Horizon is completely legal guys, its been around for a while and if it wasn't legal, Microsoft would have already done something about it, thank you for this ill probably end up using this once the map im working on is done
well if anyone here gets hit with a law suit by MS lawyers for using a hacker's tool, post here and let us know...
There's nothing MS can say about you modding unless you use it to hurt someone else in some way. If you used something like this to upload an offensive picture to your fileshare, they would ban your gamertag and your xbox. That's it. There's no legal implication here. Modding is not illegal. The closest you could get modding to being illegal would be copyright violation, but that's not even possible in this circumstance. That's not even illegal. It's a violation of the ToS, and it is grounds for MS to ban your xbox and your GamerTag from Xbox Live, but it is not illegal.
well most people here are saying its legal. anyone have success with the method I posted? I'd like to see some screens
If it makes anybody feel any better, I've been using basically this method for Reach screenshots for a long time. I started during the blackout and kept using it when I wanted more than 10 pictures. Never once have I heard anything from MS about it or anyone else for that matter. And I was sharing/publishing my method, so if anybody was going to get bitched out, it would have been me.
yeah don't shoot the messenger! I think to the average person, the dos command prompt throws up a red flag, there is nothing wrong with this method its just a very early release of the halo 4 screenshot extractor, there is no GUI yet, I would expect one soon. as for the horizon thing, if you don't feel comfortable using that there are a variety of programs that extract saves. I just used horizon because it was the first program I found and was quick and easy.
it's not that, but the fact remains that your are using the xbox360 in ways that might void the warranty, and qualify as modifications to the machine (which is a breach of the TOS)
not sure I understand where you are coming from. all the file conversions are done on your pc which has no effect on your 360 whatsoever. essentially what you are saying is that putting a savegame on a memory stick breaches the TOS? how can you really void your 360 warranty by not even using the 360 itself to make the modifications?
You do not make ANY modification to the xbox at all. You are using the xbox functions exactly the way they were made to be used. The only part you use the xbox at all are to take the screenshots in theater, configure an external memory source, and move the files to the external memory source. In no way at all are you modding your xbox or its system which does not break the TOS or void any warranties. This is 100% legal and it is legit. I just tried it out and it worked perfectly fine for me. And FYI, you do not have to use Horizon to get the files, you can use other programs such as Modio.
I'm trying to use this method of getting screenshots onto my computer, and I'm having trouble. I just loaded up a custom game, ended it, went into theater, took all the screenshots, then ended theater. After copying that game file to my flashdrive, I put it in my computer, run Horizon, extract the game file or whatever it is. I then open up CMD, drag n' drap the screenshot file you linked in, hit space, then dragged the game file. "Reading: "blahblahgamefilestuff"" "File Exists" "Opening as 360 Container. . ." "File is valid!" ""screen.shot" not found!" -------------------------- "Done" What did I do wrong? EDIT: Okay, it looks like I loaded up the wrong file, even though I only did one game with this name. Anyway, NOW I have a new problem, it extracted one screenshot. Not even the first or the last, some random shot in the middle. How do I get the rest?
Kronos the easiest way to do it is name each screenshot individually. if your having trouble identifying the save which contains the screenshots, my best advise is to just copy any and all saves that are under 1mb in size. videos are around 1.1mb. I think most screenshots are 356kb? when you load your flash drive into horizon you should see the names of all your screenshots.
You're speaking crap, just stop. You are plugging in a USB into the available USB slots on the xbox, that is all you are doing within the xbox. The rest is on your PC. Just stop posting in this thread as your putting people off using a completely legitimate method to obtain screenshots.
lol now that the attackers of this method have been thwarted off. hows it working? anybody have some HD screenshots to share?
nice! I request that the mods make this thread a sticky, so that everyone can see it. currently this is the only alternative to having a capture card, until 343 gets the fileshare online.
Nice to see my Tool on a Halo Site ;-) About the "legal issue": First, its YOUR 360 which generated files YOU own. You can do whatevery you want with them, as long as you dont violate the ToS of Xbox LIVE ;-) Second, this is not "modding", its simple reading out a file. Nothing is written to your 360 / HDD / USB or Screenshot. In the new version ( ) I actually added the necessery functions to Inject Screenshots, but those wont be open to the public. I simply dont want people to get banned and last time I released something like this, the whole FileShare got flooded with Nudes ... dont want that to happen again. Maybe OP should update the first post with the new Version: Halo 4 ScreenshotExtractor released » v3n3´s Place
thanks V3N3, I was not aware you released a new version. updated the original post with a picture and download link. I'll get around to fixing the tutorial later, although it should be simple now that the new version has a GUI. also welcome to the forums
Ive just seen the Pingback on my Blog and thought I would join the discussion ;-) Maybe you should wait with the new Tutorial, there are a few things done wrong in this Version. Nothing big, but there will be a new Version tonight ( Im from Germany, so its going to take a while for you guys ).
The program works amazingly, thank you very much. I was wondering if you could create a program to do the same for video files? I think this would be extremely useful for youtube videos.