Tartarus - "The Pit" Remake [UPDATE 1]

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Randy 355, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I'm trying to say that it's a broken map if you can camp with a sword effectively, regardless of his team. That's why the slots are necessary.

    @poster before me: Are you taking into account getting shot while sprinting stops sprint?
  2. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
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    Yes, because one of the sword's main points that was talked about is that it's the only weapon you can get shot while holding and not slow down.
    Read about it or test it yourself, it makes the sword insanely overpowered in close-quarters corner situations.
    Also I'd already agreed the slots are necessary. But if you're going to camp effectively with the sword, you're NOT going to be in the sword room anyway. Therefore the room itself (and therefore the slots) are redundant, each only there as a necessity for the other (i.e. the room is only there to camp in and provide the sword, but the sword can be provided in the hall and the slots are there to prevent camping, though it would be stupid to camp in there because of the slots and therefore all the *good* campers corner camp outside the room).
    Does that make any sense?
  3. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    Whenever somebody camped the sword room with the sword, I'd usually avoid that room until I could get the shotgun, rockets, or sometimes the overshield with a mauler or something. And, now in Halo 4, we have promethean vision so you can see through those walls and throw your grenades even more effectively through the slits. The Oversheild still spawns on the Infinity Slayer version, and the shotgun does a have a drop on there as well.
  4. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
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    was this expanded to incorporate sprinting better?
  5. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you read the OP you know that it is a 1:1 remake.
  6. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
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    ah well.
    well it was quite close, however some of the standard jumps cannot be completed without sprinting.

    aesthetically, it is a beautiful map. didnt play on it, but just took a stroll through it. not sure about how ordinance drops will play but its nice looking when you can visually see what weapons are present.

    the grav lifts felt like they could be tilted or submerged a little more to lower the overall launch high by a just a tad, and the angle for how it launched you up to attempt at forcefuly land you on the towers.

    it felt like it was close, but could be closer in overall design. keep it up
  7. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    This is a beautiful remake. Not only have you scaled it near perfectly, but you have really thought about the aesthetics of this map. I ran around it with a jet pack to try and exploit hidden areas and such, and I have to say you've done a really good job of making sure no-one can hide anywhere. I like how you've positioned the top of the map perfectly so it is actually impossible to go any higher because of the invisible barrier.
  8. Absolaris

    Absolaris Promethean

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    This is absolutely fantastic, had a few games on it with my friends and it's much truer to The Pit than the other Remake on here, as well as having my lovely turrets. I also love the use of the Dominion barricades as railings too, can't believe I never thought of that when forging maps of my own.
  9. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Could use some adjustments in areas where you cannot make the jumps without sprinting but it's good.
    Sword Room needs to be much larger in size.
    You need a hop up on one side to stay true to the original version in Sword Room.
    Training feels a little small.
    No barriers on the bridge up to S2, Also missing other key barriers that effect gameplay.
    The bridge up to S2 needs to be a bit wider.
    S2 top barriers need to be pushed closer to bridge to account for gameplay line-of-sights on both sniper towers.
    More yellow barriers near Dark Hall and Training.
    Lifts need to be adjusted to help the flow of the map.
    I found out, even if you did put jump-ups in sword room, you wouldnt be able to see the spawn next to S1 lift.
    You could replace ordinance drops with original weapon spawns to help with the flow as well.
    Missing the hop-up barrier to banana.

    The spawns are great, good work.
    Other than that the aesthetics are amazing and I love the use of the windows and map placement.
    Solid Remake.
  10. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback and/or compliments. I do appreciate them.
    In return, I have a new version that has a large amount of changes, one of which being an overhauled sword room.

    There are some that are close, but if I'm not mistaken, can't you jump a tiny bit higher in Halo 3? I think some of the classic gametype people have been messing with 110% jump. Nonetheless, some do need work.

    I went back and remeasured the sword room in Halo 3. I noticed that the square tiles on the floor are perfectly 1x1 to a koth hill, so I used it to my advantage. Turns out I was off a bit, and have overhauled it on Tartarus. It did grow a bit in size. Now it's pretty damn close.

    Now, this is something that may bother people, but I am not going to add this despite its being there in Halo 3. IMO, it was not used extraordinarily often, as I've never noticed it ever used when I played Halo 3. Despite that, it does create a slight asymmetric imbalance, and I feel it would be better left behind considering it was not intended by Bungie anyway.

    I'd need more specifics to investigate.

    I widened and added railings to the bridge to S2. It's 1.5 in width. Good call. As for some other rails, I am trying to spare some budget for fixes, and I don't feel all of them are necessary. I'm sure some will disagree.

    Also a good call. They are about 1.25 units away from the bridge. Fixed.

    I knew about this one, but I for some reason just hadn't done it yet. The new version has these.

    I assume you mean so the lifts angle you towards the towers? I would rather not do this for the sake of aesthetics and wonky lift physics. Depending on the angle a spartan enters, it can cause unsatisfactory trajectories. I'd rather let the players move themselves toward the towers.

    Well, this is the infinity slayer version, and it still has yet to be tested. I'm trying my own things with this, seeing as Ragnarok does the same. When this is more complete, I'll have a nice classic version released with all of the original weapon spawns.

    Not quite sure what you mean by this one. I was never 100% on top of all the crazy jumps.

    Thanks, and I really do appreciate the feedback. Come back with more if you find anything else!
  11. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ill check the map out and see what you did and ill see if I can throw ya anything else:) And no problem.

    Every once in a while everyone needs some good feedback
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Randy, I'm just going to call you out on this from the comments by Eshkii.

    You do know that the conversion from Halo 3 coordinates to Halo 4, is a 33% increase in scale?

    A 2x2 Ramp in Halo 4, is a 1.5x1.5 ramp in Halo 3.
    Likewise, a block 1x1 (that you measured in the sword room) is too small when you've placed it in Halo 4. It should be 1.333x1.333 in size in Halo 4, that's why your scaling is off everywhere.
  13. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    You're calling me out?

    You're the first person I've ever heard this from. I'm not sure where you got this information, but I don't believe it to be true. That said, I did run tests on this just today. The distance between the bases on Valhalla and Ragnarok are both almost exactly 73.0 units away. That supports the idea that 343 used the same scaling when remaking it. If you'd like to see this for yourself, you will need to use 3 hills on Valhalla, as the hills length can only go up to 60 units. You'd think if the measurements were upscaled 33% in Halo 4 that it would show it somewhat significantly at that large distance, wouldn't you say?

    Based on what ramp in Halo 3?

    After my tests, I just simply don't believe there is an upscale. Things in Halo 3 seem to measure up in Halo 4's Ragnarok. From wall to wall through Overshield hall on Halo 3's The Pit, it took me approximately 15.9 seconds to just walk across. In My Halo 4 Remake, Tartarus, that same distance took me approximately 16.1 seconds to walk. I did this from fence to training as well and came up with a difference of 13.4 and 13.5 seconds. I do hope you try this one as well. It's accurate. Not to mention, my scaling is not off "everywhere". Only in a small amount of places, for that is why I make revisions. Luckily for me, Eshkii has also remade The Pit. I am sure we both notice different errors in other remakes of The Pit. He noticed the bridge to S2, I notice in every Pit remake that the walls surrounding entrances to the Sword Room halls aren't ever thick enough.

    Cyberdyne, my remake from Halo: Reach, was a Forge Hub favorite. People voted for it because it was accurate and aesthetically acceptable. This was a direct port of that. But, after I ported it, I put in Halo 3 and fixed some of the errors that Cyberdyne has. It still isn't perfect, but it's accurate.
  14. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    I think that some people go overboard when critiquing these remakes. They want the map to be to scale but they want all the jumps to be the same. Most of the time doing both isn't possible. I think a lot of folks on here would put the super jumps in the H2 remakes if they could because then it would be more like the original.

    This is the best Pit remake that I have played yet. Keep up the good work. My only concern is that you did The Pit and not Pit Stop. A team that acquired both snipers could camp upstairs and pretty easily dominate. IMO, Pit Stop was The Pit fixed.
  15. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    True but you can do both if you do it correctly.
    Of course this map needs work, even my remake of the pit needs work, but none the less anyone who tries their best on a map can be proud of it wither its good or bad.
  16. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ok, so I'm also remaking the pit, except I'm doing it on Impact instead.

    I'm making an upscale version of The Pit to accommodate all of the different things between H3 and H4, things like the fact that every player has sprint, the jet pack can let a player get anywhere, etc.

    I played your version with just regular infinity slayer and I honestly did not enjoy the gameplay. It felt so much smaller than the actual H3 version because you can travel so quickly across the map.

    Aesthetically, it's really up there, but the gameplay is not.
  17. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Can you test mine out give it a go, you can them compare the two to create your own the way you would want it and go from there ya know?
  18. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Next time I'm hosting customs I can give it a go.
  19. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    Two New Versions!
    The standard Halo 4 version of Tartatus is up to v0.8 now, and is still very subject to change. The new Tartarus Classic (created for the Forge Hub Forgotten Treasures contest) is up as well, with original weapon spawns!

    In both versions, there are some tactical jumps added in by request, and the sword room has been moved back a bit for a better view from the blue side grenade hole, for I've added the screen jump on the one side within sword, also by request.

    Download it, and let me know if you like the changes! With the jumps it is now more accurate than ever! Constructive criticism is always productive!
  20. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Why did you choose to name this "Tartarus"? I would be able to find this map a lot faster in my list if you stuck with the original. Nicely done by the way

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