Easiest campaign (No spoilers)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TDT Duke Nukem, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Made it to the jungle mission today. **** is getting real. Already better than ay other halo Campaign I have played thus far (keep in mind I have not played 1 or 2 all the way through due to not owning and xbox 1).
  2. xBladeM6x

    xBladeM6x Ancient
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    I'm finding this to be the hardest Campaign on Legendary. Promethean Knights kick my ass in groups. I was able to do it in 1 day, but it took the whole day. And that's how it usually has been for every Halo.
  3. Euphorius

    Euphorius Promethean

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    Differences from previous Halo's:

    1. My weapons felt like they were actually doing damage on Legendary. This is an improvement.
    2. Enemies occasionally used tactics that surprised the hell out of me and got me killed. Improvement.
    3.Campaign felt decently long, thought was partially extended via many long cutscenes.

    Verdict: The campaign is IN GENERAL easier due to increased weapon damage. However, the AI is a LOT less forgiving. So I'd say yes, it's easier. But it's also less forgiving if you trip up. I ate more than my fair share of scattershots that way.
  4. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    But... easier then what campaign? Probally harder then reach, and since i never played halo 2 (Shame on me, i know) i cant judge about that one.
  5. Euphorius

    Euphorius Promethean

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    Here's how I'd rate it:

    Hardest to Easiest:

    1. Halo 2 (Dear god)
    2.Halo 1
    3. Halo 3
    4. Halo 4
    5. Halo: REach
  6. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I do agree AI was improved from reach solely because there are less rooms where none of the of AI will go. (like camping rooms where your safe, there still is a lot but randomly I got surprised like WTF BUM RUSHED BY 5 ELITES dead)

    4. A lot more weapon drops.
    5. A lot of retarded deleting weapons on map (many times lost power weapons caus oops just randomly deleted all weapons on map)

    But any buff added to campaign is negated by 4. and 1. I could just spray and pray with pretty much any weapons and kill anyone. Which makes it super easy imo. (maybe its harder on easier difficulty's but i don't take anything less then legendary seriously)
  7. TDT Duke Nukem

    TDT Duke Nukem Ancient
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    This is what it's like for me too. Such fond memories of Outskirts on legendary.
  8. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Im with that rating, but i would replace H3 with H4.
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Lolwut. Im with you here...

    Reach was by far the easiest. I could beat the whole thing, SLASO, no deaths, in two-and-a-half-hours. And about 80% of that is the space mission, and the mongoose driving mission.

    While I'm here: 4 had a stupid hard campaign if you are an aggressive player. Sure, you do way more damage and can actually kill ****... But so can the enemies. You die about twice as fast, in fact, from most guns. And the watchers can **** you up. Bu otherwise? Easy as pie.
    #49 Jex Yoyo, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2012
  10. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Promethean

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    I haven't played the last three missions yet, but I didn't find it that way- the knights seemed to do less damage (considering accuracy when strafing) than in H2 or CE, for sure. I could always easily kill a knight one on one while using a surpressor, and the same against a scattershot-knight once out of every two tries out of sheer chance of the knight's random accuracy, whereas it was always close one on one with a red elite in previous halos. I don't think automatics should really be useful at all on legendary, but then again the most common weapons otherwise would be PP+rifle, which is repetitive and not always challenging.

    I find myself choosing random, particular, stupid, frustrating ways to get past checkpoints like "I'm going to stick this knight, and run up to+ scattershot that knight, and ghost-splatter at least a couple of enemies at a time instead of shooting them, and I can't miss any binary rifle shot or I have to revert, nor can I let that elite kill that knight (in the third mission), I have to get them both myself, etc. When a knight doesn't let me scattershot it, I get frustrated. This was how I played previous halos on normal.

    WWWilliam- I played the last mission on normal by carrying any pair of the scattershot, binary, and incinerator and dropping them temporarily just to kill crawlers, expecting there to be some boss or enough knights to expend the ammo on.

    Wood Wonk- No Halo had anything close to H2's waves of one-shot snipers, let alone the waves of elites (like the first mission), ghosts, flood, and brutes (of course every enemy/vehicle but grunts were deadly)
  11. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Definitely the hardest campaign on Legendary.

    However, i switched from Legendary down to Heroic and I was breezing through. Shows how much of a step up it is.
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's a strange campaign in terms of difficulty.
    Legendary is challenging, because you have to scavenge for weapons constantly. You never have the right weapons laying on the ground that's effective against the right species.

    For the record, if some of you haven't noticed... Covenant Automatic weaponry rapes Promethean Knights. The carbine rifle is completely useless though, against pretty much everything (it's just so weak!). I've found the Needler of all things to be the best weapon on a legendary run through.
    In one clip of Needler, you can take down two knights or two (low-ranked) elites. I think it's something like 8 Needles for a Knight to super-combine and blow up.

    I think the most challenging part of the game is disposing of the Watchers. You always need a precision weapon to take them down, and the fact they revive Knights and provide hardlight shields / catch grenades makes them a difficult support unit.

    It's no coincidence they're classed the same tier as Jackals.

    Also, Crawlers with Binary Rifles?! lolwat?!
  13. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Yeah, i've come across a fair few crawlers with Binary Rifles .. especially in Spartan Ops.

    Agreed on the Needler ... it's uber-boss in H4 ...
  14. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Guess going from "cortana hacking point A" to "cortana hacking point B" killing generic easy enemy's in generic settings over and over the entire campaign is fun enough in itself :(
    Actually there is plenty of every weapon you need. Campaign is preset enemy's notice how conveniently get fuel rod before the hunters and PP's grunts before elites show up, as long as your not wasting good ammo on weak enemy's its easy.

    The actual "Hard" part (loose sense of the term because its pretty easy still)the fact that weapons despawn randomly at random times sometimes within 0.5seconds of dropping them so you might need to drop your shotgun for PP to noobcombo an elite, Done, go back and shotguns gone randomly sometimes it will be there sometimes it wont. (previous halos where consistent) So the only hard part derives from glitches...

    Also promethean automatic weaponry rapes them also human automatic weaponry rapes them, the list of things that doesn't rape them is shorter.

    You can get them with pistols just as easy. Or get close and spam them with automatics or bait a revive to keep them still because they die faster then they can revive anyone so it gets them killed, There hardlight shield rarely has any effect(can't shot 1 guy in head for a short time oh noes), and shouldn't be throwing grenades at Promethean anyway unless last resort since crawlers are 1 headshot and watchers/knights easily killed with any weapon.
  15. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Exactly, the carbine is very weak.. but the automatic weapons do in fact very much damage, the needler for certain. And yeah.. Crawlers with Binary rifle,s... Insta kill on any difficulty, got killed by it one time on easy.
    And when i first met them i was very confused where it came from, especially in the jungle.
    I think they just wanted to involve every promethean weapon into the campaign, the incinerator promethean is sometimes also just shown with an Light Rifle.
    Oh and somenthing entirely different, and a spoiler to a few people.
    What do you guys think about chief, showing his face. Im kind of upset about that part, and amazed. I watched the epic epilogue and ending, to the full ending with the didact talking, already impressed. And then they took off the helmet, and i only expected an darkness to be revealed (Easy, Normal, Heroic) but then i saw it. And i was pretty shocked at first.
    #55 SpartanPeter, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  16. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    I beat the game again on Legendary, solo this time, with Tilt, Cloud and Catch on. Much more challenging without any bros to help you out, but still doable.

    There were only a couple parts I had trouble with, namely clearing the LZ in the cave after the jungle holdout, disabling the first shield wall with the Mammoth, and then fighting the two cloaked elites in the control room on Composer (all I had was a shotgun). The vehicle sections were much easier than I thought they'd be, apparently Phantoms can hit a spartan-size target from a mile away but have difficulty aiming at something the size of a Mantis.

    Covenant were fairly simple, the jackal snipers are very forgiving and with Tilt on a plasma pistol makes short work of an Elite's shields. I think ghosts were the scariest Covenant thing I had to kill. Somehow those things are more accurate than the snipers at range.

    Prometheans were a little more challenging, but you just need to get in the habit of staying back and clearing out the crawlers/watchers (annoying little bastards love to run away just as you're about to kill them) before moving in on the Knights. I found that throwing two pulse grenades at a knight's feet and then headshotting him a couple times with the lightrifle was the easiest way to take them down, although you have to be super quick on your feet to dodge the hail of grenades that they chuck at you.
  17. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
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    I just did my legendary play through. Fairly challenging, harder than Reach still I think. I had a lot of trouble with the holdout on Infinity and I ran out of ammo very quickly on the Mammoth holdout (lost rocket turret immediately.) I ended up sitting back and killing around 10-15 ghosts and 2 wraiths with the abundance of assault rifle ammo onboard. After the 6th level it became too early in the morning to tell if it was me getting worse or the game getting harder, but those knights at the end of Midnight were kicking my ass, rinsing, and repeating because of how skinny the light bridge was and how little cover there was when you are plugging Cortana into thingys.
  18. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
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    Lmao, I did the exact same thing.

    The only hard part about the campaign on legendary are those goddamn Promethean Knights, lol.
    #58 Eightball, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  19. ix Halo Fan xi

    ix Halo Fan xi Promethean

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    Definitely the easiest campaign and a bit of a disappointment. Many of the features were really fun (the flying, mammoth etc.) but it was way too short and not challenging at all. The AI for one thing were absolutely stupid and so easy to abuse. A good example is that when a knight spawns, they don't do anything so you can run right past them. The only frustrating part might be the gondolas on Shutdown and that is a joke since you can just fly straight to rally point Delta and pass all of that thanks to a sketchy job.

    Also you CAN use the PP/Precision combo on Knights. It just takes skill. This is no different than Halo 2 in that regard. Honestly, when in that early mission they were coming out of the walls from the ships I was super excited (since it reminded me of the Halo 2 campaign) but overall I was very underwhelmed.
  20. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I'm playing on heroic, a few death so far, but overall it's not very tense. it's quite easy to survive as long as you don't make any major mistake such as getting surrounded. also the crawlers are more dangerous than the knights???

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