the recent 1v1 contest (the enhanced radar).

    Yeah, it's really dumb. So far my BTB games have been played against players who aren't that good, but when I run into the inevitable full BTB teams I'm quite sure they're ALL going to use plasma pistols, and thus my team's own vehicles will be completely pointless.

    Edited by merge:

    I suspect they felt like they had to do this because of ordnance. There are so many power weapons on maps already that letting the dropped ones hang around would result in everyone always having one.
    #5 Nutduster, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I've said this before, but buff the Thruster. Not to Evade levels, but make it first person again and increase the distance you thrust to somewhere in between the current level and that of Evade. To be honest, considering you only get one thrust per charge, having it at the same distance as Evade wouldn't be that bad.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    ^ Good mention, Peg, I forgot that. The Thruster is too nerfed to be useful. I am honestly surprised when I see people using it, it just seems like a waste of an AA. I agree with that so much that I'm stealing it. :)
  8. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I have nothing else to say, cause you already said it. However, when you say the boltshot is OP, are you referring to the gun in general orthe charge? I don't bother with the charge and use it normally and don't think it's OP, so I'm guessing the charge is the problem.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Definitely the charge. It's a hand-held shotgun that everyone has and that is just as effective as the actual shotgun, as long as you have a spare second to charge it up prior to use (as handicaps go, that isn't much of one). Plus it's functionally similar to a magnum also, if you choose to use it that way. So you have a reasonable sidearm merged with what is basically a power weapon. If I found a sword with less than half its charge, I'd actually rather keep my boltshot - that should tell you something (and it ain't good).

    I actually love the weapon design, IF it wasn't a loadout choice. If it was a pick-up that only appeared in a place or two on certain maps, it would be awesome and properly balanced.
  10. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    I agree with basically all of that.

    Currently my biggest issue is personal ordnance. I would like to see it removed but its one of H4's biggest selling points. So my suggestion would be this: As it stands you get a drop at 70 points I believe. I would increase that to about 100. And for BTB, 115-120 range. And strictly taylor the weapons to suit. Also remove the pp and bs from loadouts and make them drops.
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I don't think the PP needs to be dropped, or take the place of personal ordnance in any way. Just put a couple of them on maps with vehicles, lying on the ground in some obvious place. I know it's old school, but I think they're limiting their own capabilities too much by not placing more (or really, any) weapons on maps in the original Halo style. My new (first) custom map for H4 has two plasma pistols on-map, just in case - I need to make sure the Mantii are balanced. Only power weapons are put in as initial drops.
  12. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    Ya I suppose that would be better. But I stand by the bs as a drop.

    Also I would really like to see AA's as map specific pickups.
  13. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    What about the Jetpack? This thing has been nerfed because it was to powerfull, but imo they nerfed that thing too hard.
    And i totally agree with the list you,ve made, especially about the boltshot.
    I use it, and i like it. But i can see it becoming an hated and OP secondary after being used so much, and its almost more powerfull then the Scattershot, wich exactly, also needs an buff.

    The pulse grenade is only slightly effective in two ways, either someone stands in it and their shield gets completly lowered, or the shield is already lowered and the implosion gets you the kill. In that way, its kind of compareable to an EMP, but only effective if the implosion is almost right after you throw it and on target. So maybe they could fasten the implosion. I have actually not seen them used that much, only if they get on the map by re-spawing ordnance.
    Also, there is a weird grenade glitch : When you run, and you stop, throw the grenade at the same time you can get a way further distance then you normally would. At least, thats how i think it works, but i know its there.
    #13 SpartanPeter, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I disagree that JP has been nerfed too hard. You can still use it to get high enough to have a significant jump on people, getting multiple shots on them before they get a sight on you. If they buffed it at all we'd basically be back to where we were with Reach.
  15. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I think i actually have to agree with you. Its used and ment for a little boost upwards, and unlike in reach i cant touch the moon with it. Its just not ment for an amazing boost, wich i am okay with i guess.
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I actually think what they did to jetpack was 100% needed and spot-on in the outcome. You can't fly a mile in the air. You can't just hang in the sky pecking away at people and making any low piece of cover useless. You can't break every single map and get on top of anything in your field of vision. But you can still use it to advantage, getting above people for the element of surprise or flying up on top of smaller buildings (e.g. most of the structures on Complex). I still have it as one of my loadouts and use it on certain maps.

    Actually you have to sprint right after throwing the 'nade, and that's the glitch. Needs fixing, but not the subject of this thread - I'm more concerned about things working as designed (but the design is off), rather than bugs, which that clearly is.
  17. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I tried playing around with Thruster the other day with surprising success. It isn't fantastic when used as a weapon, but it makes for good, but niche, utility. For example:

    -Thruster-Sticky is helpful for landing a stick and throwing your opponents aim off
    -Thruster-Shotgun or any other CQB weapon is still useful
    -Backwards Thruster-Melee helps even the odds against would-be assassinations
    -Thrusters in lifts delay the time to reach the top of the lift (or on that 1 4v4 flag map with the beam, go through the lift beam to the other side)
    -Thruster to make tac-jumps
    -Thruster to dodge projectiles

    It was actually pretty helpful. Once people get past the OMGPROVISION I actually think it'll start seeing some use. If it gets a buff, it'll be REALLY helpful. I actually think it's in a nice spot right now.

    If I were to add to the list, I would say options to disable sprint, adjusting ordinance (personal and global) frequency and more in customs.
  18. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    I agree with some of the stuff in the OP's post with exception of the Boltshot, Plasma Pistol, Ordinance, and Pro-Vision points. I'm pretty well fine with those things as is and don't really see much of an issue with them. Maybe a slight nerf of the Boltshot's charged damage, but I'm fine with those things otherwise.

    The rest of your points I agree with, though. Grenades have been underpowered in Halo games ever since Halo 2 (nerf'd their damage and radius too much from 1), imo. They don't need to be that strong, maybe, but they are explosives, they should be stronger than they are now. And yeah, Pulse Grenades are a complete joke. They're useless even in Campaign, and if something is useless against AI you know it'll be useless against real people. And the Thruster AA just screws you up more often than it saves you from anything because of the rapid change from 1st to 3rd person, the back to 1st person again. Just keep it 1st person.
    #18 Sup3rNo7a, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I know few people agree with me, but I actually think Halo 3 did nades the best. I know they weren't that strong compared to CE or even Reach, but their precision (in terms of arc and bounce) made up for that by turning them in to a beastly support tactic. It's hard to tell, but I think Halo 4 nades are actually slightly weaker than Halo 3, or perhaps the radius is smaller. But either way, I wouldn't mind weaker nades like these if they were precise and bounceable, rather than basically a clone of the clumsy Reach nade mechanics. If they're going to be weak they should be versatile, and Halo 4 nades just aren't, which (imo) makes them the worst of the series so far.
  20. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    I completely agree that personal ordnance needs a nerf.

    I think that Active Camo could use a slight buff, maybe a bit more invisibility and less time to use it.

    Also, Thruster pack needs a buff for sure. Totally agree with that one as well.

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