In case any one has not discovered this and it hasn't been mentioned on here yet, player trait zones cancel out custom gametype player traits. So let's say you make a map and put a player trait zone on it for gravity, because the gravity volume wasn't the right shape you wanted/needed, or for whatever reason you went for the player trait zone to create a low-g area. Now let's say you play your custom gametype where base player traits give players unlimited armor ability energy. So in the game, when players enter your trait zone, they should be in low gravity still with unlimited armor ability energy correct? No. The unlimited armor ability energy player trait is cancelled or replaced by the player trait zone. The players' traits now change from being the custom gametype traits (unlimited armor ability energy) to being the player trait zone's traits (low gravity). So basically keep in mind if you use a player trait zone on a map, your map might not be playable for gametypes requiring custom player traits on the entire map. I personally find this ridiculous. 343 should have put an option on the player trait zones to allow them to either be "combine-able", be "permanent", or be "regressive" (for a lack of a better word for this option). Combine-able would keep your player trait zone in effect when a gametype also used player trait zones, treating them as 2 seperate zones. Within your player trait zone on the map, its effects would combine with the gametype player traits. If there were 2 of the same traits, like movement speed, the two would be averaged together. Permanent would also keep your player trait zone, but within your player trait zone only its traits would apply to players. The gametype traits would cancel out. This is how it works right now. Regressive would make it where if a gametype used player traits they would be map-wide, and your player trait zone would do nothing to players. Players would have the gametype traits outside of and inside of your player trait zone. I don't know how often this would be used, but I would probably use this on my map making use of a player trait zone for low gravity right now I think. So I know it should at least be in the game. I think it is worth putting in.
Yeah, you should mention that they override in order. So Delta overrides Charlie, Bravo and Alpha. Charlie overrides Bravo and Alpha. Bravo overrides Alpha. I had only tested whether one took over the other, not if traits combined. Good to know, though unfortunate. Though I could've sworn I had an instance during testing where "unchanged" attributes were carried over from alpha to bravo, but it might've just been gametype settings that carried over.
Couldn't you just set the trait zones to have the same settings as your custom gametype, minus the one you wanted to change? In this case, set everything the same and then have Gravity adjusted in your trait zone. Repeat for any additional trait zones. As far as I know, the setting choices are the same in gametypes and trait zones.
I don't understand, does the setting for "Unchanged" just not work for some parts? It makes perfect sense to me that the field would override if it wasn't set to unchanged.
Change all settings that you don't want overridden to "Unchanged." Solved any issues I had. There is a custom game I have that makes everyone invisible with unlimited rockets and I loaded it on a map I made and everyone was visible, 30 seconds later in Forge I told the trait zones to keep all other settings to "Unchanged" and that did the trick.
Interesting, I'll have to check that out. The player trait zones are not set to unchanged to begin with then?? Using the example I tried, I had the player trait zone give players a low gravity trait. My custom gametype gave them unlimited promethean vision. But when I enter my trait zone the promethean vision energy becomes limited again. So you're saying that is not set to unchanged by default in the player trait zone, and that if I set it to unchanged in the player trait zone players will have unlimited promethean vision in my trait zone?
This seems interesting if done on purpose (boot up a map that is supposed to be played with higher speed? Don't need a custom gametype..) As for override: Say my gametype had 300% speed, my Delta zone had Unchanged speed, and the Charlie zone had 100% speed. Would I be at 300% or 100% speed if both zones included my location, considering that Delta overrides Charlie?
I would imagine 100%, since your trait would become 100% by entering Charlie, and then Delta would take effect. EDIT: Just tested it out and can confirm that this is how it works. When Alpha changes your speed and Bravo is set to Unchanged, the result is like this: Alpha: Changed Speed Bravo: Default Both: Changed Speed As an addendum, I tested a few other things that may not have seemed obvious or are unspoken: Trait Zones CAN be set to only affect one team. Trait Zones CAN be set up to affect vehicle/turret damage, and for turrets it can be placed to only affect those using the turret (with Shades, it's possible to turn out of the zone however). Trait Zones will NOT allow for instant shield regeneration, despite having a setting for it. Trait Zones will NOT allow Flood to use vehicles, but will prevent players from using them (kicks them out). Trait Zones CAN be used to give the APPEARANCE of powerups, without the effects. This will not override the Flood appearance, instead stacking with it. Trait Zones will NOT allow normal players to appear as Flood. The setting only changes the HUD.
Thank you for taking the time to test this Definitely glad about the trait zone settings, but not so glad about shield regen...