This shouldn't have taken as long as it did... oh well, it was fun I have mixed reactions myself. So I'll just shut up and let people comment. Please and thankyous. Edit: Here's a version with the original colors and without text: Spoiler Here's a version without text Spoiler i'm tired from driving 5 hours today Edit: I used deviantart and the quality went down... then i tried minus (thanks to jacket) and the quality was much better. Cool beans
I like it. It's pretty random and I have no clue what it's supposed to be but it's good at being that. More randomness: People actually use 1600x1200 monitors still?
...Yeaaah, I'm never good at wallpaper dimensions. For future reference, anyone know of good dimensions? I seem to be pretty bad at that
I see a lot of motion going on here, which I really like. The white streaks help a lot with that effect, because the motion I imagine is something like an explosion, or a burst of some sort. The direction of the lines and the motion seems to be from the bottom left to the top right, but when I get to the top right, I see a weird shape that doesn't really fit that pattern, which was a bit distracting, but it doesn't detract from the image too much. I never liked text in images, since it's either irrelevant or forces the point, and I would say that this is no exception. When I see "Imagine" coupled with the explosion-type motion, my mind immediately turns to something along the lines of "A burst of Imagination." That's certainly not a bad thing, but the text really stresses the point, and I'd say that the point needs no stressing, since it limits what else the image has potential for. The text also creates a weird focus issue, since that's not the area that my eye is naturally drawn towards, but the text makes me pay much more attention to it. Oh, and I adore the colors. I'm not very good with colors (hence why I don't use them often) and seeing them done well always makes me happy.
Thanks for the critique, Rorak. I uploaded a version without text and one with the original colors I had (in case you're curious)... Stupidly, I didn't save the psd version of the color change so the colors in the "textless" one are a bit off from the original